

Studies on Countermeasures of Non-Pollution Vegetable Development and Technical Regulation in Zhangjiajie

【作者】 陈立新

【导师】 刘志敏; 严斧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 无公害蔬菜是新阶段蔬菜产业发展的方向,是“菜篮子”工作的主要任务,是生产者和消费者共同追求的目标。本文以国内外知名的生态型旅游城市张家界为课题研究对象,以调查研究为主要方法,从实事求是和可持续发展的原则出发,调查了解了张家界市蔬菜产业和无公害蔬菜发展的现状以及发展无公害蔬菜的自然资源条件和生产条件;分析研究了无公害蔬菜工作中存在的问题和产生的原因;构建了张家界市发展无公害蔬菜的基本思路和基本原则;提出了张家界市发展无公害蔬菜应坚持城郊专业基地和高山反季节无公害蔬菜基地共同发展的方针,并详细地从自然条件、资源优势、旅游需求、市场需求以及农民致富等方面分析了发展高山反季节无公害蔬菜的必要性和重要性,分析了发展的有利条件和不利因素,提出了趋利避害的具体措施;研究制定了张家界市无公害蔬菜的发展对策,包括建立和健全基地建设、技术推广、质量标准、质量认证、监控检测、市场管理、法律保障和领导决策等体系;主笔制订了适宜张家界市自然条件和生产水平的无公害蔬菜生产技术规程,这是张家界市的第一个地方性农业标准(DB430800/001—2002),也是湖南省第一个无公害蔬菜生产技术规程标准,是本文的重要成果之一,包括基地选择、科学施肥、病虫害综合防治等关键技术和茄果类、瓜类、豆类、叶菜类、根菜类、甘蓝类、茎菜类的具体栽培技术。

【Abstract】 Non-pollution vegetable (NPV) is the trend of the vegetable industry under the new stage, it’s the main task of the shopping basket system, and it’s the goal for which the producer and the consumer pursue. In this paper, based on the principles of seeking truth from facts and sustainable development, Zhangjiejie, a well-known ecotype tourist area, was taken as the research object. The current situations, the natural conditions and working conditions of NPV of Zhangjiejie were investigated; the problems which exited in the production of NPV and the causes which result in these problems were analysised; the basic thought and the basic principle of developing NPV in Zhangjiejie were constructed; it brought forward the policy that the NPV base of speciality in suburb and that of against season at high mountain should be developed at the same time. In this article, the importance and the necessity of developing NPV base of against season at high mountain were argued from all aspects such as natural condition, resource advantage, travel demand, market demand, peasant wealth and so on; the advantages and disadvantages of developing NPV were pointed out; the concrete measures of trending profits but avoiding harms was put forward; the countermeasures of developing NPV of Zhangjiajie was constituted, which including base construction, technology popularization, quality level, quality authentication, control system of measuring, law guarantee, market management and leader’s decisions etc; the productive technical regulations of NPV of Zhangjiajie was laid down, it’s the first local agricultural standard in Zhangjiajie (DB430800/001-2002), and also the first technical regulations of NPV in Hunan province, it’s one of the most important achievements in this paper. The productive technical regulations includes aspects as follows: base choosing, applying Fertilizer scientifically, plant diseases and insect pests integrated controlling and the concrete cultivation techniques for the types of eggplant, melon, beans, root vegetables, cabbage, stem vegetables.

  • 【分类号】S63
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】327

