

The Study of Tourism Exploitation and Land Use of Metropolitan’s Surrounding Band: A Case Study of Xi’an City

【作者】 张红

【导师】 任志远;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过观察和抽样调查发现,大中城市周边地区(不一定完全是城市郊区)250公里左右以内,是城市居民周末休闲度假及外来游客的高频出游地区。在居民收入水平和游憩需求的现实条件下,这种近程、短期、高频的出游行为,在上述领域构成了游憩土地利用密集地区。 在城市游憩市场从城市内部向郊区移动的趋势下,当地将旅游开发视为一种新的经济增长点,开发力度加大,出现了环绕城市外围,处于近郊乡镇或周边市(县及其所拥有的农田、林地、水面、山丘等景观的包围之中,与城市交通联系便捷,主要适应城市居民休闲度假需求的土地利用形式,它们具有观光、休闲、度假、娱乐、康体、运动、教育等不同功能,或同时具有上述各种综合功能。 环城游憩带的发展基本上是自发性的市场化增长过程。其总体规模大,单体规模小,由于市场需求的多样性,使其在粗放利用的基础上形成了丰富多彩的格局。同时,结构不合理、土地利用效益低、经营管理水平差及市场无规范的问题对环城游憩带的发展有较大的影响。 本文在对西安本地居民和外地来陕游客市场抽样调查分析的基础上,以地理信息系统为手段,运用游憩产业规划理论、旅游学、游憩地理学、区域经济学和发展管理学的理论,从开发、经营、管理三个层面,从优化结构和提高效益水平两个视角,对西安城郊环城游憩带的开发和土地利用效益进行了比较系统的研究。提出通过规划引导、指导开发;通过引导和培育市场、优化产业结构:通过建立和完善产业支持系统,创造良好的经营环境和管理环境,提高产业效益水平和土地利用效益。 全文共分为六个部分:引言部分:明确了环城游憩带的开发在城镇化建设、产业结构调整、区域经济发展中的地位、作用和现实意义。 第一部分:阐述了游憩、旅游、环城游憩带的内涵、特征和相互之间的关系;从产业市场、资源利用和经营管理三个方面,介绍了环城游憩带的现状和发展过程;分析了环城游憩带国内外研究进展状况。 第二部分:通过抽样调查统计分析表明,西安本地居民和部分外地游客利用周末和节假日的游憩市场,在近距离出行规律的作用下,频繁地指向郊县(区),是影响西安环城游憩带形成的直接动因。由于旅行成本和城市土地价格在空间上的变化梯度的不同,环城游憩带所处的位置也有差别:同时,环城游憩带的区位与中心城市的空间关系并不完全受行政界线的制约,有时它会越出市域范围而达到周边省市。通过研究表明,消费者对游憩消费的需求、资源的创新、级差地租与旅行成本的相互作用、当地政府的产业政策及投资者的投资意愿,是影响环城游憩带形成的最主要因素。 第三部分:通过国内外环城游憩带土地利用配置模式理论与实践的分析,提出了环城游憩带土地开发利用的五项基本原则;结合国内外研究成果,分析了环城游憩带土地利用的空间格局与分类,根据游憩功能及其土地利用商业性程度的大小,将所有的游憩用地划分为商业性的(即度假住宅区、主题公园、商业游憩区、附属游憩区)和公益性(风景名胜区、森林公园、历史文化名城、纪念地、博物馆、文物古迹、原野、河流湖泊及水库等区域)的两种基本类型。 第四部分:介绍了游憩产业规划理论和游憩产业规划方法。游憩规划理论包括游憩发展理论与游憩空间理论,以此理论为依据,既能在时间序列上明确发展目标与计划,又能在空间序列上保证游憩空间的有效使用和城市土地的综合开发利用。需求导向法主要是研究市民游憩需求与城市游憩供给系统的关系。 第五部分:通过对西安市本地居民和外地游客游憩市场需求的统计分析,指出西安市民和外来游客游憩空间范围,一般最大活动半径在25Okm左右,出游目的地选择行为具有明显的扇形衰减特征。即以西安市为中心,西至楼观台,东至华山,沿秦岭北麓,是一个出游率极高的游憩地区,由此向西北,各景区(点)的到访率呈距离衰减。 第六部分:针对西安环城游憩带开发中的的薄弱环节和开发重点,提出了西安环城游憩带的开发模式以及从七个方面重点优化西安的游憩系统,拓展游憩产业发展空间。 本论文独特之处是选择研究区主体为环大成市游憩带,根据市场调查结果,不仅对环城游憩带的总体现状进行了分析,而且阐述了影响环城游憩带形成与发展的因素。本论文研究方法综合运用游憩产业规划理论、旅游学、游憩地理学、区域经济学和发展管理学的理论,从开发、经营、管理三个层面,从优化结构和提高效益水平两个视角,结合了旅游、地理、城市、生态、经济、社会等多学科领域专家的研究成果,对西安城郊环城游憩带的开发和土地利用效益进行了比较系统的研究。在表达方式上,充分利用了GIS统计计算、自动制图等功能,以表格、图示直观鲜明的表现环城游憩带的游憩需求趋势和土地利用发展趋势。

【Abstract】 During the observation and the sampling field survey of middle and metropolitan’s surrounding 250km area, (not always in city suburb), we find out that this area is the high frequency where local citizens and visitors to travel and have entertainment. With the income growing and the emerging requirement of the traveling and entertaining, this kind of short distance, short term, and high frequency traveling activity, this surrounding area has become the high-density land use area of traveling and entertaining.With the driving trend of the urban traveling and entertaining activity from the city proper to the out area of the surrounding metropolitan, the local government recognized that the tourism exploitation has become a new growing aspect of economy, which is usually located in the urban suburb area and is surrounding by the arable land, forestry land, water and hills, for there has convenient traffic and it is mainly a land use function for the local residents to visit, make holiday, training, play, or the synthesis function.The development of the traveling and entertaining circling band was originally developed by the market spontaneity, which has the characteristic of totally large scale whereas small unitary scenery, based on the wasting utilization, there had formed a complex pattern, and an irrational, lower benefit land use and the bad management, which has affect negatively for the regional developing. This paper was based on the GIS analyst and implemented the relative theories, e.g. tourism, traveling and entertaining geography, regional economy, developing & managing science to systemically compare the land use benefits with the traveling and entertaining band exploitation, analyzing from the two point views of structural regulation and the beneficial improvement, and from three aspects, i.e. exploiting, managing and supervising. It is strongly proposed to guide & supervise the exploitation by planning, to optimize the industrial structure by fostering & supervising the market, to create a benign managing and supervising environment by establishing & perfecting the industry supporting system.There are six sections in this paper,:Introduction: mainly points out the position, function, and reality effect of the traveling and entertaining band for the urbanization construction, industrial structureregulation, and the regional economic development.The first part mainly elaborates the conceptions of the traveling and entertaining, tourism and the circular band of traveling and entertaining band surrounding the metropolitan, introduces the current situation and the developing process of the traveling and entertaining band from three aspects, i.e. industrial market, resources utilization, and management, and analyzes the current domestic, abroad researches on this issue.The second part shows that the indigenous citizens of Xi’an and minority travelers from other places use the weekends and the holiday’s market frequently came to this suburb-surrounding region, under the classical law of short distance traveling discipline. For there are different of traveling cost and different spatial distribution of the urban land price, the detailed location of the traveling and entertaining band will be correspondently changed. Meanwhile, the location of the band to the city proper will not be totally constraint by the administrating boundary, sometimes it will be surpassed the municipal domain traveling and entertaining to its neighborhood province or cities. The result shows that the main factors effecting the form of the traveling and entertaining band surrounding the metropolitan, are interactive function among the requirement of the consumers, the creative of the resources, the hierarchic land rent, and the traveling cost, other factor includes the industry policy and the willingness of the investors.The third part proposes the five fundamental principles of the land exploitation & utilization after the analyzing of the domestic and abroad land collocating models, classifies the spatial patterns of lan

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1605

