

Influence on the Ratooning Property of the Hybrid Rice and Its Yield by Spraying Plant Growth Regulation and Nutritional Element

【作者】 胡小淳

【导师】 陈立云; 罗峰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验通过植物生长调节剂和营养元素外施对杂交水稻再生特性及产量的研究进行了4个单因素、4个正交试验,共25个处理,其中一个对照,以杂交水稻汕优63为材料。研究了各处理间与对照产量及产量构成因子的表现和相互关系;通过正交分析得出了各因素对再生稻产量及产量因子效果最佳的组配方式;研究了各处理间水稻再生率与两季的产量和产量因子的相互关系;各处理间水稻抽穗时期的表现及与产量和产量因子的相互关系;各处理间叶片叶绿素含量与产量、产量构成因子和再生率的相互关系。主要结论如下: 1.植物生长调节剂和营养元素混配外施,杂交水稻再生季产量与对照差异显著。喷施试剂1比对照增产59.2%;脱落酸、硼砂、硝酸铈以处理7喷施比对照增产34.5%;试剂2、试剂3、试剂4和试剂5以不同浓度组配喷施均能提高再生季产量,以处理21产生的效果最佳,比对照增产63.7%。因此,可以通过外施植物生长调节剂和营养元素提高再生季产量。 2.植物生长调节剂和营养元素混配外施对杂交水稻产量构成因子的影响差异显著。试剂2、试剂3、试剂4和试剂5混合喷施株高均达80cm以上,处理16、处理20、处理22三个处理穗长达20cm以上;处理22每穗总粒数最多,平均每穗72.4粒,比对照多21.2粒;处理11结实率最高,为93.6%;喷施试剂1有效穗最多,为304.79万/公顷,比对照多63.4万/公顷,说明不同植物生长调节剂和营养元素对再生产量因子的影响不同。 3.头季产量与再生季株高、每穗总粒数、结实率、有效穗、千粒重、实际产量呈负相关,但均未达显著水平;再生季产量与株高、穗长、每穗总粒数、千粒重呈极显著正相关,与结实率、有效穗呈正相关,但不显著;再生季千粒重、每穗总粒数是再生季产量贡献最大的两个因子,喷施增加千粒重和每穗总粒数的试剂,有利于提高再生季产量。 4.正交分析表明,喷施不同试剂对产量及产量构成因素产生的效果不同。喷施硫酸铜、硫酸锰、硝酸饰有利于提高再生季产量;喷施B,硫酸铜、试剂2、试剂3对增加每穗总粒数影响较大,其中B、硫酸铜、试剂2对增加千粒重有较好效果;喷施B、硫酸锰、试剂4对有效穗贡献较大,喷施硝酸饰、硫酸铜、硫酸锌、试剂3有利于提高结实率。因此,硫酸铜是提高产量、结实率、千粒重、每穗总粒数的最佳试剂;试剂4是提高产量和有效穗的另一效果较好的试剂;试剂2、试剂3、试剂4、试剂5以处理21喷施最有利于提高再生季产量。 5.喷施试剂1最终再生率最高,达到了109.5%,比对照多76.1%。经相关分析,再生率与再生季株高、穗长、每穗总粒数、结实率、千粒重、实际产量均呈正相关,与头季产量呈负相关;收割后第IOd的再生率与再生季产量的相关系数最大,达极显著正相关,说明收割后再生苗早发、快发有利于提高再生季产量;头季产量与收割后第ZOd、25d、30d再生苗率呈极显著负相关,说明头季产量对再生季再生苗萌发有滞后作用。 6.正交分析表明,喷施硝酸饰、硫酸铜、试剂3有利于提高最终再生率;对最终再生率效果较好的组配方式是处理12和处理23。 7.硫酸铜、硫酸锰、硫酸锌以处理7的组配方式喷施再生季始穗期最早,比对照早3d;喷施试剂1齐穗最早,比对照早5d;处理8、处理9始穗期至抽穗期历期最短,均为sd,比历期最长的对照短sd:经相关分析,再生季实际产量与始穗期至抽穗期历期呈负相关,但不显著,说明始穗期至抽穗期历期越短,越有利于再生季实际产量的提高。 8.喷施试剂1、硫酸铜、硫酸锰、硫酸锌、试剂2、试剂3、试剂4、试剂5再生季后期叶绿素含量明显高于对照,说明喷施这些试剂有利于延缓叶片衰老。经相关分析,头季叶绿素含量与再生季株高、穗长、每穗总粒数、结实率、有效穗、千粒重、实际产量呈正相关,头季收割前倒数第3d叶绿素含量与结实率呈极显著正相关;再生季叶绿素含量与产量呈正相关,头季收割后第ZOd叶绿素含量与每穗总粒数呈极显著正相关;头季收割前倒数第3d叶绿素含量与收割后第ZOdR、25dR、3OdR、35dR和最终再生率呈极显著正相关,说明头季后期叶绿素含量越高,越有利于再生率的提高。

【Abstract】 The effects of spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element on the ratooning property of the hybrid rice was studied with 4 single-fact tests and 4 orthogonal tests of 24 treatments and a control. The hybrid rice Shanyou 63 was used as the materials. The research contents included the relationship of the yield and its components between different treatments and the control, the recommendable method with the most optimal effects on the yield and its components of the ratooning rice, the relationship between the ratooning ability, the yield and its components of every treatment, the relationship between the heading stage, the yield and its components among all treatments and the relationship between the yield, the yield components, ratooning ability and the chlorophyll content among all treatments. The main results were as follows:1. The difference of the yield of the ratooning rice was significant by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element. The yield of spraying reagent 1 was increased by 59.2% in comparison with the control. The yield of the treatment 7 was increased by 34.5% among treatments of spraying ABA, B and Ce(NO3)3. The ratooning rice yield of all treatments of spraying reagent 2, reagent 3, reagent 4, reagent 5 with the different concentration was increased and the treatment 21 was recommendable for its yield being increased by 63.7% in comparison with the control. So it was able to increase yield of ratooning rice by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element.2. The difference of the yield components of ratooning rice was significant by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element. The plant height reached 80cm or above by spraying solutions combined with reagent 2, reagent 3, reagent 4, reagent 5. The panicle length of treatment 16, treatment 20 and treatment 22 was above 20cm. The total grain number per panicle of treatment 22 was the first among all treatments. The average grains per panicle with 72.4 grains were more than the control by 21.2 grain; the seed setting rate of treatment 11 was the heighest, reaching 93.6%. The productive panicle was the most by spraying reagent 1, reaching 3,047,9900/hm2(more than 634,000/hm2 in comparison with thecontrol).And there showed that the effect on different yield components was different by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element.3. Main crops yield was negatively correlated to the ratooning rice plant height, the total grain number per panicle, the seed setting rate, the productive panicle, the thousand-grain weight and the yield; the ratooning rice yield was significantly correlated to the plant height, the panicle length, the total grain number per panicle and the thousand-grain weight, and correlated to the seed setting rate and the productive panicle. The thousand-grain weight and the total grain number per panicle of ratooning rice are the most important components of contributing to the yield. Thus, increasing the thousand-grain weight and the tonal grain number per panicle was advantange to increase the ratooning rice yield by spraying combined solution.4. Orthogonal analysis indicated that the effects of spraying different reagents on yield and yield components were different. Spraying CuSO4, MnSO4 and Ce(NO3)3 was beneficial to increase the yield; the effects of spraying B, CuSO4, reagent 2 and reagent 3 on increasing the total grain number per panicle was better, the effect of spraying B, CuSO4 and reagent 2 on increasing the thousand-grain weight was better; spraying B, MnSO4, reagent 4 was beneficial to increase the productive panicles; spraying Ce(NO3)3, CuSO4, ZnSO4 and reagent 3 was beneficial to increase the yield and the seed setting rate. So CuSO4 was the best reagent to increase the yield, the seed setting rate, the thousand-grain weight and the total grain number per panicle. Reagent 4 was another to increase the yield and the productive panicle. Treatment 21 was the most optimal combination reagent to increase the yield of the ratooning rice.5. Ulti

  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】3
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