

Research on the Necessity and Feasibility of Organization Model of the Educations Combining with Sports and Corporations for Chinese College and University’s High-level Basketball Team

【作者】 李野

【导师】 易小坚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高校高水平篮球队的办队模式和因此而产生的系列问题是长期制约高校高水平篮球队可持续发展和CUBA竞技水平提高的瓶颈问题。本文综合运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、比较法、逻辑论证法、数理统计法等多种科研方法,以全国55支高校高水平篮球队和10支专业青年男子篮球队为主要研究对象,调查、访问了体育行政官员、知名专家、企业家多人,结合竞技教育学、体育管理学、体育产业学、体育社会学、企业管理学、学校体育学等相关理论,对我国高校高水平篮球队和体育系统青年篮球队的现状、存在问题及发展趋势进行调查分析,从而明确我国教育系统和体育系统办队的优势和不利因素。同时,对企业参与CUBA运作的情况进行了调查分析和预测,从理论上论证了我国高校高水平篮球队建立“教体企结合”办队模式的必要性和可行性,为我国高校试办高水平篮球队提供了一些新思路、新概念,为我国高校篮球运动和CUBA的可持续发展及学校课余训练改革提供了理论参考。 本文得出如下结论: 1.我国高校高水平篮球队建立“教体企结合”办队模式是必要的; 高校和体育系统办队各有优劣势,双方具有较强的互补性。二者的共同不足之处是办队模式单一,办队经费欠缺,资金来源单一,缺乏自我造血机制。而随着我国加入WTO,企业都在极力寻求更新的经济增长点和更有效的广告展示平台,以促使企业雄厚的资产能够保值增值。而教育产业和体育产业作为新世纪的“朝阳产业”和新的经济增长点,使企业界发现了新的商机,如果教、体、企三方联合办队,不仅将是一个相得益彰的“三赢”之策。而且将会使高校办队的瓶颈问题迎刃而解。 2.我国高校高水平篮球队建立“教体企”结合办队模式是可行的; 教体之间、教企之间、体企之间均有较长的合作历史和较好的合作基础,我国现行的法律政策鼓励和支持教体企之间的合作。教体企三方合作办队,客观上需要一个合法有效的载体,随着学校体育改革的扩大和深入,竞技体育俱乐部将成为高校体育的重要组织形式,三方合作建立的高校竞技篮球俱乐部,将从根本上克服传统办队模式的不足。这符合CUBA的发展理念,也将顺应高校体育产业化、社会化、市场化的发展潮流。

【Abstract】 The organizational model of the team and the problems deriving from it are the main factors that influence the persistent development of high-level basketball team in Chinese college and university. They are also unfavorable to the improvement of athletics level of CUBA. In order to analyze the feasibility and necessity of a new organizational model, the author visited many administrators of sports, proficient in sports field, entrepreneurs and investigated 55 basketball teams in Chinese college and university and 11 professional basketball teams of young men using the methods of document, questionnaire investigation, visiting and comparison o The author also combined theories such as the pedagogy of athletics, the management of sports, the industry of sports, the sociology of sports, the management of corporation and the sports of school. The advantages and disadvantages of high level basketball teams organized by education and sports system are formulated definitely based on the status quo, existent problem and development direction. The combination of corporation and CUBA was surveyed, analyzed and predicted. The results are shown below.1. The organizational model of combining the education, sports and corporation is necessary to build high-level basketball team in Chinese college and university.The similar disadvantages of college and sports system are the simplicity of organizational model and the insufficiency of fund. While the corporations are forward to rinding better methods to survive the competitive times, especially the times that China incorporated into WTO. As the new opportunity to accelerate the development of economy, the education and sports are labeled "Sunrise Estate". It is reciprocal for them all if the education, sports and corporation combine together.2. The organizational model of combination the education, sports and corporation is feasible to build high-level basketball team in Chinese college and university.There are long collaborative histories and good basis between education and sports, between education and corporation, between sports and corporation. The law and policy supports and encourages their cooperation Sports dubs will be an important part in the college sports with the reformation reinforcement in college sports. The basketball clubs organised by the three sections will overcome the disadvantages completely and come up to the development of CUBA. It is also in line with the development direction of the sports in college and university.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】663

