

Effects of Different Planting Patterns on Growth and Yield of Lower-Nodal Ratooning Rice

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 屠乃美; 刘云开;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以培两优288、新香优80、湘早籼31三个品种(组合)为试验材料。头季稻育秧定植采用旱育移栽、盘育抛栽、湿育移栽三种方式。头季稻成熟收割时留桩高度统一为10cm。主要结论如下: 1.不同处理头季稻产量、再生稻产量和两季总产量均存在极显著差异。头季稻产量新香优80/旱育移栽最高,新香优80/盘育抛栽其次,培两优288/旱育移栽第三;再生稻产量新香优80/盘育抛栽最高,新香优80/旱育移栽其次,新香优80/湿育移栽第三;两季总产量新香优80/盘育抛栽最高,新香优80/旱育移栽其次,新香优80/湿育移栽第三。 2.头季稻生育期140天左右、总叶数较多、LAI较大、茎秆粗壮、穗总粒数较多的杂交稻组合适于进行头季稻—低位再生稻栽培。提高头季稻群体质量和成穗率,有利于低位腋芽萌发与生长。适当提早收割头季稻,有利于保护低位腋芽生理活性。 3.低位再生稻有效穗数、穗总粒数、结实率与再生稻产量偏相关系数达到显著水平。通径分析表明有效穗数对再生稻产量影响最大,其次是穗总粒数和结实率。 4.再生稻与头季稻相比株体小、叶片少、叶面积小、叶光合寿命短。杂交稻再生稻以倒3节、倒4节形成产量主体;常规稻再生稻旱育移栽和湿育移栽以倒2节、倒3节形成产量主体,盘育抛栽以倒3节、倒4节形成产量主体。高节位再生苗叶片少且小,低节位再生苗叶片多且大。 5.再生稻营养生长期与生殖生长期重叠程度随节位下移而呈减小趋势,低节位再生苗营养生长期较长,再生稻穗分化质量较高,穗形较大,穗总粒数较多。 6.头季稻采取盘育抛栽有利于低位腋芽在头季稻生育后期保持较高生理活性,处于较好生态小环境,有利于腋芽萌发生长。 7.再生稻米较头季稻米垩白粒率低、垩白度小、胶稠度高、精米率略有增大;精米长和精米长宽比有所减小,直链淀粉含量有所增大;糙米率、整精米率、糊化温度、蛋白质含量则基本不变。

【Abstract】 Three varieties(combinations)-PeiLiangYou288,XinXiangYou80 and XiangZaoXian31 were adopted in this study. Dry-land seedling, wet-land seedling and casting seedling were used in the seedbed management. Dry-land seedling and wet-land seedling were planted by transplanting. Casting seedling was planted by casting. When main crop was reaped ,lhe culm cuttage was set on 10 cm. The main results are as follows:1. Significant differences at the 0.01 level existed in yields of main crop, ratooning crop and whole yield respectively between different treatments. To yield of main crop, XinXiangYou80 under dry-land seedling was highest, XinXiangYou80 under casting seedling was second and PeiLiangYou288 under dry-land seedling was third. To yield of ratooning crop, XinXiangYou80 under casting seedling was highest, XinXiangYou80 under dry-land seedling was second and XinXiangYou80 under wet-land seedling was third. To yield of two crops, XinXiangYou80 under casting seedling was highest, XinXiangYou80 under dry-land seedling and XinXiangYou80 under wet-land seedling were second and third respectively.2. About the choice of main crop, choose hybrid combination with longer growth duration (about 140 days), more leaves, higher LAI, firm culm and more grain number per panicle in main crop, followed by lower-nodal ratooning rice. Increasing tiller-bearing percent of main crop to improve the quality of main crop colony is beneficial to sprouting and growing of lower-nodal axillary buds. Shifting reaping stage to an appropriate earlier time is advantageous to protect the physiology activity of these buds.3.Coefficiency of partial correlation between effective tiller number, total grains number per panicle and seed-setting were significantly different at the 0.05 level. The path analysis showed that influence of effective tiller to yield was biggest, followed by total grains number per panicle and seed-setting percent.4. Compared with main crop, the individual plant was smaller, the leaf number was less, the leaf area was smaller and the leaf photosynthesis duration was shorter in ratooning crop. To PeiLiangYou288 and XinXiangYou80, the 3rd and 4th nodes from top were dominating. To XiangZaoXian31, the 2nd and 3rd nodes were dominating under dry-land seedling and wet-land seedling. But the 3rd and 4th nodes were dominating under casting seedling. The leaf was fewer and smaller from upper-nodal ralooning rice. But the leaf was more and bigger from lower-nodal ratooning rice.5. The nutrient accumulation duration and the seed-setting duration have an identical growth time in ratooning crop. The nutrient accumulation duration of lower-nodal ratooning rice is longer than that of upper-nodal ratooning rice. The quality of differentiation of panicle is better. The shape of panicle is bigger. The total grains number per panicle is more.6. Casting seedling of main crop is advantageous to the axillery buds of lower nodes. These buds will keep the livingness highly and the sprouting property strongly and live in the better small area ecology circumstance when main crop is nearly mature.7. Comparing between the main rice and the ratooning rice, the index level of ratooning rice is greatly declined in the chalkiness percent, chalkiness size of milled rice, lightly reduced in the milled rice length and the ratio of length and width, lightly asended in milled rice percent, gel consistency and amylose content, generally stabilized in brown rice percent, head rice percent, gelatinization temperature and protein content.LI Wei (Crop Cultivation and Farming System) Directed by Professor TU Nailtiei

  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】88

