

On Redundancy and Its Positive Functions

【作者】 阎瑾

【导师】 王崇义;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 冗余是指交际中多余的信息。在信息传递过程中,人们往往要发出比正确理解最低需要量多得多的信息。多出最低需要量的那部分信息就是冗余。冗余是语言中一种常见的现象,同时也是语言学界争议较大的问题之一。在大量语言证据和相关理论的支持下,本文作者认为,冗余不仅是一种语言事实,在很多情况下也是一种交际需要。本文将重点就这种语言现象展开讨论,力求清楚地认识和了解冗余的本质和积极功能。 全文分为六个部分: 在引言部分作者介绍了冗余的定义,同时说明了研究冗余的意义。 第一章主要从四个方面回顾了以往学者对冗余的研究。信息论认为冗余是弥补信息在传递中由于噪音干扰而所受的损失的一种有效途径。著名学者奈达则认为冗余反映了语言的可预测程度。中国学者钱冠连认为冗余的使用是受到交际目的的驱动,为交际目的服务,并认为适当使用冗余能达到一定的交际目的。王宏把冗余的主要表现形式分为重复,迂说,宕词和应酬语。本文作者认为冗余是达到某种交际效果的一种手段,适当地使用冗余在语言交际中有积极的功能。 第二章和第三章是全文的重点,分别从语用和修辞两方面探讨冗余的功能。第二章主要探讨冗余的语用功能。从语用角度来说,冗余与合作原则,礼貌及言语行为都有密切联系。恰当使用冗余,一方面是为了更好地遵守合作原则,另一方面可能违反合作原则而产生特殊的会话含义。冗余也是使语言更加礼貌的一种手段。另外冗余也常用于间接言语行为。除此之外,冗余还有幽默,消除句子歧义和寒暄功能。从修辞角度来说,冗余表现形式之一的重复本身就是一种修辞格,在文学作品中应用十分广泛。第三章讨论了两种重复和它们的功能。 第四章分析了影响信息冗余度的因素。第一,语境会影响信息冗余度。人们说话时一般不重复语境中已经存在的信息,所以语境对话语具有筛选功能。第二,语言行使不同的功能时其信息冗余度也有所不同。第三个因素是文体。越正式的文体,语言冗余度越大。另一个因素是社会因素,如种族、性别对冗余度都有一定的影响。 作者在文章最后的结论部分进一步指出,冗余的使用其实是交际者根据各种不同交际需要而做出的一种语言选择。而使用冗余的关键是要把握适度原则。适当地使用冗余是一种交际需要。

【Abstract】 Redundancy refers to excess information in communication, that is, the amount of information that exceeds the minimum amount of information which is needed to guarantee reasonable understanding. Redundancy is a prevailing phenomenon in language as well as one of the controversial topics in the field of linguistics. With the support of affluent linguistic evidence and some relevant theories, the author of this paper holds that redundancy is not only a linguistic reality but also a communicative necessity in many cases. This paper aims at discussing this phenomenon in order to have a clear knowledge of the nature and the positive functions of redundancy in English.The paper consists of six parts:In the introduction of this paper the definition of redundancy is introduced. The significance of studying this topic is also presented.In Chapter One we review some theoretical achievements made on redundancy. According to Information Theory, redundancy is counted as a means of overcoming noise. Nida, a famous American scholar, believes that redundancy reflects predictability in language. Chinese scholar Qian Guanlian thinks that the use of redundancy is motivated by communicative goals and that the use of appropriate redundancy can help achieve communicative goals. Wang Hong classifies redundancy into repetition, circumlocution, verbal fillers and phatic communion. We hold that redundancy is a way to achieve certain communicative effects, and appropriate redundancy can play a positive role in language practice.Chapter Two and Chapter Three are the most important part of this paper, which expound some positive functions of redundancy from two aspects. Chapter Two mainly deals with pragmatic functions of redundancy. Pragmatically, redundancy has much to do with the Cooperative Principle, politeness and Speech Act Theory. Proper use of redundancy can help observe Cooperative Principle on one hand, and flout Cooperative Principle for special implicature on the other hand.Besides, redundancy contributes to politeness of language. Redundancy is also often employed in indirect speech acts. Moreover, redundancy can achieve humorous effects, remove ambiguity of a sentence and perform phatic function. Rhetorically, repetition, a kind of redundancy as well as a kind of figure of speech, is widely used in literary works to achieve different effects. In Chapter Three two types of repetition and their functions are discussed.Chapter Four is devoted to a brief analysis of the factors that may affect the degree of redundancy. First, context will influence the degree of redundancy. Since we don’t repeat information which has already existed in context, context has a screening function on information. Second, different functions language performs will lead to different degree of redundancy. The third factor is style. The more formal the style is, the more redundant the language will be. Moreover, some social factors, such as race and sex, also affect the degree of redundancy.A conclusion is drawn at last. It is believed that the use of redundancy is a kind of linguistic choice made by people in communication for various purposes, and it is pointed out that the most important thing concerning redundancy is to use it appropriately. Appropriate use of redundancy is a communicative necessity.

  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】423

