

Studies on Phytophthora Capsici’s Biological Characteristics and Chemical Control Against Phytophthora Blight of Pepper

【作者】 张政兵

【导师】 高必达; 刘勇;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对北京、陕西、广西、广东、南京和湖南长沙、衡阳、浏阳、望城、郴州、娄底、株州、常德、益阳、岳阳等地的辣椒疫病样本进行收集、分离纯化和孢子囊显微镜鉴定,我们得到十九个不同的辣椒疫菌。在此基础上,对适合它们生长的PH值、产孢子囊光照条件、温度条件、培养基条件以及菌株致病力强弱等生物学方面的特性进行了研究。 结果表明,固体燕麦培养基上,PH值在6—7之间时菌丝生长情况最好,随着PH值的增大,菌丝生长放缓,当PH值大于9后,菌丝生长明显受到抑制。三种不同的光照时间处理中,每天光照12小时最有利于辣椒疫菌产生孢子囊,24小时光照处理次之,零光照处理的又次之。在辣椒疫霉菌的生长适温24-28℃内,其孢子囊产量不高。在21℃、30℃、33℃条件下,有较高的孢子囊产量,可能与这几个温度最能平衡营养生长和生殖生长的关系有关。致病力测定结果显示,Phy1和Phy12有较强的致病力,其中Phy12的致病力最强,Phy3和Phy14的致病力较弱,其它的菌株之间差异不大,离体测定与活体测定结果大体一致。 本研究在室内进行了包含4种新杀菌剂25%阿米西达SC、56%AF-117SC、25%AF-12946SC、53%金雷多米尔-锰锌WG在内的15种杀菌剂的单剂毒力测定和双剂联合毒力测定,同时研究了不同来地辣椒疫菌对杀菌剂的耐受力及温度条件对杀菌剂单剂室内毒力测定效果的影响。其后又利用盆栽试验研究了施药期与施药方法对杀菌剂作用效果的影响、并进行了杀菌剂的大田试验。 结果显示,25%阿米西达SC、56%AF-117SC、25%AF—12946SC、53%金雷多米尔WG和50%安克SC对辣椒疫菌有很好的毒力效果。且杀菌剂双剂联合毒力测定表明,上述药剂与其它杀菌剂的相容性好,有很好的应用潜力。盆栽试验和田间试验的结果也支持这一结论。72.2%普力克SC、75%百菌清WP、52.5%抑快净WP等3种杀菌剂对辣椒疫茵也有较好的效果。试验中发现,不同来地辣椒疫菌对杀菌剂的耐受力大小各不相同,其对杀菌剂耐受力的大小与其本身致病力的强弱无明显相关性。温度、施药方法、施药时间对杀菌剂的防治效果有直接影响。

【Abstract】 By using of selectivity culture medium and microscope, 19 Phytophthora capsici strains have been collected and identified in the experiments, which come from Beijing city, Shanxi Province, Guangxi Province, Guangdong Province, Nanjing city and Changsha, Heng yang, Liuyang, Wangcheng, Chenzhou, Loudi, Zhuzhou, Changde, Yiyang.Yueyang, Hunan Province, respectively. Then, the Phytophthora capsici’s biology characteristic were studed, which including the suited PH for growth, the best illumination, temperature and culture midium condiction of sporangium’s production, and the difference between their Pathogenicity.The results revealed, Phytophthora capsici grow best on the oat culture midium when PH between 6 and 7,and it’s growth was restrained obviously when PH was above 9. Among the three illumination disposals, 12 hours one day was by far the best way,followed by 24 hours one day,and zero hour one day, the worst. The quantity of sporangium’s production was low when growed in Phytophthora capsici’s suited temperature(24℃- 28℃) scope ,but when it come to 21℃,30℃ and 33℃,the quantity was higher,which means there maybe lay certain balance between it’s nutrient growth and generative growth in these temperature.The results of their Pathogenicity identify experiments improved that there were differences among their Pathogenicities. Among them, Pathogenicities of strains Phyl and Phyl2 were perferable and Phyl2 the best, however, Phy3 and Phyl4 were the worst.There weren’t marked differences among the other 15 strains.Results from vivo and virto experiment were similar.15 fungicides’ individual virulence identify and biunited virulence identify were studied in lab, including four new fungicides 25% Amisida SC, 56%AF-117SC, 25%AF-12946 SC , 53% Gold Ridomil-MZ WG, besides, different strains’ tolerance to the fungicides were studied and the relativity between temperature condition and effects of individual virulence identify were researched. Then, we studied the relativity between control time and contorl effects, control ways and control effects. Last, control effects test in the field were carried out.The results revealed, four new fungicides 25% Amisida SC, 56%AF-117SC, 25%AF-12946 SC , 53% Gold Ridomil-MZ WG were effective to Phytophthora capsici in individual virulence identify experiment, furthermore. They show good coadjutant capability to other fungicides, meaning their wonderful outlook of application . Results from potten plant test and field one also agreed with the conclusion. 72.2%Pulike SC, 75%Chlorothalonil WP, 52.5%Yikuajing WP also show preferable effects. There were not relativity between different strains’ tolerance to the fungicides and their Pathogenicities , the temperature condition,the control time and the control way had direct influence to fungicides’contorl effects.

  • 【分类号】S436.418
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】489

