

The Application of Laws of International Consumer Contracts

【作者】 甘晓

【导师】 李先波;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 消费合同是学术上对当事人一方为消费者的合同的总称。如果消费合同中包含有涉外因素,例如当事人的住所在不同的国家、合同的缔结地在外国、合同的标的是位与外国的物或需在外国实施的行为等,就有可能成为国际消费合同,从而产生合同应受哪一国的法律支配的问题。 在消费合同中,卖方拥有比消费者强大的多的谈判力量。如果不对合同双方的意思自治进行限制,卖方就可以随心所欲的把任何条款强加入合同中,这将造成对消费者极为不利的后果。因此,几乎所有国家都通过立法对消费者进行保护。由于各国的立法对消费者保护的水平不同,所以适用不同国家的法律,消费者受到的保护也不一样。因此,在确定国际消费合同的法律适用问题时,必须考虑到消费者保护问题,应采用不同于一般合同的法律适用规则。但我国现有立法并没有对消费合同的法律适用规定特殊的规则,这和世界许多国家的实践不一致。因此必须对我国现有的相关立法进行完善,以加强对我国消费者的保护。 本文对以上观点逐一作了分析、论证,具体内容如下: 第一章首先对国际消费合同进行了界定,指出了国际消费合同的主要特征,接下来又探讨了合同的法律适用与合同准据法的关系,最后又论证了国际消费合同法律适用的特殊性。 第二章首先从当事人意思自治原则及其限制、强制性规定的适用以及当事人没有选择法律时的法律适用三个方面探讨了国际私法对消费合同法律适用问题的规定,接下来论述了国际统一实体法公约对消费合同的规定,最后又对国际消费合同的法律适用提出建议。 第三章论述了现有的法律适用规则适用于电子消费合同中所产生的新问题,指出了在确定电子消费合同的法律适用时应考虑的因素和遵循的原则。 第四章论述了我国适用于消费合同的法律适用规则,指出了其中的不足之处,并对我国现有立法的完善提出了建议。

【Abstract】 The Contract to which one of the parties is a consumer was named the consumer contract by scholars. The suppliers of consumer contracts who own much more bargaining power than consumers can impose any clause into the contracts. If ’party autonomy’ wasn’t limited will be harmful to consumers. Therefore, the most countries in the world make laws to limit ’party autonomy’.It is possible an international consumer contract that a consumer contract involves foreign factors, for example, the domiciles of the parties in different countries, making a contract in a foreign country, the property or the acting which is the object of the contract in a foreign country. Thus the problem that the laws of which country will determine the international consumer contract will rise. The laws of different countries protect consumers in different degree. So the different laws that apply in consumer contracts protect consumers differently. Consequently, the problem of protecting consumers should be considered when deciding which law applies in the consumer contract, and the special rules of application of laws different to general rules should be applied. The laws of our country that haven’t contained special rules of the application of the law of the consumer contract are different from the laws of other country. So we must supply new contents in our laws to protect consumers of our country.Above concepts Were analyzed and demonstrated in this thesis, which as following in details.In the first chapter, the author defines the international consumer contract and indicts his major characteristics. Then, the author evaluates the relation between the application of laws of contracts and the applicable laws of contracts. At last, the author demonstrates the particularity of the application of the law of the international consume contract.In the second chapter, the author analyses the rules of PrivateInternational Law on the application of laws of international consumer contracts by evaluating the principle of ’party autonomy’ and the limitation of ’party autonomy’ and the application of mandatory rules and the applicable law of the consumer contract when absence of choice of laws. Then, the thesis discusses the rules in International Uniform Law and Private International Uniform Law on the application laws of consumer contracts. In the end of the chapter, the author makes some advice for the application of the law of the international consumer contract.In the third chapter, the author analyses the new problem rising when applies rules of the application of laws in electronic consumer contracts and indicts the principles should be observed when determining the applicable laws of electronic consumer contracts.In the forth chapter, the author discusses the rules of the laws of our country that apply consumer contracts and analyses the defects of these rules and make some advice to perfect these rules.

  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】325

