

Textual Research on Xu Kai’s Demonstration of Interpreting Xing Sheng Character and Yi Sheng Character in Shuo Wen as Hui YI Character and Interpreting Xing Sheng Character in Shuo Wen as Yi Sheng Character

【作者】 张秋霞

【导师】 胡安顺; 王辉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 东汉许慎的《说文解字》(以下简称“《说文》”)是我国第一部有系统的通过字形探求本义的文字学著作。自它问世以来,历代对其研究的学者甚多。第一个全面系统整理、研究《说文》的学者是南唐的文字学家徐锴,他所作的《说文解字系传》(世称“小徐本”,以下简称“《系传》”)也是最早为《说文》作注的杰作。 在《系传》全书中,徐锴考证《说文》失误,阐明许书体例,疏证许书说解,明辨假借及古今用字之异,辨析字形,考索字义,从多方面开创了对《说文》进行研究的先河,在《说文》学史上作出了重要贡献。 在徐锴对《说文》的研究考证中,有一个值得注意的现象是,有些《说文》分析为形声、亦声的字,徐锴将其说成会意;有些《说文》分析为形声的字,徐锴将其说成亦声。对于这一现象,前人曾有所提及,但言之过简。本文即从这一现象入手,在前人研究的基础上,对此类字进行具体的分析,目的在于探讨徐锴论说的正误得失,希望能为《说文》学史上人们对徐锴及《系传》的研究提供一些参考。 本文首先对徐锴论《说文》形声、亦声为会意及形声为亦声的字进行了统计,共计有115处。然后运用甲骨文、金文等材料及古音学知识对这些字进行了分析和归纳。 本文主要分两大部分: 第一部分主要从音形义的角度分析说明徐锴论说正确之例。其中分为两类:一、形声、亦声为会意者;二、形声为亦声者。我们认为,有些字《说文》分析为形声、亦声,而徐锴将其论说为会意字,其实就造字意图而言,这些字主要是靠偏旁会合来表义的,实为会意字,徐锴之说与造字意图相合;有些字《说文》分析为形声,徐锴将其说解为亦声字,但在实质上其声符是表义的,应为亦声字。徐锴之说正确揭示了这些字声符的表义功能。徐锴对这些字的正确说解,有助于深化人们对《说文》分析为形声、亦声的一些字的认识,具有一定的积极意义。 第二部分主要分析说明徐锴论说错误之例,并进一步从三方面分析其致误的原因。其一是由于语音发展演变,形声字与其声符读音发生变化,徐锴因不明古音而误说。其二是由于受汉字表意性质的影响,徐锴过于偏重汉字表义而误说。其三是由于汉字字形发展演变,徐楷依据讹变的小篆分析字形而误说。这三者中,因徐楷偏重字义所造成的误说数量较多。我们分为三类:一、形声、亦声为会意者;二、形声为亦声者;三、形声为亦声,同时又言会意者。 徐揩的论说对后代的《说文》学也有很大的影响,我们发现徐铱在整理《说文》时有不少地方吸收了徐楷的意见,可以说,今天我们所使用的大徐本《说文》中的一些字形分析结论正是来自于徐楷之说。

【Abstract】 Shuo Wen Jie Zi (shortened as Shuo Wen in the following part) composed by Xu Shen in East Han Dynasty is the first systematic works of philology, which inquires into the meaning of Chinese characters through their shape. Since its accomplishment, much of its content has been researched by the scholars of all ages. It is Xu Kai, the philologist in Tang Dynasty who for the first time arranges and researches Shuo Wen in a comprehensive and systematic way. His book, Shuo Wen Jie Zi Xi Zhuan (well known as Junior Xu Version, shortened as Xi Zhuan in the following part) is the earliest annotated masterpiece.In Xi Zhuan, Xu Kai textually researches the inappropriate parts in Shuo Wen, expounds its style, and further explicates its explanations. He also clarifies the way of using another character with the same pronunciation to replace the original one and the variants of Chinese characters in application both in the past and at present, and distinguishes and analyzes the shape of Chinese characters, and textually researches their meanings. In doing so, he opens many new ways in researching Shuo Wen and makes great contribution to the history of studying it.In his textual research of Shuo Wen, Xu Kai puts forth a noticeable view, in which he changes the Xing Sheng and Yi Sheng characters in Shuo Wen to Hui Yi characters and the Xing Sheng characters to the Yi Sheng characters. The scholars in the past had mentioned this view yet in a simple way. My intention in this dissertation is, on the basis of the former researches, to probe into both the advantages and disadvantages of Xu Kai’s works through specifically analyzing the involved characters and hope to offer some efforts for the comprehensive evaluation of Xu Kai’s achievement.At the beginning of the dissertation, I conduct a comprehensive statistics concerning 115 characters, in which those, originally Xing Sheng and Yi Sheng characters, are now interpreted as Hui Yi characters by Xu Kai and those, originally Xing Sheng characters, are now Yi Sheng characters. Then the knowledge from Jia Gu Character and Jin Character and the ancient Phonology is employed to induce andevaluate these characters concretely.The dissertation consists of two parts.:Part one is mainly concerned with the rightly interpreted characters conducted by Xu Kai through the aspects of pronunciation, shape, and significance. These characters can be classified into two groups. In the first group, the original Xing Sheng and Yi Sheng characters are interpreted as Hui Yi characters, and in the second group the original Xing Sheng characters as Yi Sheng characters. Actually, Xu Kai’s original interpretation in the first group coincides the aim of Chinese character-coining, for these characters rely on the combination of their components to express the meanings. And his interpretation in the second group shows the meaning-expressing function of the pronunciation components of Chinese characters. So Xu Kai’s interpretation is positively constructive for it can deepen our recognition of Shuo Wen.Part Two mainly focuses on Xu Kai’s wrongly interpreted characters and further analyzes the three reasons resulting in his wrong interpretations. The first reason of his wrong interpretation is that Xu Kai has no idea of the evolution of phonetics and the change of the pronunciation of Xing Sheng character and its pronunciation component. The second reason of his wrong interpretation is that Xu Kai, affected by the meaning-expressing quality of Chinese characters, lays more emphasis on this aspect and then offers some wrong interpretations. And the third reason of his wrong interpretation lies in the fact that Xu Kai, owing to his ignorance of the development of Chinese character, only draws on seal character to analyze the shape of those characters. The wrongly interpreted characters caused by his laying too much emphasis on their meanings amount to a larger part in all the wrong interpretations. And they can be divided into three classes, (1) Xing Sheng character and Yi Sheng character as Hui Yi chara

  • 【分类号】H12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】529

