

Theoretical Analyses of the National Security Strategy of the United States of America in the New Century

【作者】 铁锴

【导师】 郭欣根;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国家安全战略是一国政府为保障自己国家的生存和发展,免受外来威胁而制定的带有根本性、全局性的计划和政策。它主要由外交战略和国防战略构成,其核心是国家利益。作为冷战后世界上唯一的超级大国,美国国家安全战略的实施和演化直接关系国际形势和世界风云的变动。 “9.11”恐怖袭击后,小布什政府随即开始了美国国家安全战略的转变与调整。经过阿富汗反恐战争的试验和一年多时间“攻伊”“倒萨”的酝酿,2002年9月20日,以“先发制人”为核心的美国《国家安全战略报告》正式出台。2003年3月20日,美国单方面发起“伊拉克战争”,标志“先发制人”战略开始正式实施。 新世纪美国“先发制人”的国家安全战略已经而且将对国际政治和国际关系产生重大而深远的影响。因此,进一步研究新世纪美国国家安全战略的形成以及对国际关系和世界政治产生的作用,无疑对于把握当前和今后的国际关系和世界政治发展趋势大有裨益。鉴于国内学者对新世纪美国国家安全战略的研究多为零散的评析,本文将运用国际政治和国际关系理论,试图对这一问题作以较为系统、全面的分析。 本文除引言和结语外共分四部分: 第一部分,美国新世纪国家安全战略的内容及其特点。本文通过对2002年小布什政府的《国家安全战略》报告的分析,将现阶段美国国家安全战略归纳为五个方面的主要内容和三大特点。 第二部分,美国新世纪国家安全战略的缘起及其形成的必然性。本文运用历史分析法和层次分析法,探讨了从冷战后至今美国国家安全战略的一致性和美国“先发制人”战略出台的必然性。 第三部分,美国新世纪国家安全战略的理论透析。本文从冷战后美国盛行的国际关系理论、战争经济学、地缘政治和地缘经济学、文化和意识形态等方面进行了多角度分析,认为:“先发制人”战略既是美国在反恐和确保国家安全的特定情境下政治精英政策选择的结果,也是冷战后美国国际关系学家理论奠基的结果,同时也是美国的地缘政治、地缘经济战略和文化意识形态因素共同作用的结果。新世纪美国“先发制人”国家安全战略就是要为美国改造伊拉克政体、影响整个伊斯兰世界,进而控制世界战略资源和战略要地,刺激美国经济复苏,实现美国单极主导世界而提出的新思维和采取的新手段。 第四部分,美国新世纪国家安全战略对国际政治的影响。本文从近期与长远、正向与负向、部分与整体等层面对美国新佳丝己国家安全进行了客观地分析,并结合实践分析和预测了美国新佳丝己国家安全战略的趋势及其前景。 论文新意:论文始终坚持马克思历史唯物主义和辩证法思想,运用层次分析法,以2002年9月20日美国政府发布的《国家安全战略》为研究的切入点,在以下三方面提出了自己的观点:1.从美国新世纪国家安全战略调整的表象出发,分析并揭示了美国新佳丝己国家安全战略形成的必然性和美国霸权主义的一致性;2.多视角多层次地透视了美国新世纪国家安全战略形成的深层原因及战略意图:3.客观分析了美国新佳丝己国家安全战略对国际关系和世界政治的影响,分析和预测了美国“先发制人”战略的趋势及其前景。

【Abstract】 The National Security Strategy, oriented by national interests, consisting of the strategy of foreign affairs and national safeguard, is the fundamental and overall project and policy designed by a government to protect and promote its national security and development. As the unique superpower in the world, America has directly affected the international situation by performing and transforming its national security strategies since the end of the cold war."September II" terrorist attacks ruined the safe mythology of the United States of America and Bush government had to adjust and convert the national security strategy to assure the absolute security of the United States of America Therefore, the Preemptive Strategy was developed shortly after the victory of Afghan anti-terrorism war. Then The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, characterized with preemptive and preventive interference, was publicly released on December 20, 2002. On March 20, 2003, the United States of America lauched Iraq war on its will, which symbolized the American Preemptive Strategy came into practice.The Preemptive Strategy of the United States of America in the new century has already and will have had a great effect on the international politics and relationship. Therefore, it is of great significance to make a further research on why and how the strategy came into being and what the effect of the strategy will be so as to well perceive and leam the current international relationship and the tendency of the world politics in future.Besides Introduction and Conclusion, this thesis contains four parts:Part I, Content and Characteristic of the National Security Strategy of the United States of America in the New Century. This part makes an analysis of The National Security Strategy of the Bush government and summarizes it as five contents and three characteristics.Part II, Source and Formation of the National Security Strategy of the United States of America in the New Century. This Part reveals the continuity and corollary of the national security strategies of the United States of America since the end of the ColdWar after analyzing these strategies in a view of history.Part III, Theoretical Analyses of the National Security Strategy of the United States of America in the New Century. National security strategy is not only the result of the policy -choice made by political elites in a given context but also the result of the international theory given by political scholars. Moreover, National security strategy is also determined by certain geopolitics, geoecnomics, culture and ideology. The Preemptive Strategy of the United States of America is the new thought to change the regime of Iraq, influence the whole Islam world and accomplish the unilateral world led by America. This part analyzes the Preemptive Strategy in the view of new American international relationship theory, War-economic theory, Geopolitics and geoecnomics theory, Culture and ideology theory.Part IV, Influence of the Preemptive Strategy of the United States of America On the International Relationship and the World Politics. This part objectively analyzes the influence of the Preemptive strategy on America and the world and practically previews the tendency and future of the preemptive strategy of America.Novelty of the Thesis: This thesis focuses on The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, December 20,2002, analyzes it with dialectical materialism of Marxism as well as level analyses and presents the following novelty views: Firstly, it reveals the corollary of American Preemptive Strategy in the new century and the consistency of the hegemonism of the United States of America; Secondly, it systematically analyzes the deep causes and the strategic intentions of American Preemptive strategy in multi-vision; Thirdly, it objectively analyzes the influence of the strategy on America and the world and practically previews the tendency and future of the preemptive strategy of America.

  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【下载频次】389

