

The Construction of Learning-monitor System in WEB-based Course

【作者】 陈云虹

【导师】 傅钢善;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着我国网络教育的迅猛发展,作为一种新型教育形式,如何提高学习者的学习质量与效率,增强知识传播的有效性,已成为当前网络教育中研究的热点问题之一。 对于网络学习中学习者学习过程的管理与控制,现阶段研究尚较少,而加强对网络学习中学习者学习的控制与管理的研究,将会对网络教学的发展起到至关重要的作用。国外文献中也都提到了追踪学生学习过程的重要性,但目前还没有检索到有关学习监控体系实施的成功案例。国内的教学平台对学习过程的监控、反馈和评价也还是一个空缺。网络教学支撑平台的评价模块往往只含有测试、调研,而缺乏相应的分析与反馈,不能科学准确地揭示出隐含于学习过程中的问题。 本论文从国内外网络教学现状出发,对网络学习中实施监控的必要性、可行性以及国内外对该课题的研究状况等几方面进行了较为系统地分析,在此基础上构建了基于WEB的网络课程学习监控体系。 该体系可以有效地促进学习者自我监控能力的改善,实现对在线学习者学习的管理与控制。通过对于远程学习的学习者在每一个学习活动之后给予一定的评价和反馈,有利于培养学习者的自我管理、自我调控的能力,能够有效提高学习者的学习质量与效率。 本课题主要研究网络教学环境下,一门网络课程中学习者学习过程的监测和调控。研究过程采用了文献检索、调查问卷、程序设计及实践应用等方法。主要完成了: 1、文献检索:为了构建网络课程监控体系,笔者查阅了大量关于远程教育、网络学习和计算机应用等方面的文献,汲取先进合理、适合网络学习的一些思想、观点和方法,保证了本课题研究具有一定的前瞻性。 2、问卷调查:我们面向学习者、教师和教育技术专家进行一次广泛的问卷调查,通过西安交通大学网络学院下发调查问卷150份,统计最终结果,旨在从提交的调查问卷中获得网络课程监控体系构建的大致指标以及初步分析学习者对构建的网络课程监控体系的认同度。 3、程序设计:使用ASP+数据库实现对监控体系的构想。首先确定本课题的研究范围是基于一门网络课程中的学习监控:实现(1)客观的学习过程记录和反馈,可以查看自己的学习活动情况,主要从学习时间、学习内容、学习交互和学习效果四个方面进行记录和反馈;(2)人性化的定期学习督促机制,包括进度提示、建议、警告等;(3)学习激励机制,每周及每月以学习时间、学习内容、学习交互、学习效果四方面学习情况进行加权评分统计,建立排行榜:使学习者能够知道自己在线上学习过程中的表现如何。总之,定期将学习者的学习活动情况、评价结果反馈给学生本人,以利于其本人了解自己的学习状况,及时调整学习过程。 4、实践应用:将所构建的监控体系用于实际网络课程教学,以检测程序运行结果并采用访谈的形式调查该体系的应用效果。 本课题对于网络教学中的学习监控机制还处于研究探索阶段,关于监控能力的实证研究仍很薄弱,从研究内容上看,己部分涉及到学习监控这一领域的某些内容,但是有待于进行系统的研究和整合。我们进行的监控设计也只是初步的尝试,还很不完善,要真正实现对网络学习的监控,还存在许多有待于教育技术工作者和广大教师共同商榷的问题。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of web-based education in our country, as a new type of education ,How to improve the learner’s study quality and efficiency , meanwhile enhance spreading validity of knowledge ,has become one of the central issues in the current net-work education..At present, there are few researches on the management and control to the student’s learning process in the net. Such researches will play a very important role in the web-based education. The instructional process monitor has been emphasized in the foreign literatures, but we did not find practical learning monitor systems which can be used in our country. The domestic teaching platforms also lack the control, feedback and evaluation to the student’s learning process. The judge modules of the holding platforms in e-learning only include test and investigation, while lacking relevant analysis and feedback. They could not find problems hiding in the learning process, scientifically and exactly.In this article, we analyzed the current situation of the web-based teaching in our country from the actuality, necessity and possibility of learning-monitor in the world. It was discovered that a high autonomic network learning environment was needed, because of the students lacking autonomic ability.This system can efficiently promote the student’s self-control and achieve the management and monitor to the student’s learning online. The evaluation and feedback, given by the monitor system to the student’s learning online, will help improve the levels of student’s ability on self-management and self-control, and enhance the learner’s study quality and efficiency.This paper aims to research the track and control to the student’s learning process in one web-based course, based on the internet teaching environment. The following methods were used such as literature searching, investigation, program design and practical use.1.literature searching: In order to construct the web-based course monitor system,the author consulted plenty of literature about distance-education, e-learning and computer applications drown on the advanced thoughts, views and methods, ensuring that this research can be of certain preconsciousness.2.1nvestigation: We finished a comprehensive inquisition to the learners, teachers and educational experts. We sent out 150 questionnaires in network-based college, Xian Jiao tong university, and then summarized final statistical results in order to obtain the approximate indications for the construction of monitor system based on internet course, furthermore, analyzed learner’s identification to this system.3.Program design: The ASP and database were used in the constriction of this system. Firstly, it was confirmed that this research was limited in one network course. (1) The objective track and feedback to the student’s learning process: they can look over their learning time, contents, interaction and testing report by themselves. (2) The humanized periodical supervising mechanism, including progress chart, advice and warnings. (3) The encouraging mechanism: It can assess the student’s learning situation according to their learning time, contents, interaction and testing report, meanwhile, establish a grade number, and make the students know their learning performance online. In a word, the student’s learning situation, results of assessment were given back to themselves in order to make them understand their own situation and adjust their learning plan.4.Practical use: The constructed monitor system was used in practical instruction online to check the result of program.This research to learning monitor in WEB-based course is still in its early discovering stage. The system’s monitoring ability lacks practical examination. This research has partly involved in some contents of learning control on the basis of researching contents. It needs to be further studied and put in order. We attempt to realize learning monitor online, but there are still a lot of work to be done. Many problems should be discussed by educational e

【关键词】 网络课程学习监控体系构建
【Key words】 web-based courselearning-monitorsystemconstruction
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】541

