

A Probe into the Problems about the Aristocratic Women in Zuo Zhuan

【作者】 张蓉

【导师】 张新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《左传》是先秦时期规模最宏大、内容最丰富的历史著作,集春秋以来各类史书之大成。它有一个十分显著的特点,那就是出现了多层次、多类型的人物形象。《左传》之前的史书,例如《尚书》,只是单纯地记载国家最高统治者在政治、军事等方面的言论。由于女性低下的社会地位,以及当时历史记载的简易,她们的思想和行为自然不可能被载入。但是,《左传》中出现了为数不少的女性形象。这无论是在史传文学史上还是在女性历史上都具有划时代的意义。《左传》在这一点上所代表的正是那个时代的进步性。书中性格较为鲜明的女性形象绝大多数是贵族女性,特别是贵族已婚妇女。原因在于《左传》记述的是周王室及各诸侯国的政治、军事、外交和文化等方面的历史,而此时的贵族女性,尤其是贵族已婚妇女享有一定的社会地位,并且在宗法制社会中扮演着不可替代的角色。她们在各国历史中或多或少、或隐或显地影响着当时的社会历史。 所谓贵族,是指“奴隶社会、封建社会的统治阶级中享有政治、经济特权的阶层。在奴隶社会,最初只有奴隶主贵族才能担任国家官职(如中国商代、古罗马)。在封建社会,贵族是具有世袭爵位和领地的各级封建主的通称。他们主要是皇室的亲族子弟和受封的功臣。贵族的爵位,各国有所不同。中国古代有公、侯、伯、子、男五等。贵族享有各种特权,直接掌握国家政权。”本文所涉及的女性,除了涵盖以上定义中的世袭贵族女性,还囊括了那些与不具备世袭特权、但在国家中拥有较高地位的大臣们有关的女性。所谓贵族女性,是指与享有政治、经济特权的男性具有血缘关系或者婚姻关系的女性。 女性问题是多层面、纷繁复杂的,其实质是男女平等问题。作为有着共同生理和心理特征的社会性别群体,在人类进入文明社会之后,女性的社会地位逐步下降,以至产生了长达数千年的男女不平等的状况。这种不平等充斥于人类生活的方方面面。在当今社会,男女不平等仍然是世界范围内普遍存在的问题。在社会主义条件下,男女不平等状况有了相当大的改观,女性的社会地位得到了前所未有的提高。但是在实际生活中,男女实际上的不平等现象仍是屡见不鲜。如何创建两性平等和谐发展的“绿色之思”,是促进人类文明进步的重要思考,也是当今中外学术界、思想界颇为关注的问题。 据笔者统计,《左传》中共出现了209位社会关系比较明确的贵族女性。本飞气么广舟‘文欲就《左传》这部史传作品中的有关内容,以社会意义、女性观和文学意义这三个方面为切入点,结合社会学、女性学、文学和史学的研究方法,探讨先秦时期的贵族女性问题。本文的意义就在于:通过对《左传》中贵族女性的研究,对这一特定时期、特定群体曾经走过的道路予以回溯,从而探究女性在社会历史中的发展规律、在文学作品中的形象展现,为女性在未来获得与男性共同自由而全面的发展这一目标提供历史的经验。 全文共分为三个部分。第一部分是对《左传》贵族女性的社会学考察,分别从《左传》贵族女性的政治地位、与宗法礼制的关系、爱情婚姻,以及春秋时期贵族女性的经济地位等方面进行论述,提出了《左传》贵族女性社会行为的二元性特征。也就是说,春秋时期新旧交替的社会环境对当时的贵族女性产生了决定性的影响,使她们在思想特点、行为方式等诸多方面呈现出鲜明的二元性;第二部分是对《左传》女性观的考察,提出了初步束缚的贞节观、有所松动的内化观、自相矛盾的弱化观、以偏概全的丑化观等四个方面。这些观点的提出,在《左传》女性研究领域尚属首次。并且指出,春秋时期特殊的时代特点造就了与商代相比初步束缚,但与后代典型的封建王朝相比又相对宽松的女性观。《左传》作者的女性观也处在这样一个矛盾的状态之中;第三部分首先从伦理与道德的角度分析了善恶两类《左传》贵族女性人物形象。其次,分析了女性人物描写的具体方法,指出作者善于运用娴熟的写作技巧和多样的写作手法,特别是使用凝练传神的语言和行为描写,使贵族女性形象并未沦为伦理与道德的简单符号,而是成为中国史传文学史上第一批形象鲜明、个性迥异的女性形象。

【Abstract】 Zuo Zhuan is one of the greatest historian records in Pre-Qin days. It is a comprehensive expression of all kinds of historian records since Spring and Autumn Period. One of its distingushing features is that it has various charaters from different classes. Historian records before Zuo Zhuan like Shang Shu merely records the rulers’ remarks in politics and military. Due to womens’low social status and the simplicity of historian records in those days, their thoughts and behaviors cannot be recorded. But in Zuo Zhuan, there appeared quite a few female charaters. This has epoch-making significance in both history-literature and women’s history. This makes Zuo Zhuan a progressive historian record. In Zuo Zhuan, the female charaters who have distinctive characteristics are mostly from noble families, especially married ones. It is because of the history of politics, military affairs, diplomacy, and culture in the Zhou royal family and dukes or princes. Women from these families generally enjoy high social status and play indispensable roles in the patriarchal society. They more or less affect the history progress at that time.What is called aristocrat refers to "those who enjoy political and ecomonic privileges in the slave society or feudal society". In the slave society, at first, only slave owners can assume the office in the government (e.g. ancient China, ancient Rome). In the feudal society, aristocrat refers to those with hereditary rank of nobility and possession. They are mainly from the royal family or beneficiary ones who have rendered outstanding service. The ranks of nobility vary in different countries. Ancient China has Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and Baron. Aristocrat enjoys many privileges. The female charaters mentioned in this article not only include the hereditary aristocrat women, but also those who do not have herediary aristocracy but related to the important ministers. What is called aristocrat women refer to those who have relations with priviliged men by blood or marriage.Women’s problems are complicated and of different levels, but its essence is the quality between men and women. As a group of people with the same physical and mental characteristics, women’s social status has been dropping since human being entered the civilized society. And hence, the unequal situation between men andwomen exist over thousands of years. The unequal situation can be seen in all aspects of human society. Nowadays, the unequal situation is still an overwhelming problem worldwide. In the socialist society, the situation has been greatly changed, and women’s social status has been improved unprecedentedly. But in reality, the unequal phenomena are still a frequent sight. The "Green Meditation"of how to create an equal and harmonious environment for both men and women is of great significance for the progress of human civilization. It is also one of the key problems of the realm of ideology and academe.According to my own research, there are 209 women with distinctive social relations. This article will discuss the aristocrat women in Pre-Qin days with sociology, Women’s Studies, literature, and history as points of penetration. The point of this article is to probe into women’s roles in history and literature so as to provide historic experience for women’s free and complete development in the future.This article is divided into three parts. The first part is a social study of the aristocrat women in Zuo Zhuan. It is mainly about aristocrat women’s political status, their relationship with the patriarchal clan system, and their love affairs and marriages. It brings forward the duality of the aristocrat women’s social behavior in Zuo Zhuan. The second part is an observation to the women in Zuo Zhuan putting forward the ideas like chastity. The introduction of these ideas in Zuo Zhuan is virtually the first time. The third part analyzes the aristocrat women characters ethically and morally. In the end, it analyzes the ways and means of depiction.

【关键词】 《左传》贵族女性女性观
【Key words】 Zuo ZhuanAristocrat womenThe conceptions about women
  • 【分类号】I207.5
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1306

