

Sex Pheromone Application on Tea Tussock Moth, Euprocti Spseudoconspersa (Strand) and New Non-pollution Control Technique System for Insect Pest of Tea Garden

【作者】 王永模

【导师】 戈峰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 茶毛虫Euproctis pseudoconspersa Strand是我国茶叶的一种重要害虫,目前主要以化学防治为主,引起了一系列生态与经济问题。开展茶园害虫无公害防治技术体系研究,既有重要的理论价值,也有重要的实践意义。 本论文于2002-2003年在贵州省都匀茶场系统地研究了茶毛虫成虫生物学特性,完善了性信息素防治的应用技术,比较了B.T和苦参碱在不同施用时期对害园主要害虫的防治效果,组建了新的茶园害虫无公害防治技术体系,主要结果如下: 在自然条件下,茶毛虫的成虫雌雄比例为1∶1.4040,雄成虫比雌成虫早羽化1.48天。越冬代和第一代成虫羽化盛期分别为6月中旬和9月下旬,成虫集中在下午5-7时羽化,每日有两个求偶交配高峰,分别为下午6-8时和早上5-7时,交配持续时间为7.98小时。成虫的平均寿命为4-5天。雌成虫的平均产卵量为196.47粒,其中有26.92%的雄成虫可以进行第二次交配,但无第三次交配;雌成虫一生只能交配一次,其产卵量与交配的雄虫是否曾交配过无关。雄成虫的扩散距离为100米左右,怀卵雌成虫最远可扩散150米。这是首次对茶毛虫成虫生物学进行了深入观察。 对茶毛虫性引诱剂诱蛾效果影响因子的观察发现,B型诱芯的诱蛾效果明显好于A型和C型,以剂量1.0mg/枚的诱芯诱蛾量最多,设置高度90cm的水盆诱捕器效果最好,诱盆口径24cm为宜,诱芯离水面高度0.5-1.0cm最佳,且上风带诱盆诱到的雄蛾最多,在下小雨的夜晚仍可以诱到大量雄蛾。在此基础上,开展了茶毛虫性引诱剂应用研究,其中,2002年全年2个世代应用性信息素防治2次,面积为20hm~2,共诱到雄蛾17683头:2003年全年2个世代应用性信息素防治2次,防治面积为23hm~2,共诱到雄蛾23679头。2年期间,性信息素防治区比对照区雄蛾交配率下降29.24%-47.26%,卵块量减少50%-51.92%,后代幼虫量下降53.39%-66.61%。这是首次应用性引诱剂对茶毛虫多个世代进行诱杀研究,从而完善了茶毛虫性引诱剂防治技术。 进一步应用生物农药防治茶树害虫的试验表明,苦参碱对假眼小绿叶蝉的防治效果为73.54%,持效期为10天左右;B.T对茶毛虫幼虫的防治效果为37.8%-80.2%,对茶刺蛾幼虫的防治效果为41.26%-65.05%。天敌群落多样性指数明显高于化学防治区和不防治区,害虫均匀度指数升高,无公害防治区内没有出现害虫暴发性为害现象。为此,组建了以性信息素和生物农药为核心的茶叶害虫无公害防治技术体系,示范结果显示该无公害防治技术有良好的生态、经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The tea tussock moth, Euprocti spseudoconspersa (Strand) (Lepidoptera: Lymantridae) is one of the major pest insects in tea plantation of China. A series of environmental and economic problems have risen because chemical pesticide has been using in controlling this pest insect for a long time. It is necessary for research on implementation of rational biological control to reduce the pollution of pesticides.The adult behavior of tea tussock moth were observed in 2002-2003. In nature, the ratio of female adult to male adult was 1:1.40. The eclosion duration of male adult was 1.48 days longer than that of the female adult. The eclosion peak of overwintering generation and first generation of tea tussock moth was in middle June and later September , respectively; The eclosion mainly occurred from 12:00 to 17:00 in a day. The adult mating can continue 7.98 hour in average. Two fastigiums of mating, from 6:00 to 8:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00, were observed in a daylight. The average number of eggs per female adult was 196.47. About 26.92% males have ability to mate second time, but no male was observed to mate third times or more. Adults can live 4 to 5 day, which depends on having mated or not. The longest distance of spread of male moths was about 100 meters in their lifetime, while pregnant female moths can spread 150 meter by far.Various facts can influence the effectiveness of traps with synthetic pheromones (10Me14Me-15:iBu, 14Me-15:iBu and 10Me14Me-15:nBu). The type B of synthetic sex pheromone could attract more moths than that of the type A and type C. More moths can be caught in the traps hanged about 90 cm high and with about 24 cm in diameter and by the dosage of 1.5mg of synthetic sex pheromone. Red and white traps could attract significantly more moths than other color traps did. The effectiveness of pheromone traps was relative to the wind direction. Those traps against wind direction attracted more moths than those of the opposite direction. In rain night there were still a lot of male moths were caught in pheromone traps.The synthetic sex pheromone ( 10, 14-dimethylpentadecyl isobutyrate ) of tea tussock moth, Euproctispseudoconspersa was tested by mass trapping for controlling tea tussock moth in 20 and 23 hectares of tea garden of Guizhou province during 2002 and 2003. 17 683 males and 23 679 males of tea tussock moth were caught by synthetic sex pheromone sex pheromone in 2002 and in 2003, respectively. Rates of the female mating in the mass-trapping areas were 29.24-47.26% lower than that of check areas during test period. The numbers of eggs and larvae of tea tussock from the first generation moth and from the overwintering generation were decreased 50-51.92% and 53.39-66.61% in control tea plantation by mass trapping compared with check tea plantation for 2 years, respectively.Furthermore, two kinds of biological pesticide were tested. Result showed that malrine cancontrol Empoasca vitis (Gothe) about ten days and the highest motilities was 73.54%. Bacillus thuringiensis used when tea tussock moth was in low stadium achieved mortalities 80.2%, while the mortalities decreased to 37.8%. When Bacillus thuringiensis’s effectiveness were tested in Cnidocampa flarescens (Walker) we got the seam tendency, the two mortalities were 65.05% and 41.26%. After implementation of insect sex pheromone and biological pesticide in controlling pest insect of tea garden, community diversity index of nature enemies was significantly higher than chemical control and nature tea garden and community evenness of pest insect also rose. A new non-pollution control technique system which consisted of sex pheromone and biological pesticide for insect pest of tea garden have been established. Ecological , economic and society benefits have gained obviously after setting this system.To our knowledge, this study provides the first empirical evidence to observe thoroughly observed the adult behavior of tea tussock moth and to use synthetic sex pheromone or controlling tea tussock moth by mass trapping. Our results sug

  • 【分类号】S435.711
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】293

