

Studies on Rice-Whitebacked Rice Planthopper-Microvelia Horvathi Lundblad Interactions

【作者】 唐江霞

【导师】 肖铁光; 戈峰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera Horvath是我国乃至东南亚稻区的重大害虫,为了探明白背飞虱灾变的行为生态机制及自然调控机理,本文就水稻-白背飞虱-尖钩宽黾蝽Microvelia horvathi Lundblad的互作关系进行了研究,主要结果如下: 1.以不同水稻品种为食的白背飞虱在生长发育、存活以及繁殖等方面存在显著差异,白背飞虱的若虫期和产卵前期在株两优02上较长,在其它3个品种上较短;成虫寿命在嘉育164上较长;嘉育164上的白背飞虱若虫存活率为77%,比其它3种上的较高。白背飞虱的卵粒大小也存在明显差异,湘早籼31上的卵粒较大,为0.0422mm~3;株两优02上的较小,仅为0.0354mm~3。 2.各品种上的白背飞虱的数学形态特征,除后翅面积无显著差异外,其它均有一定的差异。以高感性品种湘早籼31为食的白背飞虱的触角间距离、头到前唇基的距离以及头到喙的距离较其它三个水稻品种上的长;而中感性品种威优402上饲养的白背飞虱的距长度和前翅面积较其余的大;中抗性水稻品种株两优02上饲养的白背飞虱的数学形态特征指标一般都较其余的短,这说明水稻品种对白背飞虱数学形态特征的影响与其对白背飞虱的抗性有一定的相关性。 3.利用Motic摄像系统对白背飞虱的图像进行测量,对4个水稻品种上的白背飞虱的17项数学形态特征进行主成分分析。结果表明,在17个数学形态指标的前三个主分量中,前2个主分量反映了总信息量的81.36%,起关键作用的是后足胫节长度、后足距的长度、头到喙的距离以及整个前足长度。这些更进一步说明水稻品种对白背飞虱的影响,因此,在防治白背飞虱的过程中,应积极推动抗性品种的种植,从而减少化学农药的应用。 4.以不同抗性水稻品种上的白背飞虱若虫或成虫为食的尖钩宽黾蝽在生长、发育、存活及繁殖等方面存在明显差异,尖钩宽黾蝽的卵期和若虫期在株两优02上较长,在其它3个品种上较短;尖钩宽黾蝽的卵期和1-3龄期的存活率以威优402上的最低,而株两优02上的尖钩宽黾蝽在4、5龄期的存活率较其它三种低。而且,以株两优02上的白背飞虱若虫或成虫为食的尖钩宽黾蝽仅24.8%左右的卵能发育为成虫。抗白背飞虱的水稻品种,在一定程度上,对尖钩宽龟蜷也有抑制作用,这说明水稻品种间接地通过白背飞虱来影响尖钩宽龟蜷的种群动态。 因此,培育抗性品种与利用天敌作为控制害虫的两大重要措施,发挥两者对害虫的协同控制作用是害虫综合治理的基本要求。大量的试验结果表明,抗性品种在对害虫产生不利影响的同时,亦可能对天敌产生不良影响。因此,在培育抗性品种时必须同时考虑品种对天敌的影响。应该培育既对害虫具抗性又对天敌有利或无不良影响的抗性品种。那些既能对白背飞虱产生抑制作用,又能同时增强尖钩宽龟蜷的作用的品种,对于减轻白背飞虱的危害以及减少农药的使用量都有好处。

【Abstract】 The rice planthopper such as the whitebacked rice planthopper and the brown rice planthopper are major pests of rice in China and many other countries in Asia. To meet the demand of sustainable pest control strategy, the rice plant-whitebacked rice planthopper -natural enemy Microvelia horvathi Lundblad interactions are studied in this paper. The results are summarized as follows:1. There were obvious differences on the grown .development and survival of the whitebacked planthopper Sogatella furci fera (Horvath) after fed on the four rice varieties possessing different resistance levels to the whitebacked rice planthopper, namely, Xiangzaoxian31 (susceptible) ,Jiayu164(susceptible) Weiyou402 (moderately susceptible) and Zhuliangyou02(moderately resistant). Its nymph duration and pre-oviposition stages on Zhuliangyou02 was longer than those on the other three varieties; its adult lifespans on Jiayu164 was longer than other ones; the survival of its nymph on Jiayu164 was 77% and higher than other ones. The egg size of the whitebacked planthopper was also obviously different, the egg size on Xiangzaoxian31 was 0.0422 mm3 and more than others; the egg size on zhuliangyou02 was smaller and 0.0354 mm 3.2. There were obvious differences on math-morphological feature from images of the Whitebacked rice planthopper fed on the 4 rice varieties, besides the area of posterior wing. The antenna’s distance of the whitebacked rice planthopper fed on Xiangzaoxian31 was longer than those on the other three varieties, the distance between head and proboscis and the distance between head and preclypeus on Xiangzaoxian were also longer; but the spinula length on Weiyou402 and the aea of primaries on it were longer than other ones. What’s more, the math-morphological feature of whitebacked rice planthopper fed on Zhuliangyou02 was shorter than the other three varieties. These proved that rice varieties possessing different resistance levels had effects on the math-morphological feature of whitebacked rice planthopper.3. Statistical analyses of 17 math-morphological features(such as propedes length, primaries’s area, etc. ) from images of whitebacked rice planthopper fed on 4 ricevarieties were used in this evaluation. The results indicated that the former two principal components were 81.36% in the total information, and it played an important role that the length of postpedes tibia and spinula, the distance between head and proboscis and the total propedes length. It evidenced that rice varieties had effects on whitebacked rice planthopper. In the course of preventing whitebacked rice planthopper, we make great efforts for impelling the grow of rice varieties possessing different resistance levels, so that the use of chemic pesticide was reduced.4. The indirect effect of four rice varieties possessing different resistance levels to whitebacked rice planthopper on the growth, development, survival Jind reproduction of predatory mirid Microvelia horoathi Lundlad after fed on nymph or adult of WBPH were investigated in laboratory. The results showed that there were obvious differences among the durations of egg and nymph of M. horoathi. Its egg durations and nymph on Zhuliangyou02 were longer than others. The survival of its egg and 1-3 instars on Weiyou402 were lower, but the survival of 4-5 instars on Zhuliangyou02 was lower, only about 24.8% of the eggs could develop into adults, than those on other three varieties. The results indicated the population dynamic; of Microvelia horoathi Lundlad was effected on rice vaieties possessing different levels to whitebacked rice planthopper.Therefore, cultivating resistant rice and making use of predatory insect were considered as two effective measures, the basic demand of IPM is bringing into play controlling pest to cooperate with the two measures. The abundant experiments showed that resistant rice had an adverse effect on pest the same as on predatory insect. Consequently, we should cultivate these resistant level rice that have an adverse effect on pest a

  • 【分类号】S435.112
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】120

