

Relevance Theory and Poetry Translation--A Comparative Study of the Chinese Versions of Ode to the West Wind

【作者】 何小荣

【导师】 杨铭;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 关联理论的翻译观把翻译看作是一个涉及大脑机制的推理过程,它是一种言语交际行为。根据关联理论我们姑且把翻译定义为语内或语际间的明示推理的阐释活动。为了交际成功或取得一定的交际效果就要目的进行合理的阐释。而辖制翻译的基本原则就是关联。成功的译文只是,而且只能是:原交际者(原文作者)的目的和受体(译文读者)的要求在认知环境相关的方面与原文相似。 作为特殊文学形式的诗歌,在其翻译中存在着诸多困难。本文作者通过对英汉两种语言诗歌特征差异性的分析,认为可将关联理论与诗歌翻译相结合。诗歌翻译中应首先考虑传达原文作者的意图,同时也要满足译文读者的期待。译者应使译文和原文最大程度地契合,达到逼真境界。因此,译者首先要使译文传达原文的意境、思想感情和风格,其次要考虑译文的形式与原文忠实。形式应屈从于意境的表达,尽量使译文做到以诗译诗并具有音美、形美、意美的特征。 第一章首先对关联理论作了简要介绍,并指出关联理论与翻译的关系。翻译的准则就是最佳关联,而成功的翻译就要做到使原文作者的意图准确传达并满足译文读者的期待。 第二章分析了英汉诗歌的差异性,提出诗歌翻译应遵循关联理论原则,尽力做到传达原文作者的意图。译诗是否成功,在于译文与原文的趋同度,也就是译文于原文的契合程度。 第三章进一步确定诗歌翻译中应采用的策略或方法应是将传达原文作者的意图作为基本,尽量使译文在内容和形式上趋同于原文。这就要做到使原诗的意境思想感情风格得以再现,这是译诗的核心所在。同时,也要考虑到译诗的美学效果,尽力达到音美、形美、意美的统一。 第四章在前三章的基础上将《西风颂》两种汉语译文从宏观和微观上进行比较,进一步例证了翻译诗歌中对原诗意境思想感情和风格以及形式的忠实。 通过分析本文得出结论。诗歌翻译就是使译文与原文最大程度的契合。要达到这一目的,译者首先要做到传达原文作者的意图,使译文忠实于原文的意境、思想感情和风格,再忠实于原文的形式。同时译者应考虑译诗的审美效果,使其达到音美、形美、意美的统一。

【Abstract】 Relevance theory, proposed as a foundation for cognitive science, is mainly concerned with communication and cognition. It recently been applied to translation. According to relevance theory, translation, as one form of communication, is primarily an ostensive-inferential cognitive process; the ultimate goal for translation is its optimal relevance to the source text. The rule of optimal relevance is believed to be able to match the ST communicator’s intention with the target text audience’s expectation.Poetry, as one unique form of literary work, has indeed posed a lot of obstacles in translation. After a detailed study of the differences between Chinese and English poetry, the author argues that relevance theory can be applied to poetry translation so as to transfer the author’s intention. Translation success is made only when one achieves the convergence or closeness to the original work. The translator must strive for the faithfulness in artistic conception, content, style and its form as well. If artistic conception and content are in contradiction with form, the latter one should succumb.The first chapter gives a brief introduction of relevance theory, which is put forward by Sperbe & Wilson and developed in interpreting translation by Gutt. Chapter two deals with the difficulties in poetry translation and then applies the relevance theory to interpreting translation, which considers transference of the author’s intension as basis in translation. Chapter three puts forward a strategy that can be used in poetry translation, which is first of all to convey the author’s intention, and then to achieve aesthetic effect, namely, beauty in content, form and sound. Moreover, the author argues that the best faithfulness in poetry translation is to retain the artistic conception of the original. Chapter four starts with the introduction of P.B. Shelly and his poem Ode to the West Wind. What is next is the detailed comparison between the two Chinese versions by Wang Zuoliang and Jiang Feng.According to the analysis above, the author concludes that transferring the original author’s intention is the basis of poetry translation, and aesthetic effect is another essential aspect to consider. In poetry translation, the best faithfulness is toachieve closeness first in artistic conception and content, and then in poetic form.

【关键词】 关联意图审美意境诗词
【Key words】 relevance theoryintentionaesthetic effectartistic conceptionpoetry
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】793

