

Studies on Aulacorthum Solani on Swertia Dividi Franch in Western Rejoins of Hunan Province

【作者】 蒋拥东

【导师】 谭济才; 李鹄鸣;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国中药行业已逐步对绿色中药材的研究和开发予以重视。绿色中药材的生产和基地建立已成为中药现代化的重要内容之一,西部是中药材基地,化学农药防治务必污染药材转而危害人的健康。为此,我们在中草药病虫害防治工作中一定要运用生态调控的原理,尽量防止和减少污染,使中药材的生产符合绿色中药材的要求。川东獐牙菜(Swertia dividi Franch)属龙胆科獐牙菜属植物,又称鱼胆草,当地又叫青鱼草、青叶胆、水灵芝、水黄连、小四方、河风草等。川东獐牙菜作为一味中草药在民间治疗中起到了不可忽视的作用。近年来,湘西地区川东獐牙菜栽培面积逐年扩大,发展川东獐牙菜生产前景广阔。但是,病虫害对川东獐牙菜的危害很大,年年普遍发生,严重影响植株和叶片的发育,以致枯萎死亡,对川东獐牙菜的生产栽培构成严重威胁。 本文研究的主要内容包括: 1.湘西地区川东獐牙菜上的虫害进行调查。共获得软体动物门蛞蝓和蜗牛2种;蛛形纲(Archnida)螨类(acarina)1种;害虫分属3目(Ordo),6科(Familia)共9种(Species)。其中,以同翅目(Homoptera)蚜虫(aphid)最多,共4种,占44.4%。 2.蚜虫种类鉴定及形态特征区别。川东獐牙菜上的蚜虫有桃蚜[Myzus persicae(Sulzer,1776)]、茄粗额蚜[Aulacorthum solani(Kaltenbach,1843)]、大豆蚜(Aphis glycines Matsumura,1917)和棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover,1877)四种蚜虫。其中茄粗额蚜(茄无网蚜)是优势种。 3.茄粗额蚜寄主植物测定以及茄粗额蚜发生与温度关系的研究。在实验中发现了茄粗额蚜新的分布范围,并且确定了茄粗额蚜的一些具体寄主植物。本实验研究了茄粗额蚜的发育起点温度、有效积温、最适温度、最低和最高温、以及温度对其存活率和对有翅蚜产生的影响。 4.川东獐牙菜上蚜虫发生危害及不同密度下蚜虫取食量的研究。实验结果表明:虫口密度大于20头蚜虫的,其取食量之间存在显著的差异。 5.不同数量蚜虫危害川东璋牙菜后,川东樟牙菜主要化学成份的变化情况。实验结果表明:不同密度的蚜虫对川东樟牙菜中的主要化学成份一雏菊叶龙胆营(swertianolin)影响最大。虫口密度大于20头蚜虫的,对川东璋牙菜中的每一种主要化学成份造成的危害之间存在差异。 6,常用化学药剂对川东璋牙菜品质影响的研究。结果表明:化学药剂虽然对一蚜虫有很好的防治效果,但均对川东璋牙菜品质有影响,能在其上面检测到农药残留。 木实验着重研究蚜虫对川东璋牙菜的影响,以探讨蚜虫和川东璋牙菜之间的相互关系,为川东障牙菜的开发和利用,以及中草药的病虫害防治提供一些有价值的研究资料,同时也可为西部药用资源的开发和利用提供参考。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese medicine industry has paid more attention to green Chinese herbal medicine, and it’s production and bases building have been the main contents of modern Chinese herbal medicine. Western area is the traditional base of China, chemical pesticide control was proved to be effective in controlling pests, but it also causes pesticide pollution, and they threats people’s health. In order to reduce pollution, ecology control must be used in the production of Chinese herbal medicine, according to the criteria of Green Chinese medicine. Swertia divivi Franch is also called yudan cao, qingyu cao, Qingyedan, shuilingzhi, shuihuanglian, xiaosifang, fehengcao, and so on. It is an important Chinese herbal medicine in folk prescription. In recent years, Swerfia dividi Franch culture area is becoming to been expanded year by year in western rejoins of Hunan province, there is a bright future in developing Swertia dividi Franch production. However, plant diseases and insect pests generally happen every year, are very harmful to Swertia dividi Franch, and influence the development of the plant and blade seriously, even withered to death, and threat to the Swertia dividi Franch’s production.The domestic and international scholars have already studied on Swertia dividi Franch until now, botany , biology, ecology , chemical contents and clinical drug effect,etc. And researchers have studied on many aspects of aphid on field crop, such as morphology , anatomy , biology , taxonomy , ecology, etc. at the same time studied on aphid on some medical plants ( such as the north root of straight ladybell, Matrimony vine, Chinese sumac,etc.), economic crops (such as tea , tobacco , soybean , peanut ) , the flowers and potted landscapes. But the survey of pests on Swertia dividi Franch, the species of aphid, occure law , and the relationship between Swertia dividi Franch and aphid,etc. have not been reported on materials yet at present. So the research of thesis has practical value and important meaning to utilize to develop to Swertia dividi Franch production and exploit.Followings are the main studies in the paper:1. Investigation of pests on Swertia divivi Franch in western rejoins of Hunan. The result shows, there are 2 kinds of Mollusks, 1 kind of acarina belongs to Archnida, and 9pests from 3 Ordos and 6 Familia. And 4 species of aphids (Homoptera) have the largest quantity, which account for 44%.2. The discrimination of aphid species and the distinguish of morphological characters. Aphids which harm Swertia divivi Franch include 4 series: Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776), Aulacorthum solani (kaltenbach, 1843), Aphis glycines Matsumura (1917) and Aphis gossypii Glover(1877). Among them, Aulacorthum solani kaltenbach is the dominant species.3.The researches on host plants of Aulacorthum solani kaltenbach and studies on the connection between aphid occurence and temperature. In this experiment, Aulacorthum solani kaltenbach has been found the new scope of distribution and some concrete host plants. And studies on the biological zero, sum of effective temperature, optimum, minimum and maximum temperature, and temperature’s influence of aphids’ survival rate.4.The studies on aphids" harm and aphids’ consumption under different density. The result shows: the density is over 20 aphids, and the consumptions take on remarkable difference.5. According to different quantities of aphids’ harm on Swertia dividi Franch’s main chemical compositions are different. The result shows: the density of aphids on Swertia dividi Franch is the main factor which influence the important chemical composition-swertianolin. The density over 20 aphids, the harm levels to Swertia dividi Franch main chemical composition danger are different.6.The research of the influence of quality for pesticide. The result shows: though pesticide has fine prevention and cure result to aphid, has influence quality, and agriculture chemicals residue to been detected in it.This experiment studies emphasizes on the effect of aphids on Swertia dividi Franc

  • 【分类号】S435.67
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】61

