

Study for the System of American Remedies in Public Procurement

【作者】 谭和平

【导师】 肖北庚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国政府采购法颁布不久,政府采购法律制度尚不够健全,有关的政府研究尚处于初级阶段,借鉴外国的相关法律制度极有必要;美国为世界上经济发达的国家,其政府采购法律制度历史悠久,法律救济制度比较健全;美国政府采购法律救济制度中,克内斯蒂尔案是美国政府采购中传统的法律救济制度与现代的法律救济制度的分水岭,对美国政府采购救济制度产生着重大的影响,由此引起的克内斯蒂尔合并学说以及美国政府采购中的职权主义理论是美国政府采购救济制度的理论与实践的支柱。本文从美国政府采购救济制度的成案、理论与学说、法律救济的主要措施、以及评介等方面进行研究,以期丰富、完善我国的政府采购救济制度。论文的主要内容如下: 第一章,美国政府采购制度概述。主要介绍美国现存的主要法律救济措施、法律救济的分类及其主要内容; 第二章,影响美国政府采购救济制度的重大案例。主要介绍克内斯蒂尔案的主要案情、存在的问题以及对美国政府采购救济制度的影响; 第三章,影响美国政府采购救济制度的理论与学说。主要介绍两种理论——职权主义理论与克内斯蒂尔合并学说。详细地阐述了其具体的表现形式、学说适用的条件、范围与标准等等; 第四章,美国政府采购中的救济措施。主要介绍各种措施的具体内容及其在政府采购救济制度中的适用条件、范围、地位与作用; 第五章,影响救济的基本因素。本章主要从影响美国政府采购救济的条件、时机与诚信原则等四个方面来阐述的; 第六章,美国政府采购救济制度的评介。主要从此种救济与美国的其他救济,主要是合同法救济进行比较,及从此制度的特点来阐述的。

【Abstract】 It is not long since Public Procurement Law was published in our country . The related research work is still in the early stage ,so it is necessary to study the related foreign law system .The United States belongs to one of the developed countries. It has a long history of public procurement and its law system relating to government procurement is sounder .In the system of law remedies, the Christian case separated traditional law remedies from modem law remedies in the U.S. and had an important impact on the law system of public procurement. The theory and practice on the procurement system in the U.S. are on the basis of the Christian Doctrine arising from Christian and the Stewardship Theory .This article is trying to make some research work regarding of cases , theory and doctrine, main measures of law remedies , reviews and so on ,expecting to enrich and consummate the system of law remedies in government procurement in our country . The content of this article is as follows:Chapter I, Introduction of American Remedies in Government Procurement .It mainly deals with the measures, classification and main content of existing law remedies in the U.S.Chapter II, The Important Case Influencing American Remedies in Government Procurement . The chapter mainly tells the details of Christian , in which some problems existing ,and the influence it had impact on the system of American remedies.Chapter III, The Theory and Doctrine Influencing the System of American Remedies. The chapter mainly tells two main theories -Stewardship Theory and Christian Doctrine .It demonstrates in detail the forms , the qualification , levels and so on about them.Chapter IV, The Measures of American Remedies in Government Procurement. It mainly tells the content, applying qualification ,scope ,station and role of all kinds of measures;Chapter V ,The Basical Factors Influencing Remedies .It tellssomething on the base of the following aspects: the qualification ,time ,and honest and trusty principle influencing the system of American remedies.Chapter VI,Reviewing of the System of American Remedies in Government Procurement. It mainly deals with the comparison between this system and others of American remedies ,mainly of contract remedies and also the specialities of this system.

  • 【分类号】D971.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】436

