

A Primary Study about the Development and the Substitution of the Frequently Used-synonym during Pre-Qin to the Former and the Latter Han Dynasty of Shiji

【作者】 王彤伟

【导师】 郭芹纳;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《史记》是西汉司马迁的倾力巨著,是我国第一部通史,也是我国纪传体的创始。此后历代所谓“正史”,基本都沿袭了它的体例。其对后世的影响不仅仅只表现在体例方面,它的语言是秦汉时期语言的实录,反映了秦汉这一断代时期语言的基本面貌,对后世也有相当大的影响。所以司马迁《史记》中词语的使用和演变情况无疑是汉语词汇史诸多探讨对象中比较有典型意义的一个重要方面。 同时,正是因为先秦两汉是汉语发展的源头,所以学习古代汉语,首先要学好这一时期的语言;研究汉语史也先要弄清楚这一时期语言的状况,才能够更好地下推后世的语言变迁。 常用词演变史的研究,是系统而深入开展汉语词汇史研究的必要工作,而个案研究又是其不可缺少的环节。尽管近年来常用词演变的研究正日益受到学术界的重视,现阶段大量的个案研究正在不断涌现,但是我们仍需进一步的努力。扎扎实实地做好这项工作,不但对词汇史的建设是一种实实在在的贡献,对于辞书编纂、古籍整理特别是疑伪古籍的鉴别和断代等也将大有帮助。 基于以上认识,本文以池昌海《〈史记〉同义词构组及辨析提要》中所列826组同义词为依据,参照汪维辉《东汉—隋常用词演变研究》,从汪书概论中已列举而文中未进一步探讨者之中进一步比较对照,选取了较为典型的疾-病、根-本、首-头、启-开、焚-烧、纤-细、盈-满等7组同义常用词,以《史记》和先秦两汉《诗经》、《周礼》、《仪礼》、《左传》、《孟子》、《韩非子》、《吕氏春秋》、《淮南子》、《汉书》、《论衡》、《说文》、《尔雅》以及刘宋《世说新语》、佛经语料等作为语料库,对这7组常用词作了历时的统计、描写、分析,为上古词汇史的进一步研究提供了一些比较可靠的基本资料和结论。 最后,通过对同义常用词演变替换所进行的探讨,我们得到了一些关于探讨常用词演变的体会与启示。 1、在判断描写新、旧词的发展演变、历时更替的过程中,应该把用数据统计得出的出现频率以及新、旧词与其他词语的组合能力结合起来全面考虑,分析比较、得出结论。 2、同义常用词替换演变的原因主要存在于两方面。其一由于词语发展的客观情势使然,由于旧词在长期的使用过程中承担的表义任务逐渐加重、拥有的义项越来越多,就造成了表义的不明,这就为新词对它的替代创造了条件。而新词由于承担的义项比较少,表义就相对要明晰一些,一般情况下作者们如果不是因为刻意仿古等特殊原因就会乐于采用新词。另一方面的原因就是人为的主观因素造成的同义词以新代旧。同时,在新、旧词的替换演变中如果某些有影响的作者在他有影响的作品中多用新词而少用旧词,就会加速旧词退出新旧竞争的擂台。这也是我所以选司马迁之《史记》作为探讨对象的重要原因。 3、上古汉语同义词的区别,并不仅仅处于一个平面之中,同义词的替换演变很少是突变的、而主要是渐变的。这种变化在上古期内部就已经发生了不小的变化,所以上古时期的词汇发展期还可以细分,这样更有利于词汇史的研究。研究中发现这7组常用词在殷商时期、春秋之际到战国中期都以旧词的使用为常,新词或未出现或使用频率低且不活跃。而到战国末期左右的《韩非子》、《吕氏春秋》中都发生了比较明显的变化。这种变化不仅表现在新词使用频率的大量增加,而且表现在新词的组合能力也大大增强。所以,春秋战国至西汉,在词汇史进行详细分期时,最好再细分为春秋至战国中晚期、战国中晚期至西汉两段,从而使得汉语词语历史发展的线索更加明显。 4、字典、词典类的训话专著、传注类注释书中的注释语都应作为研究某一时期的词语使用频度的重要参考。 5、常用词的研究与史书、语料的断代密不可分、相辅相成、互相促进。语料断代不准,就会影响到常用词发展演变史的描写、比较,同时,常用词研究的深入也会有助于语料断代方面的研究。 6、在有关同义词的研究中应始终坚持把握好以义位为标准的原则。如果在具体研究中脱离了这一前提,同义词演变描写、甚至连两词是否构成同义这样的基本辨析都会变得无法操作或漫无边际。我们讨论的演变通常应界定为两个包含相同义位的词在表示该义位时的一种演变替代关系。

【Abstract】 Shiji(Records of the Historian) is the monumental work of Sima Qian. and it is the first comprehensive history book of our country. Almost all of our country’s history books follow it’s stylistic rules and layout. At the same time, it’s language not only is the record of the dynasty of Qin and Han, but also has great impact on later ages. Therefore, the use, the development and the substitution of the frequently used-words will play an important role in the history of lexicology of Chinese.Meanwhile, because the language used in Qin and Han dynasty is the first step of the development of Chinese language, we should try our best to master it, and we must acquaint ourselves with it before we understand the change of later periods.The study of frequently used-word is necessary to the deep study of Chinese vocabulary history. And the study of a single case of the frequently used-word is an indispensable step on the whole Chinese language history. Although this kind of study has acquired increasing concern of academic circles, and new studies sprung up like mushrooms, we should pay more attention to it. Because when we work hard on it, we can make much contribution to the lexicology history, the compilation of dictionary, the discrimination of ancient books and the judgment of the dynasty of an ancient book.According to the 826 synonyms in the book of the Outline of the Organization, Differentiation and Analysis of the Synonym of Shiji(by Chi Chang-hai) and the Study of the Development of Frequently Used-word from Donghan to Sui Dynasty(by Wang Wei-hui),I selected 7 synonyms to study, depict and analyze them. The storehouse of language data is composed of Shiji, Shijing and other 14 books. And to some extent, we have come to some reliable data and conclusions.During the course of the study, I also acquired a lot of experience about the study of frequently used-word.Firstly, we should pay equal attention to the frequency of an old or new word, theability of forming new word. Secondly, the reasons of the development and substitution of frequently used-synonym are manifold and complex. On the one hand, because of the increasing burden, the function of the expression of the old word will be weaken. Then the new one will substitute for the old one. On the other hand, some man-made reasons can make a word replace the other. Thirdly, the difference between the synonyms is a slow course. During the course, gradual change is the main trend. Fourthly, all of the dictionaries and the gloss of interpretation books are the important reference to the study. Finally, the study of the frequently used-word has close relationship with the judgment of the dynasty of ancient books. They interact each other. And the most important principle of the study is the understanding of the standard of the semantic feature.

  • 【分类号】H109
  • 【被引频次】9
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