

Study on Internationalization Course of Tourism Industry in Chengde

【作者】 徐楠

【导师】 宋保平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪,伴随着经济全球化、产业国际化进程的不断加快,旅游产业国际化逐渐成为未来世界经济发展的基本趋势。全国各地区竞相发展国际旅游业,绘制当地旅游产业国际化的蓝图,但同时其发展的盲目性和不合理性表现无疑,并严重限制了当地旅游产业的发展。因此区域旅游产业国际化研究成为一个急需解决的课题。 在本文中,笔者提出了旅游产业国际化的概念,阐述了旅游产业国际化的特征,并锁定目标城市——承德,以承德旅游产业国际化进程作为研究对象,以经济学、市场学、城市学、旅游学和心理学等相关理论为指导,采用理论和实践相结合的方法,探讨了如何推进区域旅游产业国际化进程的问题。本文通过对目前承德旅游产业国际化发展的限制因素分析,提出了区域旅游产业国际化发展的战略目标及发展框架。并从旅游产品优化、城市形象塑造、旅游促销和资源整合等四个方面具体论述了承德作为中国著名的老牌旅游城市,应如何推进其旅游产业国际化进程。旨在为当地旅游产业深度开发提供一定指导思路。 全文共分十个部分。 第一部分,对于旅游产业概念以及相关研究概念进行了理论界定,分析了旅游产业国际化的定义及主要特征。根据我国旅游产业以及承德旅游产业发展现状,提出了研究课题,并论述了研究区域旅游产业国际化进程的重要意义。 第二部分,主要论述了课题研究的理论基础,包括经济学中的增长极理论、市场学中的产业群理论、地理学中的空间竞争理论、生态学中的可持续发展理论以及城市发展理论等等,为区域旅游产业国际化实践操作提供了理论依据。 第三部分,对承德旅游产业国际化发展的必要性和可行性做了详细的分析。 第四部分,从国内外客源市场现状着手,分析承德旅游产业国际化发展的限制性因素。包括发展观念、产品开发、市场形象、发展环境、市场促销、管理体制等六大制约要素,找到了解决问题的切入点。 第五部分,文章核心所在,提出承德旅游产业国际化的总体发展思路,即实现旅游资源配置国际化、旅游企业经营国际化、旅游业发展战略国际化。并建立起旅游产业国际化发展的总体框架。 以下是本文核心章节。阐述了推进承德旅游产业国际化进程的具体对策。 第六部分,承德旅游产品优化工程的实施。根据对承德旅游产品开发现状的分析,结合理论提出三方面设想:(1)旅游产品类型结构优化,阐述“生态文化”旅游、商务会议旅游和“另类休闲”旅游的开发设想;(2)旅游产品空间布局优化,通过对三种空间开发模式的比较,选择承德旅游空间开发模式,并确定“两环两线一心”的旅游产品空间布局;(3)国际旅游线路优化,根据格式塔视觉连续理论,设计不同结构的空间序列,并结合资源与产业的实际分布,提出了适合区域国际化发展的国际旅游线路构想。 第七部分,承德城市旅游形象工程的实施。引入CIS战略,对承德市原有城市形象和“城市文脉”进行比较分析,定位承德国际旅游形象,并围绕主题旅游形象,进行一系列有关城市硬件建设、软件改善和节庆活动的策划。 第八部分,承德旅游市场促销工程的实施。论述市场促销对于旅游产业国际化发展的关键作用,并针对不同的客源市场,提出了相互对应的促销方式,强调旅游产业国际化发展过程中联合促销的优势和必要性,并提出相应策略。 第九部分,承德旅游资源整合工程的实施。从旅游产业管理体制、旅游企业竞争力、旅游资金投入渠道和旅游空间区域结构四个方面提出了整合设想: (l)宏观管理模式实现上海模式向北京模式的转变,微观经营模式实现景区“四权分离”的改革;(2)建立旅游集团公司,实现集约化经营,提高旅游企业竞争力:(3)重新分析资源,盘活存量资产,完善旅游资源投入渠道;(4)发展区域旅游联合,共建“环渤海大旅游圈”。 第十部分对全文作了总结。 本文创新之处:(l)首次提出旅游产业国际化概念,并根据其内涵阐述了旅游产业国际化的特征。(2)首次从产业发展的角度出发,选择目标城市,全面研究具体区域旅游产业国际化进程。(3)对承德市旅游产业国际化发展进行了全面、系统的探讨。在数据和资料统计基础上,系统分析承德旅游产业发展现阶段所存在的问题和制约因素,并提出了承德旅游产业国际化发展的新思路及具体对策。(4)在具体应对措施中,诸如产品优化、形象塑造、市场促销和资源整合等方面,发表了自己独特的看法。(5)在文章细节上,首次全面分析承德“城市文脉”,找出城市特色,为城市国际旅游形象的塑造提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 With the constant improvement on the process of economic globalization and industrial internationalization in the twentieth century, tourism industrial internationalization has gradually become the basic trend of the development of future world economy. Many areas in China have competed against each other to develop international tourism industry and made a blueprint of tourism industrial internationalization, however, the blindness and inconsequence in their developments have been shown simultaneously so that the developments of their tourism industry have been seriously restricted. Therefore, there is the necessity to explore some questions on the internationalization of area tourism industry.The author has set up the concept of tourism industrial internationalization and expounded its features in this thesis, meanwhile has focused her attention to the city-Cheng De as the target city. Through regarding the internationalization course of tourism industry in Cheng De as the research subject, making related theories of economics, market, tourism and psychology as the guidance, the author has explored the question, that is, how to push the internationalization course of area tourism industry. From the restricted factors of the current development in Cheng De, this thesis puts forward the tactic aim and developmental frame of area tourism industrial internationalization. On the basis of the specific explanations for the four aspects of products optimization, building the image of the city, promotion and tourism elements reorganization, this thesis discusses the question that Cheng De, as one of the famous travel cities in China, should how to realize tourism industrial internationalization so as to provide a certain guidance for the profound development of tourism industry in Cheng De.This thesis consists often parts.In the first part, the concept of tourism industrial internationalization and its main features are analyzed. Based on the current situation of tourism industrial development in Cheng De and the whole country, the thesis sets up the research question, discusses the significance of the study on the internationalization course of area tourism industry.Part two introduces the theoretical basis of the study. Those theories include the theory of growth pole in economics, the theory of industry group in the study of market, the theory of space competition in geography, the theory of sustainable development in ecology and the theory of city development, etc. and they provide the theoretical foundation for the practice operation of the internationalization of area tourism industry.Part three gives a specific analysis on the necessity and feasibility of the development of tourism industrial internationalization in Cheng De.In the fourth part, based on the analysis of current situation about tourists home and abroad, the thesis finds the restricted factors of the development of tourism industrial internationalization in Cheng De, including the developmental concepts, the exploitation of products, the image of the market, developmental environment, the sales promotion and the management system so as to find the entrance to solve the problem.Part five sets up the holistic way of the development of tourism industrial internationalization in Cheng De, meanwhile the holistic frame of the development of tourism industrial internationalization is founded.The following parts are the main chapters of the thesis. The specific countermeasures of the internationalization course of tourism industry in Cheng De are discussed below.Part six discusses the project of optimizing tour products in Cheng De. Analyzing of the current situation of the exploitation of tour products, the author gives assumptions from three aspects. Firstly, on the aspect of optimizing the style of tour products, the author suggests making the tour of "Zoology Culture", the tour of the commerce conference and the tour of "Special Amusement"; secondly, through the comparison with three modes of space exploitations, the author chooses the

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1066

