

Geo-distribution Pattern and Protection Status Assessment for the Key Species of China

【作者】 肖静

【导师】 黄璜; 欧阳志云;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术构建了我国重要珍稀濒危物种与类群(大熊猫、朱鹮、虎、金丝猴、藏羚羊、扬子鳄、亚洲象、长臂猿、麝、普氏原羚、野生鹿类、鹤类、野生雉类、兰科植物、苏铁)的空间分布图,在此基础上分析了各物种与类群的地理分布特征,并按科、属、种不同层次的分类阶元提取了这15物种与类群在全国的主要地理分布中心。结合人口、气温、海拔等人文和自然因素探讨了造成这种格局的主要驱动力。同时从保护现状、保护全面性、保护有效性和保护空缺四方面评价了各类群目前的保护状况,提出了相应的改进策略。主要结论如下: 1.15物种与类群的地理分布中心主要在横断山区,秦岭山地和西双版纳地区,这与全国热点地区研究结果基本一致。影响这些物种分布的主要因素包括地质过程、地形气候条件以及人类活动的干扰。横断山区在第四世纪基本无大面积冰川,又未受喜马拉雅造山运动的剧烈影响,人类干扰相对较少,成为这些物种的“避难所”。西双版纳境内丘陵,发育与保存了季节性雨林和山地常绿阔叶林,为树栖类物种提供了良好的栖息地。秦岭山地在动物和植物区系上具有明显的过渡性,是兰科植物、大熊猫、金丝猴和朱鹮的主要分布区。 2.15物种与类群的分布呈现局部分布和间断分布特征。15物种与类群中有不少是局限性分布的特有种,如大熊猫、四川山鹧鸪、普氏原羚和多数兰科植物,呈间断分布的有扬子鳄、金丝猴、白冠长尾雉、攀枝花苏铁和闽粤苏铁。 3.从物种保护来看,35.77%物种没有得到保护,主要集中在兰科植物、苏铁和雉科。导致这种情况的原因有四:(1)我国目前对于这三大类群的野外考察活动开展较少,其分布地和数量还不清楚。(2)我国是世界上这三大类群多样性比较丰富的国家,但是对这三大类群的法律保护体系却不完善。(3)兰科植物和稚类在我国的分布较为广泛。(4)我国苏铁新物种不断发现,新分布不断记录。 4.从保护区域来看,67.94%分布区没有得到保护。这些空白区域集中分布在西南部的四川、云南、西藏、贵州和广西,东北部的黑龙江。除黑龙江、广西和贵州外,这些空白区域位于这15物种与类群的地理分布中心。 5.从保护的全面性来看,大熊猫、扬子鳄和亚洲象的保护现状较好,而兰科和苏铁类的保护现状较差。从保护的有效性来看,每个类群的制约因素不同,管理人员的素质为共同的制约因素,全国涉及到这15物种与类群的自然保护区中专业管理人员只占5.46%。其次是有效保护面积,有效保护面积仅为保护总面积的33.33%。 6.为了加强对于这15物种与类群的保护,建议采取如下对策:新建和扩建一批自然保护区,主要集中在15物种与类群的地理分布中心横断山区、秦岭山地和西双版纳地区,优先考虑四川、云南、西藏这些物种多样性高,分布点多而保护空白区也多的地区;加快尚未受到保护的7属44种物种的保护,尤其是兰科、苏铁和雉类。对于兰科和苏铁,由于它们的分布呈零星状,数量少,可以先建立保护站或自然保护小区;加强已建自然保护区的建设,侧重于提高管理人员的素质,加紧保护区的规划,扩大核心区的面积。

【Abstract】 The study objects are 15 groups of species which are Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Rhinopithecuare, Hylobatidae, Panthera tigris, Cervus, Moschus, Elephas maximus Linnaeus, Procapra przewalskii, Pantholops hodgsoni, Alligator sinensis, Grus, Phasianida, Nipponia Nippon, Cycadaceae, Orchidaceae. Based on the spatial distribution maps which is created by using GIS (Geographical Information System), geo-distribution pattern for 15 groups of key species was analysized, then their distribution hotspots were found in different taxon levels (family, genus and species). In view of some social and natural factors such as population, temperature and altitude, the main driving force that caused the distribution pattern was explained. After that, the protection statusof each group was evaluated, which was made from four ways: protection present status, protection entireness, protection status and protection gaps. Finally, the protection strategies were put forward. The main conclusion are described as follows:1 .Geo-distribution hotspots of 15 groups were in Heng Duan Mountains Area, Qin Ling Mountains Area and Xi Shuang Ban Na, which is consistent with the result of national hotspot study. The key influence factors to these species include landform, climate and human disturbance. There are three reasons why Heng Duan Mountains Area became the refuge of these species. The first is that there was no large-area glacier here in the fourth century. The second is that the forming of Himalayas didn’t affect it. The third is that human disturbance is less here compared to other place in China. Most of species living in the trees concentrate in Xi Shuang Ban Na, because the landform here is uplands and the vegetation is seasonal rain forest and upland evergreen broadleaf forest. Qin Ling Mountains Area is main distribution region since the fauna and flora here are of distinct transition.2.The distribution of 15 groups is of two characteristics: partial distribution and discontinuous distribution. Some species of 15 groups are local endemic species, such as Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Arborophila rufipectus, Procapra przewalskii and Orchidaceae. Some species distribute discontinuously, such as Alligator sinensis, Rhinopithecus, Syrmaticus reevesii, Cycas panzhihuaensis and Cycas taiwaniana.3.In view of protected species, 35.77% species are not under protection, most of which are Orchidaceae, Cycas and Phasianidae. There are four reasons: (1) At present, fieldwork surveys of the three groups are so less that the distribution and amount of their habitat is unclear. (2) In China, diversity of the three groups is abundant, but the laws system for the three groups protection is imperfect. (3 )The distribution area of Orchidaceae and Cycas is very large. (4) New species and new distribution spot of Cycas are found continuously.4.In view of protected area, 67.94% is not under-protection. These gaps concentrate in the west-southern provinces such as Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Guizhou and Guangxi and the east-northern provinces such as Hei Longjiang. Except Hei Longjiang, Guangxi and Guizhou, other regions basically lie in the geo-distribution centers of 15 groups.5.In view of protected entireness, the protection status of Ailuropoda melanoleuca,Alligator sinensis and Elephas maximus is better, but the one of Orchidaceae and Cycas is worse. In view of protected effectiveness, the restriction factor of each group is different, but the common restriction factor is managers’ability and area of cores. Among the nature reserves that have protected the 15 groups, only 5.46% of the mamagers are professional ones, and effective protected area is about 33.33% of total protected area.6.In order to improve the protection status, the following mearures should be taken: in the distribution center of 15 groups specially Sichuang, Yunnan, Xizang where biodiversity is higher and protection gaps are more, some new nature reserves should be built and exsiting nature reserve should be enlarged; unprotected 44 species belonging to 7 genus, especially Orchidac

  • 【分类号】Q14
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1358

