

The Influence of Drying Ways on Total Flavonoids of Chinese Jujuba Mill and Preliminary Exploration for Its Function Evaluation

【作者】 盛文军

【导师】 陈锦屏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 食品科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 红枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill)又称华枣、大枣,是原产于中国的鼠李科枣属多年生落叶小乔木——枣树的子实。红枣是“药食同源”果品。中国古代医学论述:红枣“补少气少津液”、“安中养脾”、“解心脾邪气”、“和解药性”、“润心肺,止咳,补五脏,治虚损,除肠胃癖气”等。现代科学分析表明,上述功效均系诸多功能保健成分所致,这些功能保健成分是红枣深加工利用的物质基础。 利用现代分析手段,证实红枣含有多种功能保健物质,其中重要的一种系芦丁(Rutin)成分,它能增进人体内Vc的作用,防止血管硬化,降低血管通透性,增强其弹性,降低血脂,对预防和治疗心脑血管疾病,具有重要作用。 干燥是红枣深加工的重要工序之一。各种传统的与现代的干燥技术,其机理不同,对原料成份的影响也不相同。研究各种干燥方法对红枣总黄酮含量的影响,对后续的加工利用意义重大。 利用高效液相色谱技术,将试验得到的红枣黄酮粗品进行初步分析,了解其主要成份,进一步研究红枣黄酮粗品对小鼠的血脂水平及抗氧化作用的影响。为开发红枣保健食品进行了有益的探索。 本论文通过各项试验,获得以下结果: 1 所设定的红枣总黄酮提取、纯化工艺平均加样回收率99.4%,RSD=1.34%,符合试验精度要求。 2 LSA-20大孔树脂用于黄酮纯化效果最好,吸附率98.6%,洗脱率97.6%,相对得率96.23%。 3 鲜枣总黄酮含量(以芦丁为标准品)为296.6mg/100g。 4 微波干燥在微波功率0.245W、干燥时间10min、单位面积载样量50g/dm2时,所得红枣总黄酮含量最高;因素影响顺序:微波功率>干燥时间>单位面积载样量。微波功率和微波干燥时间对红枣总黄酮含量的影响极显著,单位面积载样量对红枣总黄酮含量影响显著。 5 热风干燥以热风温度40℃、干燥时间8h、单位面积载样量150g/dm2时所得红枣总黄酮含量最高:因素影响顺序:干燥时间>热风温度>单位面积载样量。干燥时间对指标影响极显著,热风温度和单位面积载样量对指标影响不显著。 6 冷冻干燥试验表明,红枣总黄酮含量随干燥时间呈现幂函数下降关系,回归方程为Y=300.28x-0.0272,相关系数R=0.9837。7自然干燥试验表明,红枣总黄酮含量随时间呈现直线下降关系,其回归方程 为:Y=一0.7lllX+294.54,相关系数R=0.9967。8四种干燥试验比较,微波干燥所得红枣总黄酮含量218.6mg/1009,水分含量 24.3%;热风干燥所得红枣总黄酮含量189.3mg/10鲍,水分含量27.9%:真 空冷冻干燥所得红枣总黄酮含量275.Zmg/10鲍,水分含量6.9哭,;自然干燥 所得红枣总黄酮含量261.smg/10鲍,水分含量29.7%。9应用高效液相色谱技术初步鉴定得出:红枣黄酮粗品中含量最高为芦丁 (193.6 pg),黄酮类成分在黄酮粗品中占48%,酚酸类物质占32%,其它酚 类物质占20%。红枣黄酮粗品的主体为黄酮类成分。10红枣黄酮粗品对小鼠血脂的试验指出:中、高剂量的红枣黄酮粗品,对小鼠 血清中甘油三醋和总胆固醇的升高具显著抑制作用,且有效促进高密度脂蛋 白的转化。高剂量红枣黄酮粗品比单一芦丁的作用明显。11红枣黄酮粗品对小鼠体内抗氧化作用的试验指出:各剂量组的红枣黄酮粗品 显著抑制小鼠体内氧自由基的生成,并显著降低小鼠体内丙二醛的生成。红 枣黄酮粗品可抑制小鼠血液和肝脏的过氧化氢生成.

【Abstract】 Jujuba Mill is a special kind of Chinese fruits. It has many kinds of nutritional ingredients. The rutin in Jujuba can improve the effect of Vc in organism. Other flavonoids will take different effects.In this thesis, the influences of four drying ways on total flavonoids of Chinese Jujuba Mill have been studied. By the HPLC, the compositions of Chinese Jujuba Mill have been analyzed. Further, the function of total flavonoids in Chinese Jujuba Mill has been evaluated tentatively.The main results are listed as follows:1. The average retrieval proportion of the rutin added in the Jujuba Mill is 99.4%. RSD=1.34%. The technological process chose in this thesis is fit for the requirement.2. In three types of macroreticular adsorbent (LSA-5, LSA-8, LSA-20), LSA-20 showed the best comprehensive absorption ability. The adsorption rate is 98.6%, the eluviations rate is 97.6%. The productivity is 96.23%.3. The content of flavonoids in fresh Chinese Jujuba Mill is 296.6mg/100g.4. For microwave drying experiment, the optimal parameters are follow conditions: power/0.245 W, time/1Omin, the weight of Jujuba Mill per decimeter square /50g. The flavonoid productivity under these parameters is 218.6mg/100g. The effect factors are sequenced: power > time > weight.5. For hot air drying, the optimal parameters showed as follows: hot air temperature / 40℃, drying time/8hour, the weight of Jujuba per decimeter square/150g. The flavonoids production under these conditions is 189.3mg/100g. The parameters are sequenced as this: time>temperature> weight.6. In vacuum cold drying experiment, the flavonoids of Jujuba Mill is reduced companied with the drying time. The regress equation is Y=300.28X-0.0272, R=0.9837.7. In natural drying experiment, the flavonoids of Jujuba Mill is reduced as line companied with the drying time. The regress equation is Y=-0.7111X+294.54, R=0.9967. 8. Compared four drying ways, the flavonoids in microwave drying is 218.6mg/100g, the last moisture content is 24.3%; 189.3mg/100g, 27.9% in hot air drying; 275.2mg/100g, 6.9% in vacuum cold drying; 261.5mg/100g, 29.7% in natural drying.9. Through HPLC test, the most composition in Jujuba Mill flavonoids is rutin. The propbrtion of flavonoids is 48%; the proportion of phenol aid is 32%; the proportion of other phenols is 20%.10. Flavonoids of Jujuba Mill will reduced the TG and TC in rat’s serum and improve the HDL-C content. The high dosage Jujuba Mill flavonoids effect more significantly than single rutin.11. Flavonoids of Jujuba will significantly reduce the free radical and production of MDA. Additional, the flavonoids of Jujuba Mill can restrain the production ofin rat’s bleed and liver.

【关键词】 红枣总黄酮干燥功能评价
【Key words】 Jujubaflavonoidsdryingfunction evaluation
  • 【分类号】TQ28
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】970

