

The Development of Quality Education in America

【作者】 汪澜

【导师】 刘新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代,随着知识经济、信息社会的到来,国际竞争日趋激烈。人才的数量与结构、国民的综合素质日益成为制约经济、社会发展的决定性因素,世界各国对教育的重视达到空前的程度。实施素质教育,提高国民整体素质,已成为世界范围教育改革关注的焦点和趋势。处于这样一个国际大环境中,如何推行教育改革、实施素质教育,同样是我国当前亟待深入研究的课题。1999年6月13日,《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》颁发,这是党和政府颁布的有关素质教育的最高决定。教育部在新近的((2004——2007年教育振兴计划》中,则将素质教育列为新世纪教育发展重点工程之一。在这一宏观背景下,研究外国在推行素质教育方面的得失,为我国实施素质教育提供思路和建议,具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。本文以经济、社会发展处于世界领先地位的美国作为研究对象,借助历史文献法和比较法,通过对美国素质教育发展历程的剖析,探求规律与经验,并结合我国素质教育所面临的实际现状,提出可供借鉴的改革方案,以期促进我国新世纪推行教育改革、实施素质教育的进程。 本文首先在课题综述中对研究美国素质教育的背景和现状及相关概念作了分析,之后分三个部分对美国素质教育进行了论述。 第一部分,美国素质教育的历史演变。美国素质教育的形成经历了国家独立前以道德素质为纲的教育移植;到国家独立后至南北战争前面向全体、实施全面素质教育的教育改造与创新;南北战争至二战前以儿童主体观与个性化教学为表现形式的创新素质教育的新探索;再到二战以来以强化智力素质的培养为标志的美国素质教育纵深发展的历史演进。在这一历程中,美国素质教育内容不断发展,从单纯注重道德素质到面向全体、要求具备全面素质,再到创新素质培养的凸现,至目前对智力素质的突出强调和对人格道德素质的重新追求,其内涵在曲折演进中不断丰满,体现着素质教育发展从外在的全体、全面到内在的和谐、自主的普遍规律。 第二部分,美国素质教育的特点及面临问题。美国的素质教育既是时代发展对教育的必然要求,又是对教育面临经济、社会进步挑战的主动应对,其“不放弃每一位儿童,面向全体,注重全面素质的培养和提高:始终强调个性发展和创造能力的培养;注重课程改革,不断建构新的课程体系以适应时代发展要求”的特点值得借鉴,其面临着“基础教育质量偏低、学校道德问题严重”的问题发人深省,足以为戒。 第三部分,美国素质教育对我国素质教育的启示。本文通过研究发现,美国素质教育的发展得力于四个要素:1.多元文化背景和自由、开放的民族精神;2.深入人心的素质教育观念;3.对经济、社会发展挑战的主动应对;4.政府、教育组织的积极参与和有力推动。借鉴美国素质教育的经验,我国实施素质教育,可以在以下几方面进行尝试:1.树立素质教育理念,面向21世纪,提高教育质量;2.转变传统教育观念,培养我国教师创造性,促进学生创造能力培养;3,加强教师教育,强化教师素质在课程改革中的基础作用;4.继承传统文化精髓,培养健全人格,强化道德素质教育。

【Abstract】 The research object of this thesis is America that has made great achievement in quality education. By analyzing the course of quality education in America I wish to provide useful suggestions for the development of quality education and the reform of quality education system in china.The thesis discusses the development of quality education in America in three parts as followed.Part one analyzes the history of American quality education, that formed by go through from the education transplant that with morals quality as key element before American independence ; the enforcement and innovation of overall quality education in the period of after independence and before South North War; and the expression of the child main sight and personalized teaching in the period of after South North War and before the Second World War. Since from the Second World War to now , the training of intellectual quality is reinforced again. In this course, the unceasing development of quality education content changed from morals quality emphasized merely to the requirement of overall quality, next to the training of innovation quality, to now , intellectual quality being emphasized stick out and with personality morals quality pursuing again, embodied the transformation of quality education that from the external face-to-all to harmonious, autonomous and intrinsically over-all quality.Part two focuses on the characteristic of American quality education and problems it is faced with. By faced with the requirement and challenges from social and economical development inevitably, the characteristics "Face-to-all, Didn’t give up each child, Emphasize the training of character development and creativity all along; Emphasize course reform, Build continuously new course system to meet time’s develop requirement "are deserved to referring to; and at the same time, American quality education are also faced with the problem, " low basic educational quality,serious school morals problem ", sufficient to give up.Part three analyzes influencing elements that the development of America quality education to our country. The development of American quality education is prompt by 4 essential factors: 1, multivariate cultural background and free, open national spiritual; 2, deep idea and popular feeling of quality education ;3, the initiatively challenge that from development of economy and society; 4 positive participating and strong promoting of government and educational organization . In view of the experience of American quality education, Implementing our country’s quality education, the following few aspects should be try: 1, face to 21 century, set up the concept of quality education, raise educational quality; 2, change traditional educational ideas, train the teacher creativity of our country to promote student creativity training; 3, strengthen teacher education and the basic role of teacher’s in course of our reform; 4, marrow our inherit traditional cultural, reinforced personality and morals education in quality education .

  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1832

