

Research on Environment of Digital Statistical Map Based on MapInfo

【作者】 黄会平

【导师】 马耀峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国经济建设的生产、管理实践中,不同行业、类别的统计数据多以表格的形式存储在数据库管理软件系统中,人们难以从中发现隐藏在数据内部的规律性。现有的GIS软件可以提供统计数据可视化的功能——专题图制作,但MapInfo、AreView、MapGIS等国内、外软件在专题地图制作方面存在缺点:用户在选择专题图之前不能判断数据的分布特征,并依据不同的数据分布特征选择相应的分类、分级方法,难以更准确地挖掘出隐藏在数据内部的规律;GIS软件虽然对数据提供了专门的分类、分级处理方法,但分类、分级方法数目较少,难于满足和适应越来越广泛的不同用户多元化的需求,使制作的数字统计地图的科学性受到较大影响。本文试图在GIS软件中,集成已相对成熟的统计数据分类、分级方法、数学统计软件SPSS、自动矢量化软件R2V,以提高数字统计地图的科学性和实用性。能够在GIS软件中判断数据的分布特征、提供更多的分类、分级方法、获取符合数据分布特征的分级界线是本文探讨的重要内容。 目前,SPSS是一个功能强大的统计软件包,为统计数据的处理提供了各种方法,并可以作出各种图形;R2V是一种高级栅格图矢量化软件系统。该软件系统将强有力的智能自动数字化技术与方便易用的菜单驱动图形用户界面有机地结合到Windows环境中,为用户提供了全面的自动化栅格图像到矢量图形的转换,其数字化的结果可直接转为mif格式供MapInfo导入;MapBasic是在MapInfo平台上开发用户定制的应用程序的理想的编程语言,用户可以开发个性化的MapInfo界面,并具有强大的数据库访问功能,可以提供开发的结构,调用Windows的DLL或用C等语言编写的DLL等。 作者主要从目前统计数据可视化存在的问题及常用软件功能入手,充分发挥各软件的优势。根据目前软件之间集成的方法,利用MapBasic进行了二次开发,把几种软件集成在MapInfo主环境中操作。数字统计地图生成环境可以提供更准确、更丰富的专题地图制作功能,同时提供详尽的帮助菜单,使不熟悉本环境的用户可以在帮助菜单下顺利完成专题图的科学制作与修改。自动矢量化软件R2V替代MapInfo的屏幕跟踪数字化功能:利用SPSS判断数据的分布特征;采用菜单式的界面,把MapInfo一些较复杂的功能简单化,利用MapBasic编程使空间数据和属性数据的连接更加简单;分类、分级方法更加完善,它的实现,主要采用MapBasic调用DLL(动态链接库)的方式进行,扩充了MapInfo的功能。 本文试图在以下方面有所创新:l)把前人总结的统计数据分类、分级方法及数学统计软件、自动矢量化软件集成 于GIS软件,在制作统计地图时,首先判断数据的分布特征,使用户能够选择 适合该分布特征的分类、分级方法,得到分类、分级界线,从而更清晰地发现 隐藏在数据中的规律,更好地为辅助决策服务。整个环境的操作仍然在MaPInfo 主界面中,易于被用户掌握;2)数字统计地图生成环境提供了更多的统计数据分类、分级方法,用户可以依据 不同的数据分布特征进行选择,弥补了目前GIS分类、分级方法相对较少的缺 陷;3)本环境采用MapBasic程序设计了良好的操作界面,提供详细的帮助菜单,使 不熟悉本环境的用户也能非常容易地进行操作,制图出科学、美观的统计地图;4)数字统计地图生成环境设计了数据分布特征的标准模板,用户可以把自己的判 断结果和标准模板进行比较,可以辅助用户进行分类、分级方法的选择。

【Abstract】 In our economical construction and management practice, people cannot find the underlying laws in data that are stored in DBMS in form of tables. Though current GIS software can provide the fabrication of thematic maps, just as Maplnfo, ArcView, MapGIS and so on, the main disadvantages existed in these software are that they cannot judge the distributing character of data before fabricating thematic maps. As a result, consumers of GIS cannot choose right method of classification for these data, and it is difficult to discover the laws hiding in them, and the number of classification in current software is so small that it cannot satisfy the more and more different needs of users . The environment mentioned in this article aims at boosting the practicality of statistical map because it integrates the comparably matured statistical software SPSS, automatic vectoring software R2V, in order to advance practicability of maps. One of the important contents of this thesis is the environment can provide more methods of classification and judge the character of data before choosing the classification method.At present, SPSS is a software with formidable functions, including various of data disposal and fabrication of graph; R2V can integrate the intelligent digital vectoring technology and the simple menu interface into Windows, it also provides the interchange from raster data to vector data, the results of vectoring can be directed into Maplnfo; MapBasic is an unearthly programme language based on Maplnfo, and it bears the function of interviewing database, provides structure of exploitation, transfers DLL compiled by Windows or C language.The author starts with the problems existing in data visualization and exerts on different functions and advantages of current software. The environment carries second development using MapBasic, and it handles different software in Maplnfo, can provide abundant functions of thematic map fabrication, more detailed help menus so that users who are not familiar with the environment can operate it. Automated vectoring software R2V replaces Maplnfo; judges the characteristic of data using SPSS; simplifies some functions of Maplnfo by way of menu interface; the connection of space data andattribute data becomes simple; extends the function of Maplnfo by perfecting classification methods using MapBasic.This thesis tries to innovate in several aspects:1) The environment integrates the current classification methods and mathematical statistical software, automated vectoring software R2V into GIS. It at first judges the characteristic of data before selecting classification method, and users can choose right method so they can find the underlying rules. The whole environment is operated in Maplnfo so that users can master it easily;2) The environment provides more classification methods so that users have more selection, and this function makes up the flaws of current software;3) The environment provides favorable user interface and detailed help menu so that users who are not familiar with the environment can operate it easily and can tailor scientific, handsome maps;4) The environment designs normal classification template so that users can compare results of their own with it, as a result, the precision of classification is boosted.

【关键词】 MapInfo数字统计地图集成分类分级
【Key words】 Maplnfodigital statistical mapintegratingclassification
  • 【分类号】P283
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】315

