

Historical Study on the Major Structure Reform in China’s Higher Education (From the Year 1949 Till Now)

【作者】 郭洁

【导师】 栗洪武;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高等教育专业结构是基于学科的发展和社会职业分工,而形成的高等教育不同学科门类及其内部各专业之间的组合方式及比例关系。专业结构因国别不同和时期不同而呈现出差异性。(现阶段我国的高教专业结构依据大的学科门类可划分为工科、农科、林科、医科、师范、文科、理科、财经、政法、管理、体育和艺术共12科,而在每一科中又进一步分为许多具体的专业)高等教育专业结构是关乎高等教育系统全局性的,又带有根本性的基本建设工程。因为,从高教系统内部关系考察,高等教育实施专业教育,即按专业类别培养人才的特点,决定了高教专业结构合理性关乎高教系统的兴衰;从高教系统与外部环境的关系考察,高教专业结构的合理与否直接决定了高教系统能否为社会(劳动力市场)输送一定比例的各类优秀专业人才,以确保社会的可持续发展。鉴于专业结构合理与否主要体现在专业设置上,即在高等学校中设置哪些从事高深专门知识教与学活动的基本单位,因此,根据一定时期社会政治、经济、科技发展水平等因素之特点,积极调整改革高等学校专业设置,使其不断适应社会发展的整体需求,这就成为诸多高教研究者、决策者们面临的一项长期而艰巨的任务。回顾新中国建国以来50余年高教专业结构(高校专业设置)改革历程,其中固然有不少成绩与经验,然而由于其指导方针的偏颇、决策的失误,以及忽视专业结构自身调整改革机制的建设与完善等原因,而对高教事业发展所造成的重大损失也历历在目。鉴于此,对建国以来高等教育专业结构改革历程作一回顾与反思,总结其经验和教训,将为当前高教专业结构改革的理性重建提供借鉴。 本文内容分四个部分: 第一部分:概述。首先,对研究所涉及的一些基本概念范畴给以一定的界说,尤其是一些至今尚无完全定论的概念,从与本论文研究问题的一致性前提出发给以界定。其次,以系统科学理论的基本原理建构出高教专业结构与外部环境的相互作用关系框架,以作为本论文开展分析研究的理论基础之一。 第二部分:历史回顾。运用历史研究法再现出新中国建国以来高等教育专业结构调整改革的历程。对不同历史阶段专业结构改革资料做系统梳理,并对每一阶段所呈现的成绩与问题给予评价。 第三部分:理性反思。在对专业结构改革作历史回顾的基础上,跳出思维的常模,以一种理性的眼光来透视我国高等教育专业结构改革问题,即具体从专业结构改革的指导思想、实施模式、运行机制三个层面展开分析,以揭示出作用于新中国专业结构改革历程的深层次的原因与机理。 第四部分:比较借鉴。基于以上研究,并吸收高教专业结构改革国际比较研究的成果,为未来中国高教专业结构改革愈益趋于理性之路提供国内外的有益经验。

【Abstract】 The major structure of higher education, determined by the academic development and the professional structure of the society, is the constitutions and ratios of different kinds of higher educational majors as well as that of different kind of "sub-majors" within one major. Major structure of higher education is not the same when it appeared in different countries or on different time periods. At present, the major structure of our nation contains twelve major groups: engineering, agriculture, forestry, medical, teacher education, liberal arts, science, economy and finance, politics, management, physical education, arts; and each major group has several "sub-majors" within itself. Major structure of higher education has a general as well as a fundamental influence on the development of the higher education systems, since from the inside perspective, we say, the education, which is the determinant of the rule that the rationality of the major structure of the higher education plays a crucial role on the smooth growth of the high education cause; and from the outside perspective, the rationality on higher major structure in one country would influence greatly on that of country’s professional personnel structure, which in turn plays a important role on that country’s economy as well as the development of other aspects. Since the rationality of higher major structure determined mainly by the curriculum installment of the universities and institutes, it is a long-termed and arduous responsibility for researchers and policy-makers on higher education field to adjust the major structure by changing the curriculum installment of higher education continuously in order to meet the need of the development of the whole society. Looking back the reform courses of higher education major structure on our country in the past 50 years, one can find frailties in its leading principles, its policies, as well as its inside reform and adaptation mechanisms, which has already impaired the smooth progress of our nation’s higher education cause in the past. Thus a rethink of that reform process of the past would give help to our contemporary higher education major structure reform. This article can be divided into four parts:The first part is the introductory. It gives explanation to some basic definitions and categories that are relevant to this thesis. It also use basic principles in systematic science to construct the correlationship of major structure of higher education and its outer environment, which can be used as one of the fundamental theoretical basis in this thesis.The second part is the history as well as evaluation of the higher education major structure reform in China froml949untill now.The third part is a rational rethinking of the major structure reform process, which deal mainly with the rationality of the guiding line, the practicing pattern, as well as the working mechanisms of the reform..The fourth part is a comparative research on that issue. It bases on the above research result and absorbs the international research fruit of the major structure’s reform to give help to that of the contemporary practices.

  • 【分类号】G649.29
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】940

