

Studies on Metabolizable Energy and Amino Acids for Some Common Feedstuffs in Musovy and Shaoxing Ducks

【作者】 邓英

【导师】 张彬; 李丽立;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选用健康体重一致的未去盲肠公番鸭、绍兴公鸭、海兰公鸡各5只为试验动物,分别采用5×5拉丁方设计,测定豆粕、花生粕、鱼粉、小麦、玉米5种饲料及粪样的干物质、粗蛋白、表观代谢能(AME)、真代谢能(TME)以及氨基酸的表观代谢率(AAAD)与真代谢率(TAAD),旨在阐明设计鸭饲科配方时借用鸡的参数是否科学,并为确定不同品种鸭的营养需要提供基础数据。试验分6期进行,按照真代谢能法“TME”程序进行,第一期全部测定试禽内源排泄量,其余5期按照拉丁方设计测定5种饲料。试验全期共74天。 试验测得番鸭对5种饲料AME、TME值,以花生粕最高,显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)高于其他四种饲料;鱼粉最低(P<0.05);对小麦、玉米、豆粕AME、TME值差异均不显著(P>0.05)。绍兴鸭对花生粕AME、TME值显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)高于玉米、豆粕、鱼粉和小麦;对玉米、豆粕、小麦、鱼粉间AME、TME值差异均不显著(p>0.05)。 鸡与番鸭、绍兴鸭对五种饲料代谢能(ME)存在显著性差异;绍兴鸭对豆粕、鱼粉、玉米AME、TME值显著大于鸡(p<0.05),对小麦AME、TME值显著小于鸡(p<0.05),花生粕二者间AME、TME值差异不显著(p>0.05);番鸭对豆粕、小麦、玉米TME值显著或极显著高于鸡,对花生粕、鱼粉AME、TME值二者差异均不显著(P>0.05)。对同种饲料的AME、TME值,番鸭和绍兴鸭之间也有不同。绍兴鸭对鱼粉TME、AME值显著高于番鸭(p<0.05);对小麦AME、TME值显著小于番鸭(p<0.05);豆粕、花生粕二者间TME值差异不显著,AME值绍兴鸭要高于番鸭(p>0.05); 本实验证实鸡对饲料AME与TME值之间存在明显的相关性(p<0.01),同时其AME、TME值与番鸭、绍兴鸭对饲料的AME、TME值之间也存在极强的相关性(p<0.01),并得到3个回归公式,根据回归公式用鸡AME值可推算出其TME值;用鸡TME值可分别推算出番鸭、绍兴鸭TME值。 鸡与番鸭、绍兴鸭之间对五种饲料氨基酸消化率存在显著性差异:绍兴鸭对豆粕、玉米平均AAAD、TAAD均显著大于鸡的(P<0.05),对花生粕、鱼粉、小麦AAAD、TAAD二者差异不显著(P>0.05);番鸭对豆粕、玉米、小麦TAAD显著高于鸡的(P<0.05),对花生粕AAAD、TAAD显著低于鸡的 (P<0.05),对鱼粉rL气AD二者差异不显著(P>.05)。绍兴鸭和番鸭之间同种饲料氨基酸消化率也不相同。绍兴鸭对花生粕平均AAAD、TAAD显著高于番鸭(P<0.05),对小麦AAAD、TAAD显著低于番鸭(P<0.05),对豆粕、鱼粉、玉米AAAD、1诱AD二者差异不显著(P>.05)。 对所测5种饲料代谢能和氨基酸消化率,鸡和番鸭、绍兴鸭以及番鸭和绍兴鸭之间存在明显差异,对不同饲料代谢能及氨基酸消化率互有高低。在鸭饲料配方「!,借J一1J鸡的试验参数是不科学的;不同品种鸭对相同饲料代谢能和氨基酸消化率并不总是相同,在配制不同品种鸭饲料时,要区别对待。本试验为鸭饲料配方提供了以上几种饲料代谢能及氨基酸消化率的有效数据。

【Abstract】 The objective of the present experiment was to demonstrate if it was scientific to use chick’ data for ducks’ diets, and provide new information on AME, TME, apparent amino acid digestibility (AAAD) and true amino acid digestibility (TAAD) of soybean meal(SBM), peanut meal(PNM), wheat, corn and fish meal(FM) for ducks. Three 5×5 Latin square design used to evaluate the energy and amino acid availability of several common feedstuffs for Shaoxing ducks , Muscovy ducks and laying cocks. According to the 5X 5 Latin square design table, five Shaoxing ducks (or five Muscovy ducks or five laying cocks )were selected and fed SBM, PNM, wheat, FM and com each term. For the first one term , all the birds were fasted 48h, then collected excreta for 48h, which was used to measure endogenous amino acid. For other five terms, each bird was force-fed one of the above feedstuffs after fasted 48h, then collected 48h excreta ,FM 30g each time ,the others 50g each time. The recovery time between terms was 10 days. The whole experiment was 74 days.The metabolizable energy(AME and TME) of PNM was higher(P<0.05) than other feedstuffs in Shaoxing ducks and Musovy ducks, The difference among wheat, FM ,corn and SBM in the metabolizable energy(AME and TME) were not significant(P>0.05) in Shaoxing ducks. The metabolizable energy(AME and TME) of FM in Muscovy ducks is lower than other feedstuffs and the difference among wheat, SBM and corn were not significant(P>0.05) .Shaoxing ducks’ AME.TME of SBM, FM and corn were higher (P<0.05) than cocks’; AME, TME of wheat was lower (P<0.05) than cocks’; AME.TME of PNM did not differ (p>.05)from cocks’; Muscory ducks’ TME of SBM, wheat and corn were higher (P<0.05 or P<0.01 ) than cock’, TME of PNM and FM didnot differ (P>.05) from cocks’ and AME was higher(P<0.05). AME, TME of FM was higher (P<0.05) than Muscory ducks’ and those of wheat, corn were lower (P<0.05)than Muscory ducks’, AME, TME of SBM, PNM did not differ (P<0.05) with Muscory ducks’. Results of correlation analysis revealed that there was a strong correlation(P<0.05) not only between AME and TME of cocks but also between ducks and cocks in digestibility energy(AME and TME).Shaoxing ducks mean AAAD.TAAD of SBM ,corn were higher than cocks’ (P<0.05), PNM ,FM and wheat did not differ (P>.05)from cocks’; Muscory ducks’ mean TAAD of SBM, wheat, corn were higher (P<0.05)than cocks’; AAAD , and TAAD of PNM was lower (P<0.05) than cocks’; TAAD of FM didn’t differ(P>.05) from cocks’.AAAD and TAAD of Shaoxing ducks in PNM was higher (P<0.05) than Muscory ducks’;in wheat was lower than (P<0.05) Muscory ducks’, in SBM, FM and corn didn’t differ(P>.05) from Muscory ducks’.The results indicated that there were significant differences between ducks and cocks, Shaoxing ducks and Muscory ducks in the metabolizable energy and amino acid digestibility of feedstuffs. These results of this study establish reliable data for formulating of duck diets using the tested feedstuffs.

  • 【分类号】S834
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】373

