

The Preliminary Research of Debate of Chinese Modernization in 1930s’

【作者】 黄丹

【导师】 何一成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪30年代关于中国现代化问题的论争,是近代以降中国现代化思潮及其实践合乎逻辑的演进,也是二十世纪前期中国现代化事业迅速发展的结果。资本主义世界经济危机与苏联社会主义建设成就的巨大反差,特别是日本入侵造成的民族危亡的威胁,是这场论争发生的直接诱因。在论争过程中,中国知识界就现代化的概念,现代化的基本前提,现代化的资本问题,以及现代化的道路和具体实现方法等问题进行了广泛讨论。关于现代化的概念,提出现代化就是工业化、现代化就是西方化、现代化就是世界化、现代化就是高效率化、现代化就是克服和解决问题、现代化就是社会化等观点;关于现代化的基本前提,大多数论者从政治角度进行分析,认为推翻帝国主义和封建势力的反动统治是现代化的基本前提,少数论者从经济等角度提出不同见解,开拓了新的思路;关于现代化的资本问题,几乎所有的参论者都主张在不损害国家和民族主权独立的前提下,充分利用外资;关于现代化的道路,存在社会主义道路、资本主义道路和非资本主义前途三种主张;关于现代化的实现方式,包括以农立国论、以工立国论、农工并重论三种不同看法。经过论争,拓宽了中国知识界的研究领域,使其跳出了文化决定论的怪圈,开阔了中国知识分子视野,使他们认识到现代化是中国和世界发展的必然趋势,决心为中国和世界的现代化理论和实践进程作出积极贡献。但这场论争仍未能对中国现代化问题进行深入分析和全面展开,没有超出知识分子的狭隘范围,缺乏足够的广泛性和实践基础,看不到实现现代化的现实力量。总结论争的经验和教训。中国的现代化必须保持完全的独立性,始终致力于维护民族和国家的主权领土完整,必须具有宽广的世界眼光,坚持改革,力行开放,必须找准并围绕实现现代化的现实力量,坚持走适合本国国情的特色之路,必须保持和发扬中华民族自强不息的民族精神。

【Abstract】 The debate of Chinese modernization in 1930s’ is a inevitable result which is a rational development of the trend of thought of Chinese modernization and its practice. The debate is also a inevitable result of the rapid development of Chinese modernization cause early stage in 1900s’. The striking contrast between The economic crisis of capitalism world and success of the Soviet Union’s socialist construction, especially, the national crisis due to Japan’s invasion is its direct cause. During the debate, Chinese intellectual circle discuss some issues extensively such as the concept of modernization, the basic premise of modernization, the question of capital for the modernization, the path of modernization, and the concrete way of modernization. As for the concept of modernization, they put forward some opinions as the following: modernization was industrialization,modernization is the trend of globlization modernization, was highly efficiency, modernization was to overcome and settle problems, modernization was the trend of solialization. As for the basic primise of modernization, most people analyzed from the angle of politics, they thought that the collapse of imperialism and feudalism was the primary premise of modernization, But some people, analyzed it from economic point and so on, these opinions open new thinking. As for the question of modernization capital, nearly all people advocated that we should fully use foreign capital, but it can’t harm the sovereign and independence of China. As for the path of modernization, there were three different opinions: The path of socialism, the path of capitalism and the path of non-capitalism. As for the concrete way of modernization, There were also three different opinions: Some advocated agriculture was country’s foundation, some advocated industry was country’s foundation, some advocated the coordinate development of agriculture and industry. After the debate, the research domain of Chinese intellectuals was enlarged, it made them jump out the strange cycle ofChinese culture law, and it reclaimed the field of vision of Chinese intellectual. They realized modernization was a inevitable tendency of china and world, they decided to make their positive contribution for the process of theory and practice of Chinese and world’s modernization. But the debate also can’t analyzed the question of Chinese modernization deeply and can’t unfold it completely. The debate can’t jumped out the narrow domain of Chinese intellectuals, lacked enough comprehensiveness and the basis of practice, The debate can’t seen the actual strength of implementing Chinese modernization. To Summariz the debate’s experiences and lessons: Chinese modernization must keep complete independence, maintain he sovereignty of the nation all the time, Chinese modernization must have a world insight, insist on reform and open, Chinese modernization must seek the actual strength of implementing modernization correctly and encircle it, insist on going the characteristic path of suiting our country’s circumstances, Chinese modernization must keep our national spirit of aim high and work hard, and develop it.

  • 【分类号】K263
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】296

