

Effects of Seeding Times on Seed Collecting and Flower Bud Differentiation of Cryptotaenia Japonica Hassk

【作者】 王艳

【导师】 刘志敏; 孙秀华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 试验在7个播种期下研究了鸭儿芹的采种量及种子质量,同时对鸭儿芹花芽分化的过程进行了形态解剖学研究。试验结果表明,本试验7个播期处理对鸭儿芹的生长发育、种子产量和质量均有不同程度的影响。播种期为9月14日、9月29日、10月14日的植株营养生长时期较长,功能叶片数多且寿命长,植株较高,开展度较大,花枝较长,生育期较长,营养积累较多,种子产量较高。通过对鸭儿芹在不同播种期所采收的种子进行质量检验,结果表明:随着播种期的延迟,种子的饱满度、千粒重、发芽势、发芽率以及活力指数均有下降的趋势。其中播种期为9月14日、9月29日、10月14的种子在饱满度、千粒重、发芽势、发芽率、以及活力指数方面都显著高于其它几个播期处理。 综合上述两点可以确定,在广东佛山地区进行鸭儿芹采种生产,在9月中旬-10月中旬播种,可获得高产、优质的鸭儿芹种子。 鸭儿芹花芽分化次序是按照一定的规律进行的,并不受播期的改变而改变。但不同播期对花芽分化开始的时间略有影响。鸭儿芹花芽分化始于抽薹期前。鸭儿芹的花芽分化根据生长锥的形态变化可分为三个时期:即花轴分化期、花序分化期和花器官分化期。 花芽分化次序为:营养生长锥→生殖生长锥→花轴(花枝)原基→花序原基→花器官原基 花器官各部分分化顺序:萼片原基→花瓣原基→雄蕊原基→雌蕊原基,并依次形成萼片、花辦、雄蕊、雌蕊。 整个植株的花芽分化顺序是,先主枝、后分枝。对于单独一个花序而言,花芽分化则是从外围向中心进行分化。此项研究结果为以后鸭儿芹的育种研究和种子生产提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the seed yield and quality of Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk that was sowed in seven different dates were studied, and the developmental process of flower bud differentiation was observed by the method of morphologic anatomy. The results were discribed below.The sowing time had an influence on growth and development, seed yield and quality of Cryptotaenia japonica to a certain extent. Sowed on 14th, 29th Sep. and 14th Oct., the duration of vegetative growth was the longest, the number of functional leaves was the most and their lifetime also was the longest, plants were the highest, the flowering woods were the longest, the angles of divergence were the largest, growth duration was the longest, nutrition accumulation was the most and the yield of seed were the highest. The analysis of seed quality showed plumpness, mass per thousand, germination capacity, vigor of germination and vital index, similar to the above-mentioned indices, also presented decrement trend with the delay of sowing time. Sowed on 14th, 29th Sep. and 14th Oct., these indices were obviously higher than that sowed on the other times. Therefore, in Foshan, Guangdong province, the most optimal sowing dates should be from mid-September to mid-October for seed collecting.Sowing dates did not have an obvious influence on the process of flower bud differentiation, but had a little influence on the time of flower bud differentiation beginning, for flower bud differentiation of Cryptotaenia japonica began before bolting .The process of the flower bud differentiation of Cryptotaenia japonica could be divided into three phases: floral axis differentiation phase, inflorescence differentiation phase and flower organ differentiation phase. The order of flower bud differentiation was vegetative growth cone, reproductive growth cone, floral axis (flower wood), inflorescence primordium, flower primordium, sepal primordium, petal primordium, stamen primordium, pistil primordium; and then sepal primordium would develope into sepal, petal primordium into petal, stamen primordium into stamen, pistil primordium into pistil. These research conclusions provided a theoretical basis for the breeding study and the seed production of Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk.

  • 【分类号】S649
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】129

