

Studies on Physiology Ecological Characteristics and Mechanism in Development of Sweet Potato Sphinges, Herse Convolvuli Linné

【作者】 蒋智林

【导师】 文礼章;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的国内外对于特种畜牧业的发展非常重视,旨在满足人们现代生活的需要和提供特异性功能物质,其中昆虫等特种的大规模养殖技术的发展被称作21世纪畜牧业5大技术创新的重大突破之一。很多颇具开发利用价值的昆虫,与传统的畜禽种相比,由于其生态特性复杂多样和生态机理不明,人工条件大规模饲养缺乏技术支撑而受到严重制约。本项目针对昆虫生理生态特征与机理的特异性,着重对甘薯天蛾生长发育过程中形态特征与环境因子之间的相互关系进行了深入研究,揭示了甘薯天蛾的生理生态特性、生态规律和适应性变化反应的机理,构建了大规模人工饲养甘薯天蛾的关键技术方案。主要研究可归结为以下几点: (1) 以5龄幼虫体色型为最终依据,对长沙朗梨地区甘薯天蛾幼虫体色型分化进行了详细描述,首次对甘薯天蛾与环境因子之间的关系进行了深入研究,发现在长沙地区甘薯天蛾5龄幼虫发现分化为6种体色型,幼虫体色与环境因素关系密切,食物、光照、温度对其体色影响显著,不同取食,不同光照不同温度条件下,其体色分化明显;密度和湿度对甘薯天蛾幼虫体色分化没有产生明显影响。 (2) 对甘薯天蛾成虫进行了形态特征区分,对其触角和生殖器进行了体视解剖观察,发现了甘薯天蛾雌雄成虫个体的区分可以根据成虫体色、触角特征和生殖器差异等3种途径加以区别,并且绘制了其特异性特征图片。 (3) 对不同虫态甘薯天蛾每个时间段进行详细观察记录,揭示了不同虫态甘薯天蛾的活动行为节律及其生活习性。 (4) 首次在体视镜下解剖观察了不同时期甘薯天蛾雌雄成虫内外生殖系统,对其特征和变化进行了系统描述。 (5) 影响甘薯天蛾化蛹羽化的生态因子主要有化蛹介质、温度和湿度,适合甘薯天蛾化蛹羽化的介质为红黄壤、耕作土和沙子,土壤介质含水量:17.5%~23.5%,沙子的含水量为4.5%~8%;最适温湿度范围分别为:温度26℃~31~户一,勺月尸’一下,一代一、’叮几气一,,尸,叭唯甲尸”‘,、~℃,空气相对湿度:70%~80%。 (6)从交配场所与空间、光照、日龄和温度等方面对甘薯天蛾成虫交配的影响进行了研究,详细描述了成虫交配特性,揭示了甘薯天蛾成虫交配时对各生态因子的行为生理反应和其交配与各生态因子之间的制约关系。 (7)不同时期甘薯天蛾的过冷却点、含水量和脂肪含量与其耐寒性直接相关,本文揭示了过冷却点与水分、脂肪含量变化的内在机理和耐寒性机制,即甘薯天蛾的过冷却点随温度虫龄的升高而升高,与其含水量呈正相关关系,与脂肪含量呈负相关关系。 (8)根据影响甘薯天蛾特定时期的特征因子的各参数,设计了适于甘薯天蛾化蛹羽化、交配繁殖和越冬的人工生态方案。

【Abstract】 The domestic and international development of the special animal husbandry is paid much attention to at present, in order to meeting the demands of people’s modern life and offer the peculiar functions. The cultivating technology development on a large scale such as the artificial feed technology on sweet potato sphinges, convolvuli Linne, which is called one of the great break-throughs of 5 great technological innovations of animal husbandry in 21st century. Compared with the situations of the traditional beasts and birds plants, a lot of valuable insects’ development and utilization are restrained seriously because of its ecological characteristics are very complicated and various, the ecological mechanism is not clear, the artificial feed condition lacks technical supports. This project directed against the insect physiology ecological characteristics and its peculiar mechanisms, which studied the interrelations between the characteristics and the environmental factors emphatically in the growing of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne, announced the physiology ecological characteristics, the ecological laws and the ecological mechanisms about the adaptability change reflects of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne. Otherwise, the key technological schemes on artificial feeding of sweet potato sphinges, convolvuli Linne are set up. The main research results are as follows:(1) According the fifth instar larva body color types, we described the body color differentiation of different period sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne. In the Langli town of Changsha city in detail and carry on further investigation on relations between sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne and the environmental factors for the first time. The fifth instar larva body color types have 6 kinds types, the body color of larva is in close relation with the environmental factors- food, illumination, temperature are remarkable to its body color influence, With its’ fetching eating, under different illumination or different temperature conditions, its body color splits up obviously. But the density and humidity has not obvious influence to the body color change of larva of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne.(2) We distinguished the male and female adult through the microscope and drew its peculiar characteristic pictures. We think there are 3 kinds of ways to distinguish the male and female adult differential characteristics of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne which are the adult body color, the feeler characteristics and genitals’ difference.(3) According to the acquired characteristics of different period sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne by investigation in detail, we announced a section of laws of behavior of different period sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne and its life habits.(4) We dissected and watched the different period adult’s internal and external reproductive system of male and female of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne through the stereoscope and described its characteristics and its changes systematically for the first time.(5) The pupation medium, temperature and humidity are the main ecological factors which influence the pupation, eclosion of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne. The suitable mediums are the red yellow earth, mold and sand, the water content of the red yellow earth or mold medium: 17. 5%~23. 5%, the water content of sand:4.5%~8%. The best temperature range is 26C~31C and the optimum relative atmosphere humidity is 70% ~80%.(6) We studied the influence on adult’s mating of sweet potato sphinges, Herse convolvuli Linne from the mating place and space, atmosphere temperature, illumination and different age etc. described adult’s mating characteristics in detail. Simultaneously, the physiological behavior reaction in the mating and the restriction relation between the ecological factors and its mating behaviors are discovered.(7) The supercooling point (SCP), the body water co

  • 【分类号】S899
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】130

