

On the Woman Movement and Social Changes of Hunan at the end of 19th Century and the Beginning of 20th Century

【作者】 袁顺

【导师】 周秋光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 妇女问题是社会问题的一个缩影,19世纪末20世纪初湖南妇女运动内容丰富,影响深远。对这一时期的湖南妇女运动作一个宏观上的梳理,理清其内在的发展脉络,并指出其特色及其与社会变迁之间的联系,是本文的出发点所在。 全文共分为五个部分: 引言部分 阐述选题的角度和意义。 第一章 19世纪末20世纪初湖南妇女运动的内容。从三个方面进行阐述:(一)禁缠足运动;(二)兴女学运动;(三)女子参政运动。从宏观上理清其内在的发展脉络。 第二章 19世纪末20世纪初湖南妇女运动的若干特色。从两个方面进行论述:(一)运动内容具有不断深化、递进的特色;(二)运动中渗透了湖南的地方人文精神,即含有爱国的精神、经世致用的精神、奋斗的精神。 第三章 19世纪末20世纪初湖南妇女运动对社会变迁的推动作用。从三个方面进行论述:(一)19世纪末20世纪初湖南妇女运动是民族民主革命的有机组成部分;(二)19世纪末20世纪初湖南妇女运动的直接成果是妇女地位的改善与提高;(三)运动对社会观念、社会行为和生活方式的更新改造产生作用。 结语部分 对本文论述的各个部分进行一个总结,并指出湖南不同时期的妇女运动之间是具有历史的传承性的,研究19世纪末20世纪初的湖南妇女运动对于我们今天做好妇女工作也有十分积极的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The woman problem is the epitome of social problems. At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th, the content of the woman movement in Hunan was rich and had a profound effect. This thesis aims at combing generally the woman movement in Hunan in that period, making clear its inherent thread of the development, and pointing out its characteristics and effects about social changes.The thesis can be divided into five parts:The preface clarifies the angle and significance of the title.Chapter 1 is about the content of Hunan woman movement at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th. It is expounded from three aspects: (一)the movement of prohibiting foot-binding; (二)the movement of permitting women to go to school;(三)the movement of the women’s taking part in the administration. The author makes clear its inherent thread of the development.Chapter 2 is about some characteristics of Hunan woman movement in that period. It deals with them from two aspects:(一)the content of the movement has a deepening character; (二)the local humane spirit of Hunan penetrates through the movement, the patriotic spirit, the realistic spirit and the striving spirit included.Chapter 3 is about the movements promoting the social changes. The thesis explains it from three aspects:(一)the woman movement in Hunan in that period is a necessary part of the national and democratic revolution;(二)the direct achievement of the movement in that period is the improvement of the women’s status;(三)the movement greatly influences the social notions, social behaviour and the way of life.The conclusion summarizes this thesis, pointing out the historical link of Hunan woman movement in different periods. This kind of research is also beneficial to today’s woman work.

  • 【分类号】D442.9;K257
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】202

