

The Transitional Dialect on the Boundary Area between Hengyang and Shaodong County

【作者】 刘伟民

【导师】 鲍厚星;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 衡阳、邵东两县方言分属湘语长益片和娄邵片,但两县交界地区的方言是否如此泾渭分明,行政区划与方言分布是否完全吻合,目前,学术界少有人研究。笔者在实地考察的基础上,重点调查了衡阳县金兰镇,邵东县水东江、灵官殿镇的方言,整理了三地的语音系统,理清了三地的语音差异,并与相关方言作比较,指出金兰、灵宫殿、水东江话均有过渡型方言的特征,确定了湘语长益片和娄邵片在衡阳、邵东交界地区的实际分界。 文章共分五个部分: 第一部分:概论 概述了衡阳、邵东两县地理位置,历史沿革及语言使用情况,介绍了本课题的研究现状及意义,交代了选点及调查经过。 第二部分:金兰、灵官殿、水东江三地方言的语音系统 介绍了三地的声韵调 第三部分:金兰、灵官殿、水东江三地方言字音对照表 这一部分对比三地单字音七百余个。 第四部分:金兰、灵官殿、水东江三地方言语音差异 详细系统地对比三地语音差异,并与相关方言进行比较。 第五部分:金兰、灵官殿、水东江三地方言的系属 总结说明三地语音归属,确定湘语长益片、娄邵片在衡阳、邵东两县边境地区的分布。

【Abstract】 Up to date, the boundary between Changyi dialect and Loushao dialect in Hunan Province has based on the adminstrative divisions all the time. The dialect in Hengyang county and the dialect in Shaodong county belong to the former and the later respectively. However, what on earth the attribution of the dialect on the boundary area between the two counties is has not been touched upon. On the basis of field work, the author investigates the dialects of Jinlan town in Hengyang county , Shuidongjiang and Lingguandian town in Shaodong county, describes their phonetic differences. Finally, the author points out all of three have the feature of transitional dialect and defines the boundary of Changyi dialect and Loushao dialect on the boundary area between Hengyang and Shaodong county.The thesis consists of five parts.Part 1: It introduces the location, history and condition of language of Hengyang and Shaodong county. The value of the topic and the approaches applied are also showed.Part 2: It describes the phonetic system of Jinlan town in Hengyang county, Lingguandian and Shuidongjiang town in Shaodong county.Part 3: It records the homophone of the three dialects.Part 4: It displays the phonetic discrepancy among Jinlan, Lmgguandian and Shuidongjiang town, while comparing them with other related dialects.Part 5: It points out the attribution of the three dialects and defines the boundary of Chanyi dialect and Loushao dialect on the boundary area between Hengyang and Shaodong county.

  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】233

