

Research on the Functional Mechanism of the Simon Effect and Its Reversal under Hedge and Marsh Task Conditions

【作者】 宋晓蕾

【导师】 游旭群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 刺激-反应相容性(Stimulus Response Compatibility,SRC)是心理学的一个重要的研究领域。本文所研究的Simon效应便是一种典型的空间刺激-反应相容性现象,对这种现象的系统研究有助于人类深刻理解刺激与反应之间的关系,进而了解人类信息加工的特点和规律。为了进一步探讨Simon效应及其反转的作用机制,深入了解刺激和反应之间的关系和人类信息加工的特点和规律,本研究通过改变各种实验变量以及刺激和反应之间的关系,来考察这些变量的变化对能否出现Simon效应及其反转的影响,以揭示Simon效应及其反转的作用机制。 美国心理学家Hedge和Marsh(1975)发现,当在左、右位置对刺激进行左、右按键时,刺激位置与任务无关,而在刺激位置与反应位置对应时,反应则较快。如果相关的刺激一反应匹配不相容,这个效应就会出现反转现象,即当刺激位置与反应位置对应时,反应显得更慢了。这就是所谓的Hedge和Marsh任务条件下的Simon效应的反转现象。Simon等人(1981)进行了一项研究,结果与Hedge和Marsh提出的Simon效应的反转现象相反。当相关的刺激维度为中心视觉刺激的颜色,无关的位置信息是左、右声音位置时,则并未出现Simon效应的反转。而当相关的刺激维度是视觉位置,与反应匹配不相容时,对无关的声音位置,便出现了Simon的反转。 本研究进行了4个实验来研究这一矛盾。实验以大学生为被试,采用了任务干扰的实验范式。实验过程中要求被试在尽量排除干扰刺激影响的条件下,尽可能快而准确地完成目标任务。在实验一中,相关的视觉信息是刺激的左、右位置,无关的干扰刺激是左、右耳的声音,比较相容和不相容条件下的实验结果。结果发现,当刺激一反应匹配相容时,视觉位置任务表现出正的Simon效应;在不相容的刺激-反应匹配条件下,表现出小的、Simon效应的反转。在实验二中,相关的视觉信息是中心视觉刺激的颜色,无关的干扰刺激是左、右耳的声音,进一步比较此颜色任务在相容和不相容条件下的实验结果。结果发现,当刺激-反应匹配相容时,表现出正的Simon效应,尽管对颜色信息此效应在反应时间上不显著;而当刺激-反应匹配不相容时并没有表现出Simon效应的反转。说明对无关的声音,Simon效应没有表现出反转倾向。因此,本研究在实验三中进行一个更加标准的Hedge和Marsh任务,相关维度是刺激的颜色,无关的维度是刺激的位置,观察能否得到Simon效应的反转。实验结果发现,对相容和不相容的颜色匹配,Simon效应显著,却没有出现典型的Simon效应的反转。表明对不相容的颜色匹配,可见的视觉标记对得到尿转是必需的。实验四重复了实验三的无关视觉位置任务,但与实验三不同的是在显r示屏上相对应的位置明显标出反应键的颜色。结果表明,当明显标记反应键时,则得到显著的simon效应的反转。这四个实验结果表明,显示一控制排列对应性是引起Hedge和Marsh任务条件下的Simon效应反转的首要原因,逻辑再编码只起到次要的作用。 综合上述实验结果,本研究得出以下结论:1、显示一控制排列对应性是产生Hedge和Marsh任务条件下的simon效应反转的最重要因素,逻辑再编码只起到次要的作用。2、simon效应的双重加工模型更适于对Simon效应的反转现象作出明确合理的解释,而刺激一致性观点对此现象的解释存在一定局限性。因此就本研究的实验结果可以断言,Simon效应及其反转依赖于反应位置的方向是否与无关刺激位置的方向一致,也就是无关的刺激位置影响反应选择加工,Simon效应是一种典型的反应选择现象。3、按照Simon效应的双重加工模型,Simon效应是两个刺激一反应成分加工的结果。因此可以推断在Simon效应中,刺激编码依次产生了自动激活过程和精细加工过程。4、simon效应及其反转的发生既有数据驱动加工又有概念驱动加工的过程。注意机制在Sirnon效应及其反转的作用机制中起一定作用。

【Abstract】 Stimulus-response Compatibility is an important research field in Contemporary Psychology . Simon effect of this article researched is a typical spatial Stimulus-Response Compatibility phenomenon . Systematically research on it will favor us deeply understanding the relationship between stimulus and response , and some of the law of human information-processing . In order to explore the functional mechanism of the Simon effect and its reversal, the relationship between stimulus and response and some of the law of human information-processing , this research change all kinds of experimental variables and the relationship between stimulus and response , observe whether the Simon effect and its reversal will occur or not under the influence of these variables changed , reveal the functional mechanism of the Simon effect and its reversal.American Psychologist Hedge and Marsh (1975) found , when left and right keys are made to stimuli in left and right locations , and stimulus location is irrelevant to the task, responses are typically faster when stimulus location corresponds with response location than it does not(the Simon effect) . This effect reverses when the relevant stimulus-response mapping is incompatible , with responses being slower when stimulus and response locations correspond , this is so-called the Hedge and Marsh reversal of the Simon effect. Simon et al.(1981)reported an exception to the Hedge and Marsh reversal for a situation in which the relevant stimulus dimension was the color of a centered visual stimulus and the irrelevant location information was left or right tone location . But the reversal of the Simon effect did not occur . In contrast, similar experiments have found a reversal of the Simon effect for tone location when relevant visual locations were mapped incompatibly to responses .Four experiments were conducted to investigate this discrepancy . This research adopted task interference experimental paradigm , and college students were used as subjects . The subjects were asked to ignore the interference stimulus that occurred simultaneously with the visual stimulus during experiments . They were also instructed to respond as fast as possible to the visual stimulus without making too many errors . InExperiment 1, the relevant visual information is left-right location of the stimulus, irrelevant interference stimulus is tone from one or the other ear that occurred simultaneously with the visual stimulus , comparing the results of the location task in the condition of compatible or incompatible mappings . The results showed that, when the S-R mapping was compatible , a positive Simon effect occurred ; The incompatible S-R mapping showed a small reverse Simon effect . In Experiment 2 , the relevant visual stimulus is color of a centered stimulus , irrelevant interference stimulus is tone from one or the other ear that occurred simultaneously with the visual stimulus , further comparing the performance of the color task with compatible and incompatible mappings . The results showed that, when the S-R mapping was compatible , a positive Simon effect occurred , although the effect for the color task was not significant in the RT data ; The incompatible S-R mapping showed a small positive Simon effect that did not differ reliably from that found with the compatible mapping .These findings suggest that the Simon effect for irrelevant tones does not show a tendency to reverse . Therefore, in Experiment 3 , A more standard Hedge and Marsh Two-Choice Response task were conducted , in which the relevant stimulus dimension was color and the irrelevant dimension was the location of that stimulus. Observe whether the Simon effect and its reversal was obtained or not . The results showed that, for both the compatible and incompatible S-R color mappings , the Simon effect was evident, but did not show the typical Hedge and Marsh reversal, which indicated that visible color labels may be necessary to obtain the reversal. Experiment 4 replicated Experiment 3, using irrelevant visual location task, but

  • 【分类号】B841
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】313

