

Schema-Theory-Based Pre-Reading Activities: Their Effects on Chinese College Students’ EFL Reading Comprehension

【作者】 孙晓慧

【导师】 马振铎;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为语言教学和学习中的一个重要组成部分,阅读理解一直备受语言研究者的关注。然而,中国大学生的阅读理解能力仍然有不如人意的地方。Goodman(1971)指出阅读理解是一场心理语言学的游戏。它涉及到语言与人的思维的一种互动。二十世纪六十年代以来,许多理论学家(例如Goodman,1970;Smith,1978)发展了阅读理解的互动理论。这些对阅读教学实践具有重要影响的互动理论实际上是出自图式理论。图式理论主要阐述的是在语言理解过程中读者背景知识的作用。根据图式理论,读者在阅读理解中存在的问题是与图式的空缺或相应图式未被激活有关。为了解决读者在阅读理解中存在的问题,在图式理论的基础上,阅前活动在阅读教学中被运用,其目的就是建立读者新的背景知识并且激活读者已有的背景知识(Carrell,1988b)。 作者通过调查发现大学英语教师并没有在阅读教学中高度重视阅前活动并且充分运用阅前活动去帮助大学生理解阅读文章,另一方面虽然大学生认识到了背景知识对于他们在阅读过程中理解文章很重要,但是他们不知道怎样获得这些背景知识,没有强烈的意识去运用这些阅前活动。因此,本文旨在研究以图式理论为基础的阅前活动对中国大学生外语阅读理解的影响。基于图式理论,作者提出这样一个假设:以图式理论为基础的阅前活动对中国大学生外语阅读理解具有良好的效果。本文的第一个研究题目是验证该假设。第二是在验证该假设成立的基础上,来探究哪些图式理论为基础的阅前活动对提高中国大学生外语阅读理解的效果最明显。第三,对于不同体裁的文章来说,哪些图式理论为基础的阅前活动对提高中国大学生外语阅读理解的效果最明显。第四,对于具有不同阅读理解能力的学生来说,哪些图式理论为基础的阅前活动对提高中国大学生外语阅读理解的效果最明显。 本文研究对象为陕西师范大学非英语专业二年级学生。研究涉及两次阅读测验。第一次测验中没有安排阅前活动。根据第一次测验的结果,85名学生被选出并且被分在五个组中。作者根据对中国大学生阅前活动情况的问卷调查以及有关阅前活动的研究结果选出了四种最具代表性的阅前活动应用于四个实验组中。第一组的阅前活动是根据文章标题来预测文章的内容。第二组的阅前活动是阅前回答问题。第三组的阅前活动是根据关键词来联想文章的内容。第四组的阅前活动是生词与复杂的句子结构的讲解。第一次测验一周后,进行第二次测验。第二次测验之前,前四组中的学生可以在所提供的阅前活动的指导下,进行15分钟的讨论并完成阅前活动所要求完成的试卷内容,然后这四组的学生可以开始他们的第二次测试。由于第五组的学生没有安排阅前活动,所以可直接开始第二次测试。因为每一个组被安排在不同的教室中进行阅前活动和测试,所以不同的组所进行的阅前活动不会被其他组知道。第二次测验后两天,作者从每一组中抽出了六名学生,让他们对所进行的阅前活动以及第二次测验做回忆性口头自陈。 通过研究作者发现,(1)以图式理论为基础的阅前活动对中国大学生外语阅读理解具有良好的效果,从而验证了作者所提出的假设。(2)在外语阅读教学中,从某种程度上来说对图式理论为基础的阅前活动的忽视导致了大学生在运用图式理论为基础的阅前活动中缺少强烈的意识。(3)根据文章标题进行预测被证明是对中国大学生外语阅读理解最有效的一种图式理论为基础的阅前活动;(4)实验结果表明,对于人物传记这种体裁的文章,运用阅前活动对中国大学生的外语阅读理解没有明显的效果:但是对于说明性和议论性文章,运用阅前活动对中国大学生的外语阅读理解具有明显的效果,并且对说明性文章采用关键词联想这种图式理论为基础的阅前活动被证明是对大学生外语阅读理解最有效的;而对议论性文章采用阅前回答问题这种图式理论为基础的阅前活动被证明是对大学生外语阅读理解最有效的;(5)实验结果表明,对于具有较高阅读理解能力的学生而言,阅前活动对他们的外语阅读理解没有明显的效果;对于具有中等阅读理解能力的学生来说,根据文章标题进行预测被证明是对他们的外语阅读理解最有效的一种图式理论为基础的阅前活动;图式理论为基础的阅前活动对具有较低阅读理解能力的学生的外语阅读理解效果最明显,其中阅前回答问题这种图式理论为基础的阅前活动被证明是对他们的外语阅读理解最有效的。 作者建议大学英语教师应该在阅读课中重视图式理论为基础的阅前活动,而不是忽视它。同时英语教师应该培养大学生运用图式理论为基础的阅前活动的强烈意识。 本研究仍有不足之处,如未能涉及更广范围的外语学习者;在选择阅读测试文章时,对所选文章的生词数量以及复杂的句子结构的数量考虑欠佳,这些对本研究的信度和效度有一定的影响。此外,作者就今后相关研究的研究方向提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 Reading, as one of the five fundamental skills in English learning plays a very important role in EFL acquisition. However, Chinese college students’ reading ability is still not satisfactory. Widdowson (1986) defines reading as a communication activity. Goodman (1971) points out that reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game and it Involves an interaction between thought and language. Therefore, reading is an interactive process of communication. According to the concepts of reading, a number of theorists (i.e. Goodman, 1970; Smith, 1978) have developed interactive theories of reading. While these interactive theories which now dominate reading research and strongly influence teaching practice draw heavily on schema theory.Schema theory has been formulated to account for the role of the reader’s background knowledge in language comprehension. A schema (singular), as understood in schema theory, represents generic knowledge. According to schema theory, readers’ problems are related to absent or alternate schema, as well as non-activation of schema. In order to solve readers’ problems, pre-reading activities should be used to accomplish both goals: building new background knowledge as well as activating existing background knowledge (Carrell, 1988b).The author investigated 85 college students’ reading habits and reading difficulties by the form of questionnaire. It was found that most of subjects had bad reading habits and so many reading difficulties in their reading. Through the investigation on the situation about those 85 college students’ extensive reading class and their pre-reading activities, the author found that College English teachers had not paid much attention to pre-reading activities and made full use of pre-reading activities to help college students comprehend the passage; meanwhile college students knew that background knowledge was very important for their reading, but they didn’t know how to get background knowledge and they had weak awareness to use pre-reading activities. Therefore this thesis is to study the effect of schema-theory-based pre-reading activities on Chinese college students’ EFL reading comprehension. Based on schema theory, the author setsup a hypothesis that schema-theory-based pre-reading activities will have good effects on college students’ EFL reading comprehension. The first research question is to test this hypothesis. The second one is that if the answer to the first one is positive, which pre-reading activities are more available to Chinese college students’ EFL reading comprehension. The third one is that which pre-reading activities are more available according to passages with different genres. The fourth one is that which pre-reading activities are more available according to students with different reading proficiencies.The subjects of this study were second-year Chinese non-English major undergraduates. Two tests and one retrospective report were involved in this study.Results showed that both college English teachers and college students lacked the use of schema-theory-based pre-reading activities in their reading classes. Meanwhile, the hypothesis of this study had been tested to be correct. That is, schema-theory-based pre-reading activities had good effects on Chinese college students’ EFL reading comprehension. It was found that making predictions based on the title was the most available schema-theory-based pre-reading activity to Chinese college students’ EFL reading comprehension; For the passages with the genre of autobiography, using schema-theory-based pre-reading activities had no obvious good effects; Using the schema-theory-based pre-reading activity that was key word association activity on the passages with the genre of exposition was proven the most available one to Chinese college students’ EFL reading comprehension; Answering questions as one of the schema-theory-based pre-reading activities was the most available one to help college students to activate their existing background knowledge and construct their new background knowledge

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】510

