

The Exploration of the Creative Psychology in Zhou Mi’s Ci

【作者】 张晓宁

【导师】 刘锋焘;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 周密在宋末元初的词坛上颇有地位,与吴文英并称“二窗”。作为南宋遗民的领袖人物,他于南宋灭亡后的一些词作在词史上极受好评。但现存草窗词的三分之二以上作于宋亡以前。本文力图从他的词创作在南宋灭亡前后质与量两方面的变化来浅探他的创作心态,并进而推求其人格追求。 本文第一章论述南宋灭亡之前周密的创作心态。分为三个部分,首先是他的生活经历和创作背景,周密出身书香贵族之家,在父亲与师友的教育与熏陶下,有着良好的艺术素养。他以祖父荫入仕,但仕途一直不发达,年轻时的主要活动便是参加“西湖吟社”的创作。其次是他的创作概况,此期作品思想内容甚为贫乏,不过是吟赏烟霞的无谓游词,但艺术上颇有可圈可点之处,特点之一是善于观察和描写景物,特点之二是运用语言的能力极高,表现在下字雅丽,工于造句和善于点化前人成句几个方面,表现出很高的艺术品位,前人称之“镂冰刻楮,精妙绝伦”,“敲金戛玉,嚼雪盥花”,此期作品的突出缺点是为文造情,因而缺乏感动人心的力量。最后由前两个方面推论他此期的创作心态:寄闲、志雅、逞才。 第二章论述南宋灭亡之后周密的创作心态。同样分三个部分,第一部分叙述境遇之变化,从社会背景来看,元灭南宋的战争,使中原生灵涂炭,掌握了政权之后又实行严格的等级制度,南宋旧民与知识阶层被踩在整个社会的最底层。从个人境遇来看,周密亦难逃此劫,他于宋亡之前一年方得到义乌令之职,颇酬平生之志,至此不得不逃离义乌,回到故乡,但故居已遭兵火毁坏,无处安身,几经辗转,方得依杨大受定居杭州,晚年以著野史自娱。第二部分探讨他此期创作之流变。宋亡之初,他写了一些词,内容是抒发亡国之恨,黍离之悲,但后来词作减少以至于无,至去世前两三年编选了《绝妙好词》。后期作品的艺术性不减当年,风采依旧,但情感真挚沉痛,达到了情景交融的至境,因此格外具有感染力,受到历代评家高度赞许,是他一生创作的高峰。第三部分从这时期他生活、创作的变化推求他心态的变化,创作的动力:一是表达亡国的痛楚,二是作为寂寞的寄托,三为留住生命的痕迹。 第三章从他的创作心态看他的人格追求。周密一生都处在现实人格与理想人格的矛盾之中。他的理想人格是儒家的君子人格,然而仕途不济,第一愿望失落,无奈之中将热情投向词创作。将理想人格与现实人格统一的努力使他一生都在寻求精神家园,对这种矛盾的正视和体验则使他拥有一颗宽容的心。 总之,词在周密生命中占有很重要的地位,他前期作品与后期作品在质与量两方面的变化都源于生活状况与心态的变化,而贯穿这变化的是他不变的人格追求。内因与外因共同作用造就了草窗词的现有面貌。

【Abstract】 Zhou Mi was so famous in Ci creation in 13 Century that he was named "Two Chuang"together with Wu Wen-ying.As a chief of past Song Dynasty’s Ci writer,some of his Ci were highly praised after Nan Song was destroyed.But two-thirds of his Ci were written in Nan Song.In this paper the author tries to investigate his creative psychology from the change of quality and quantity of his Ci ,and look into his personality ideal.Chapter one provides Zhou Mi’s creative psychology before Nan Song was destroyed .There are three parts in this chapter.The first part gives some background information about his living and creation.He came from a noble and cultured family ,so he was well-educated by his father ,his teacher and his friends.He had been an official because of his grandfather,but he did not well ,so he put lots of his energy into Ci creation in "The West Lake Ci Association ".The second part expresses the thought and style of his creation.In this stage, the thought of his Ci is poor -no more than glorifications of beautiful scenery .But he did very well in art.He was good at observing and describing scenery ,good at drawing on language,like use tasteful words ,like organize curious sentences,like apply allutions.Someone praised his Ci "perfect like chiseling ice and log", "beautiful as knocking gold and jade,as chewing snow and washing flower" .The failing of the Ci in this period is pretending emotion,so they have no moving strength.The third part conclude his creative psychology of this period:spending time, acting relish and boasting talent.Chapter two provides Zhou Mi’s creative psychology after Nan Song’s destroying.There were also three parts here.The first part expresses the change of his circumstance.The war of Yuan ruins Song made so many Chinese lose their lives.After the war,the Yuan government practiced strict grade policy,so the people of Nan Song and the clerisy were suppressed in the underneath of society.Zhou Mi couldn’t escape from this adversity: one year before Nan Song’s destroying he was appointed Magistrate of Yi Wu County,now he had to leave to his hometown.Unfortunately,his house in Hu Zhou was ruined in war-he had no place to live.Some years later,he lived with Yang Da-shou-his brother-in-law in Hang Zhou.Here he spend his old years,amused himself by writing history .The second part expresses the change of his creation.He had writtensome Ci to express his sorrow just after Nan Song’s destroying,but his Ci were reducing till he redacted <Perfect Ci>two or three years before he died.The creation of this period are as tasteful as before,but there were deep emotin,come to a supernal region,were highly praised by so many critics.lt is the peak of his creation. In the third part the author tries to look into the change of his mentality and the power of his creation brought by the change of his living and creation-expresses the sorrow of losing homeland;spends his lonely time; keeps the trial of his life.Chapter three discusses his personality ideal from his creative psychology.Zhou Mi was always in the conflict of real personality and ideal personality. His ideal personality is gentlemen personality of Confucian.He was not prosperous in his politic way,so he put his energy into creation.The attemption of unitying these two personality motivated he persuing his mentle homestead.The experience of this conflict let he had a tolerant heart.In short, Ci took up an important position in Zhou Mi’s life. The change in quality and quantity of his Ci are all because of the change of his living and mentality. What runs through this change is his stable personality ideal.The inside and outside reason acted together to form the physiognomy of Cao Chuang Ci.

【关键词】 草窗词创作心态人格追求
【Key words】 Cao Chuang CiCreative PsychologyPersonality Ideal
  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】303

