

Reflections Upon the Methodology of Max Weber’s Social Sciences

【作者】 黄新平

【导师】 金延;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国哲学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 集社会学、政治学、经济学、法学和哲学等于一身的马克斯·韦伯,是19世纪末20世纪初现代西方学术史上一位著述甚丰、研究领域甚广、影响极大的伟大思想家,也是现代文化比较研究的先驱之一。在西方,韦伯被认为是社会科学领域中的巨人,百科全书式的学者。韦伯的社会学理论宏大、思想深邃,其方法论尤为独特。他力图调和社会科学理论中的实证主义和人文主义的对立,建立了一套以“理解”为中心的社会科学方法论理论体系,在社会科学理论的方法论领域独树一帜。韦伯著有多篇方法论著作,其中的文章大都是在具体的论战背景下产生的。在学术上韦伯应当定位于社会科学,正是这些方法论著述中的哲学思想许多学者将韦伯划归到哲学家的行列。就方法论研究的逻辑基点来看,韦伯在方法论上属个体主义,这与法国著名社会学家、哲学家杜克海姆从整体上研究社会的“实证主义”方法论的逻辑基点不同。韦伯的主旨是要对当时流行的杜克海姆实证主义方法和狄尔泰人文主义方法两大流派进行综合,以调和两者间的对立。实际上,韦伯方法论是对实证主义和人文主义方法论的扬弃和超越。 反思韦伯方法论,对韦伯所处的时代背景及理论渊源的了解是必要的。根据当时的历史背景分析,韦伯的方法论思想是当时哲学思想交锋的反映。对韦伯社会科学方法论思想最直接影响的:一是狄尔泰关于精神科学“意义和理解”的学说。狄尔泰的理解释义学是韦伯社会科学方法论的源头,韦伯在“理解社会学”中把它置于核心地位。而狄尔泰关于精神科学“意义和理解”的学说,又是从意大利历史学家和哲学家维科“想像科学”的“理解”方法原则那里吸收过来的。二是新康德主义文德尔班和李凯特尔的科学二分法及价值学说的特殊性和个别性观点。文德尔班关于“描述性特征的科学每走一步都要向规范科学借用一般命题作出论证”的思想对韦伯方法论中确立普遍命题的概念“理想类型”的建构产生直接影响。而李凯尔特的“自然科学概念形成的界限”的理论为韦伯“理想类型”的因果分析法及解决社会科学方法论之争提供了哲学和逻辑基础。 韦伯方法论的核心原则“价值关联”及“价值中立”是本文讨论的重要内容,尤其是方法论的“价值中立”原则,既有矛盾、虚无,也有其真理性的因素,就此韦伯无法摆脱两难困境。“价值中立”原则的提出,在当时思想界引起了广泛的争论,对现当代社会科学界的影响也是致深的。 韦伯方法论理论也是本文重点涉及的内容。韦伯的社会科学方法论有其独到之处,其方法论的框架主要有四个方面:其一,社会科学普遍适用的核心概念—— “理想类型”。其二,社会科学家认识“社会行动”的“解释”和“理解”方法。其三,社会科学的客观性可能性一一“适合的因果多元性”。其四,社会科学研究的核心原则一一“价值关联”和“价值中立”。其它社会科学方法论范畴都是围绕这四个主要方面展开的。对韦伯方法论理论的了解,对全面准确地理解其社会科学方法论的内涵是有益的。 对韦伯研究,其中还有一重要课题就是韦伯和马克思的比较研究。韦伯被某些西方学者称为“资产阶级的马克思”。韦伯与马克思的关系这里值得一提,他与马克思被奉为社会学的现世神明。韦伯与马克思在理论研究上有同有异。 对韦伯社会科学方法论思想的研究,对于把握社会科学方法论的整体脉络以及适应当前加强哲学社会科学研究的主流形势无疑有着深刻意义。重温韦伯的社会科学方法论著述,不是找出某些现成答案,而是要从中寻找启迪。

【Abstract】 Max Weber, whose identity is composed of sociologist, economist, jurist, philosopher, and scholar on politics of the comparative, study on culture . at the turn of the Century of 19th and 20th . The West , He was regarded as a giant in the field of social sciences and encyclopaedia of a scholar. His theory of sociology is full profound thoughts with broad prospective, especially for his methodology. He has tried to reconcile the conflicts between humanism and positivism in his theory and established an edifice of methodology centered on "understanding", which developed a school of his own. Weber wrote a lot on the subject of methodology, most of which were created on the conditions of debating. It was the philosophical elements in his theory that made him a philosopher just as some scholar called him. His methodology of the social sciences is rooted in individualism, which is different from positivism that is in the main hold by Durkheim in his study on sociology. Weber’s aim is tomake a combination of Durkheim’s positivism and Dilthey’s humanism which has infact transcended and sublated both of them.It is very necessary to think Max Weber’s methodology, in learning about the historical background and the origin of Weber’s theory. Based on the analysis at that time background, the writer believes that the thoughts in Weber’s methodology are reflections of the confrontation of idea in his epoch. There are to resources of Weber’s thinking on the methodology. One of them is Dilthey’s thinking on " understanding" in his " science of spirit "which was arranged in the key position of weber’s sociology of understanding, the other is the thoughts about particularity and individuality reflected by " two kinds of science" and the ideas of value which are the ideas of Windelband and Rickert who are classified as the philosopher of Neo-Kantianism. Windelband’s idea that every step of soft science’s develompent has to be grounded on the propositions of strict science for surporting has a direct influence on Weber’s thinking on constructing the " ideal type " of general propositions in his methodology. Rickert’s idea of the limitation to the formation of natural science’s concepts lay thefoundation for Weber’s thinking on Causal analysis of "ideal type" and the solutionto the contradictions of methodology.The main subject this thesis talks about is Weber’s two basic principles methodolog’s of namely, " relation to values "and" value neutrality "that have revealed elements of the truth on the one hand and contain contradictions and unsignificnce on the other, which is a formidable dilemma Weber have to meet. The presenting of these two principles aroused wide discussion. It has a deep influnce even on today’s social sciences.The whole theory of Weber’s methodology is also our concern. Weber’s methodology of the social sciences has its own characteristics which contains four points as follows: the universal and key concept of the social sciences, namely, " ideal type " ;the method for sociologist imploring the social behaviour, namely, interpretation and understanding; the possibility of objectivity in social sciences, so-called the pluralistic proper causation; the key principles of the study in sociology, namely, "relation to values" and "value neutrality" .Other methodology categories of the social sciences are constructed of cetering around these four aspects. If we want to understand the connotation of Weber’s methodology precisely and comprehensively, the whole structure of his methodological theory must be well mastered.Another important subject on studying Weber is the comparative study between his theory and Karl Max’s. Weber was regarded as Max of capitalist class. The relation between them is wortheng mentioning. In short there are as many differences as in common between them.There is no doubt that investigation on the methodology of Weber’s social sciences is significant to see a more clear vein of the methodology of the social sciences and adapt to the main current of strengthening the study on p

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