

Social Justice in the Viewfield of Humanism

【作者】 肖杰

【导师】 武天林;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 正义是重大的跨学科的难题。从理论上看,社会正义是关系个人与社会关系的重大问题,研究社会正义有利于正确处理社会基本制度的建构与国家社会发展目标及个人的自由与发展等目标的协调,有利于对社会制度、社会统治的目的、原则及其行为等进行规范,有利于在维护国家的统治秩序和个体的自由与尊严之间达成某种平衡,有利于对个人与社会关系进行理性反思与批判,有利于在现实基础上对社会正义进行重新建构。从现实性上看,社会正义问题是任何一个国家、社会在任何时候都必须予以关注的重大问题。当代中国正处于社会转型中,中国的社会正义转型承担双重使命;一方面要求实现从群体本位的伦理正义向个体的法理正义过渡;另一方面又要在人类本位的自由正义的指引下克服法理正义的历史局限性。因而当代中国的社会正义形态转型是既意义重大又异常困难的“阵痛”过程。同时,在现代社会转型中,由于制度与观念的滞后,给国家与政府带来很大的压力和困惑,因而重建社会正义观念与制度体系是一个十分迫切的任务。本文试图从理论上和当代中国实践上探讨这一难题,从而为当代中国社会正义的建构提供思路、观念和途径。 本文首先对社会正义研究的不同视域进行了系统考察,分别对人道主义视域和“唯物史观”视域的社会正义理论进行了反思与批判,指出了各自的片面性。提出社会正义研究应进行视域转换,应在人学视域内对社会正义问题进行新的探索。人学视域的社会正义坚持人性标准与生产力标准的统一,有效地克服前述视域的各自局限性。其次,本文分别对传统社会、现代社会、未来社会的社会正义形态进行了历时性考察,提出传统社会是以群体为本位的伦理正义,伦理正义具有历史正当性,但伦理正义维护的是等级特权;现代社会是以个体为本位的法理正义,法理正义促进了人的独立性,但其独立性是以对物的依赖性为前提,法理正义维护的是资本特权;未来社会是以人类为本位的自由正义,自由正义是人类所追求的最高正义,是以保障人的自由全面发展为目标的社会正义,是社会正义的理想形态。最后,本文对中国当代社会正义转型中应坚持以人类本位的自由正义为主、以个体本位的法理正义为辅来建构中国社会正义体系。同时提出了当代中国观念层面与制度层面双重的社会正义目标,并论述了中国当代社会正义存在的观念与制度障碍及建构当代中国社会正义的基本原则。 在研究思路及新见解方面,本文也取得了一定的突破。第一,本文通过对社会正义研究进行方法论的批判与反思,提出了人学视域的社会正义标准:人性标准与生产力标准的统一;第二,在对社会正义的历史形态考察中对伦理正义、法自由正义等新范畴进行了系统的研究,提出了各自的历史正当性及其局限性,确立了当代中国社会正义应以人类本位的自由正义为主导,以个体本位的法理正义为辅来建构;第三,本文对当代中国社会正义原则和制度目标进行了新探索。社会正义的建构原则包括:权利本位原则、创造原则、合作的竞争原则、行为原则、人道补偿原则等。提出了制度目标方面应达到的基本要求和坚持的原则。总之,本文通过在马克思主义人学视域中考察社会正义问题,最根本的目的在于通过确证人的尊严和个体的权利、自由与地位,实现人的自由全面发展,最终达到马克思所指出的第三大社会形态,即“自由人的联合体,’o

【Abstract】 Social justice, which has great importance, is an inter-disciplinary difficulty. In theory, for social justice is important to individuals and society, the study of it can help cope with the social basic system construction, coordinate the relationship between social development and individual freedom; standardize the social system, purpose, principle and behavior of social domination; it can help balance dominating order, individual freedom and the indignity; it can help reflect and animadvert the individual ancl social relationship; it also can help reconstruct it under the basis of reality. In practice, social justice burdens double duties in the changing situation: for one thing, it is required to carry out the transition from the colony departmentalism to individual’s legal justice; for another, it is also required to overcome the limits of the legal justice. Therefore, the changing of the conformation of the social justice is a process with twitch. Meanwhile, owing to the lag of the system and conception, our society has been given pressure in the changing of the system and conception. So it is a pressing target to reconstruct the conception and system. The thesis tries to discuss this problem in theory and practice, therefore provide the train of thoughts, conception and method for the construction of social justice in modern time.Firstly, through the systemic observation to the different aspects in studying the social justice of humanism and materialistic conception of history, the thesis points out their limits. It also advances that the study of social justice should switch the visual threshold and probe into a new one in human science, which sticks to the standard’s unity of human nature and productive forces and conquers the limits mentioned efficiently. Secondly, observing the conformation of the social justice in traditional, modern and future society, it concludes that social justice in traditional society is an ethical one, which stands for the class privilege; social justice in modern society is a legal one based on individual which has processed the human’s independence relied on material, which stands for capital privilege; social justice in future society is a free one based on human beings, the highest that people seek for, which aims at the full development ofconstruction of the social justice should mainly base on the human beings. Meanwhile, it also advances the double aims: system and conception, dissertates the barriers in conception and system existing in modern society and the principles in constructing modern social justice.It also gains much in study methods and new ideas. First, it advances the standard of social justice in human science through reflection: the unity of human nature and productive forces. Second, it concludes the advantages and disadvantages of the three historical conformation of social justice. It also concludes that the construction of our social justice should mainly base on the human beings with the help of legal justice.Third, it studies the principle, which includes rights, creativity, unified competition, behavior, compensation and so on, and the purpose of social justice in modern society. It advances the basic requirement and the principle that should be attached. All in all, it is concluded that the ultimate purpose is to fully develop human beings freedom, therefore reach the third social formation Marx had mentioned: combo of the free individuals.

  • 【分类号】D08
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】280

