

Students’ Affect from Error-correcting Strategies

【作者】 朱莉华

【导师】 王玉霓;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 在交际过程中,言者言语行为会影响听者情感。课堂是进行语言交际的主要场所之一,英语课堂教学实质上也就是一种交际活动。在这一活动中,教师话语占整个课堂活动的三分之二以上,故教师话语对学生情感影响重大,教师话语运用策略应考虑到学生情感这一非智力因素。 本文以教师话语的一个侧面——教师对学生语音、词汇及语法方面的口头错误的反馈用语为切入点,采用非参与性观察法对中学英语教师反馈策略(纠错策略)类型进行调查,并通过问卷方式调查青少年学生对每种纠错策略的情感反应(喜好程度、自信程度)。本文运用语用学中格赖斯的合作原则与里奇的礼貌原则对教师纠错策略进行分析,旨在找出不同纠错策略的运用对青少年学生情感产生不同影响的原因,从而说明教师纠错策略的使用要考虑学生情感因素,并试图为教师话语分析提供一个语用学的视角。 本文在引言部分对教师话语的涵义及国内外学者对其进行的相关研究作了简略阐述。 本文主体部分由以下五章组成: 第一章阐述本文的理论基础——合作原则与礼貌原则。 第二章介绍交际中的反馈。反馈是交际中最重要的一个环节。在交际过程中,言者言语行为对听者情感有影响。教师对学生错误的反馈过程实质上也构成了一个师生交际互动的过程,因而教师反馈性言语也会对学生情感产生影响。 第三章介绍本文的实证研究过程。本研究的第一部分是通过非参与性观察法调查中学英语练习课中,教师对学生在语音、词汇及语法方面的口头错误的反馈策略类型,即纠错策略类型;研究的第二部分采用问卷调查形式调查青少年学生对对每种纠错策略的情感反应(喜好程度、自信程度)。 第四章是关于本研究的统计结论。通过归纳总结,本研究得出教师纠错策略共有六种:启发暗示策略、表扬指正策略、直接指正策略、同伴纠错策略、容忍策略以及批评指正策略。问卷调查的结果表明启发暗示策略最受学生欢迎也最能激发他们的自信心,其次是表扬指正策略;直接指正策略在学生喜好和自信心两方面表现出较中性的效果;批评指正策略最不受学生喜欢也最不利于学生自信心的建立;同伴纠错策略及容忍策略在学生喜好及自信心方面均表现出较消极的效果。 第五章通过运用合作原则与礼貌原则详细分析教师六种纠错策略对学生情感产生不同影响的原因。分析表明:l)既遵循合作原则又遵循礼貌原则(启发暗示策略、表扬指正策略)对学生情感有积极作用;2)遵循合作原则而不违背礼貌原则(直接指正策略)对学生情感表现出较中性的作用;3)违反合作原则或礼貌原则(批评指正策略、同伴纠错策略及容忍策略)均不利于学生情感发展。 木文最后揭示研究青少年学生情感的意义,并对英语课堂中教师纠错策略的使用提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 In communication environments, the addresser’s verbal behaviors have some influences on the addressee’s affect. The classroom is a major communication environment (Richmond, 1987: 55). In English classroom teaching, which is in fact a communicative activity, teacher talk takes up two-thirds of the activity (Stones, 1979: 105), and has a great impact on a learner’s affect. Therefore, its use should be taken into ftill consideration.This thesis, based on a survey on one aspect of the teacher talk-teachers’ feedback to adolescent learners’ spoken errors in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in I-R-F move of EFL exercise classes, aims to find out teachers’ feedback strategies (error-correcting strategies) and to look into the influences of these strategies on adolescent students’ affect (liking and confidence). The thesis employs Grice’s Cooperative Principle {CP) and Leech’s Politeness Principle (PP) to analyze the properties of error-correcting strategies respectively-their observance or violation of the above two principles-with a view to revealing why different strategies influence learners’ affect in different ways. The results of our study indicate that 1) strategies observing CP and PP enjoy eminent positions in learners’ positive affect (liking and confidence); 2) the strategy observing CP without violating PP is neutral to learners’ affect; 3) strategies violating either CP or PP are disliked by most learners and have less power to establish their confidence and they show negative influences on learners’ affect. This thesis makes a suggestion that the use of error-correcting strategies should consider adolescent students’ affect and makes an attempt to provide a pragmatic perspective for Ihe study of the teacher talk.This thesis consists of a body of five chapters.Chapter One sketchily expounds the theoretical basis of the thesis.Chapter Two elaborates teachers’ feedback in the context of communication. Feedback is the most important element incommunication. In communication, the addresser’s verbal behaviors have some impacts on the receiver’s affect. The classroom is a major communication environment (Richmond, 1987: 55), and the teacher’s feedback is a means of communication, so it can influence learners’ affect. Chapter Three deals with the research. The first part of the research is conducted concerning the types of error-correcting strategies of middle-school English teachers by the non-participant observation method; the second part of the research aims at surveying the influences of error-correcting strategies on adolescent students’ affect (liking and confidence) by the survey research.Chapter Four copes with the research results. The research onteachers’ feedback in EFL exercise classes shows that there are six types oferror-correcting strategies: suggesting, praising and correcting, directcorrecting, peer correcting, tolerating, and criticizing and correcting. Theresults of the survey research on adolescent students’ affect (liking andconfidence) are as follows: 1) the number of students who like thesuggesting strategy and think this strategy can make them confident bothrank highest among six strategies; concerning the praising and correctingstrategy, there are more students who have positive affect than those whohave opposite ideas; 2) the direct correcting strategy proves neutral tolearners’ affect; 3) the criticizing and correcting strategy is the last one tobe liked and to make learners confident; the use of the peer correcting andthe tolerating strategy also shows their negative influences on learners’affect.Chapter Five makes a discussion of the research results by applying CP and PP to teachers’ error-correcting strategies. CP proposes that in communication, the participants work at the same goal by observing four maxims. In feedback, the goal for the teacher and the student focuses on knowledge or skill grasp. When there are errors in the learner’s answer, he is more curious about the right knowledge or skill that is the goal for h

  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】652

