

Studies on Adaptation and Production of Cocksfoot in Lower Attitude Region in Changsha City

【作者】 高春石

【导师】 贺建华; 曹英华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 养殖, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文从1998年起历时五年对鸡脚草在长沙低海拔区的出苗、分蘖、草产量、种子产量和越夏性等适应性及生产性能进行了较系统的研究。 1 鸡脚草种子发芽所需热量时间积累为28℃以上。在长沙低海拔地区能够正常发芽。种子出土率与时间存在的强相关关系可用Y=15.4056X0.5694确定(r=0.8986,p<0.01),种子开始出土后的前三天为种子出土的高峰期。研究还证明,覆盖草木灰、猪粪渣等有利于鸡脚草种子的出苗。9月下旬至11月上旬为鸡脚草最佳播种期。 2 鸡脚草在长沙低海拔地区能完成其整个生育期。五月初开花,种子成熟期一般在6月中下旬。4~6月份气温最适宜鸡脚草的生长。期间鸡脚草的分蘖与其时期内月降水量的相关关系极显著(r=-0.9791,p<0.01),而与气温的相关关系不显著(p>0.05)。鸡脚草的分蘖一年中出现两个高峰,分别出现在5月和10月。鸡脚草的生长遵循慢—快—慢的变化规律,呈S型曲线。生长最快出现在4月中旬,5月30日左右达到最大值:114.5厘米(自然高度)。 3 鸡脚草地上鲜草生产量播种当年很低,仅有1400克/m2。生长第二年的鲜草产量可达5935克/m2,绝对生长速率最高。生长第三年鸡脚草鲜草产量达最高峰,7690克/m2。以后地上生产量逐年下降。 4 开花前随着生育期的进程,鸡脚草地上鲜草生产量呈增长趋势,至开花期达最高峰,3115克/m2。开花过后,鸡脚草地上生产量的积累呈下降趋势。叶片死亡是导致鸡脚草地上生产量下降的根本原因。从开花期到种子成熟期,鸡脚草茎量增加明显,茎穗:叶=4.85:1。生育期的延续伴随营养成份含量变化,粗蛋白呈下降趋势,鲜草粗蛋白含量由营养生长期的4.4%下降至开花期的2.6%,下降了69.23%。粗纤维和无氮浸出物含量呈明显上升趋势。鲜草粗纤维由5.60%上升到10.7%,无氮浸出物由10.0%上升到13.9%。研究表明,抽穗期至初花期。鸡脚草叶量丰富,单位面积的CP产量最高,而NPF产量相对较低。鸡脚草最佳刈割期为抽穗—初花期。 5 鸡脚草生长前期根的长度和根的重量增加明显,后期主要增加根的数量和重量。鸡脚草80%以上的根分布于土壤10厘米内的表土层。鸡脚草茎叶与根的生长相互关系密切。幼苗时期表现出较强的地下扩展能力,生长后期表现在地上生物量的积累。 65月初鸡脚草进入开花期。鸡脚草一天开花中出现两个高峰期,分别在上午的7:30和9:00。鸡脚草93.80%的花集中在上午的6:00至9:00开放。晴天最适宜于鸡脚草开花,雨天不利于开花。鸡脚草播种当年不能结籽,播后的第三年才能获得较高种子生产量。 7鸡脚草具有较强的抵御高温干旱能力。鸡脚草越夏率为82.52%。 研究证明,鸡脚草适宜于长沙低海拔地区种植,营养成份丰富,值得大力推广应用。

【Abstract】 This paper is conducted on the systematic research of the productive performance and adaptation of cocksfoot {Dactylis glomerata L.) in the lower attitude region in changsha city for five years. The result from this research is as following1 The accumulation quantity of heat time of cocksfoot-seed germination is over 28C .After seeding, the seed of cocksfoot can germinate normally in the lower attitude region in changsha.The significant interrelation (p<0.01) between the rate and the days of emergence is determined by y=15.4056X0.5695 (where r=0.8986,y=the rate of seeds out of ground, X=days).The first 3 days after beginning germination is the peak stage of the process of the cocksfoot-seeds coming up out of ground. The result from this study proves that it helps improve the emergence of cocksfoot seed by coving the pig-dung and/or the plant ash and so on. The best sowing time of cocksfoot is from the last ten-day of September to the first ten-day of November.2 Cocksfoot can finish its whole growth and reproducing process in the lower attitude region in Changsha. It is flowering in the early of May .Its seed ripe stage is usually in the last middle ten-day of June. The temperature from April to June is most appropriate for cocksfoot growing. In this period, the cocksfoot tillering was significantly affected by month-rainfall in the period: y=155.25-0.6569x(r=-0.9791, p<0.01).But,the temperature had no significant (p>.05) to cocksfoot tillering.Due to this fact, in the suitable temperature range of cocksfoot growing, the tillering of cocksfoot is significantly affected by the month-rainfall. The tillering of cocksfoot is of two peaks in a year with May and October separately.The rule of the growth of cocksfoot follows the change from slow to fast and to slow again, with the curve of "S". The fastest growth of cocksfoot occurs in the middle ten-day of April. It reaches the biggest value: 114.5 cm on 30 May.3 The yield above ground of cocksfoot is lowest in the seeding year with 1400g/m2.In the second year of cocksfoot growing, the yield of cocksfoot fresh forage can reach 5935g/m2. The yield of the fresh forage of cocksfoot reaches highest in its third growing year with 7690 g/m2. The yield above ground drops year after year later.4 In the process of cocksfoot growing, the yield above ground of cocksfoot shows increase tendency before flower, It reaches the highest yield at flowering stage for 3115 g/m2. After flowering, the yield above ground of cocksfoot shows declinetendency .The leaves death is the main reason to cause the descend of the yield above ground of cocksfoot. The weight of the stem and ear of cocksfoot increases significantly from flowering stage to seed ripping stage. The LSWR (leaf-to-stem weight ratio) is 4.85:1 in the seed ripping stage. The course of growing and bearing of cocksfoot follows the change of the content of nutrition of cocksfoot. The crude protein shows descend tendency. The content of CP of fresh forage is from 4.4% in the nourishment growth stage to 2.6% in the flowering stage, with descending by 69.23%. The content of crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) show increasing significantly tendency. The crude fiber of fresh forage increases from 5.6% to 10.7% .The nitrogen-free extract (NFE) arises from 10.0% to 13.9%.The result from this study shows the leaves of cocksfoot are rich from hearing stage to beginning flowering stage. The yield of CP per unite area is highest, with lower content of NPF. The best time of harvest cocksfoot is from hearing stage to beginning flowering stage.5 In the first growing stage, cocksfoot increases significantly the length and weight of its root. In last growing stage, it increases mainly the numbers and weight of its root. Over 80% of its root spreads in the 10cm surface layer of soil. The interrelation between the growth of the stem-leaf and the root of cocksfoot is in very close coordination. It is of ability of extending significantly under ground in the young seedling stage, and of accumulating the mass above ground in

【关键词】 鸡脚草生产性能适应性
【Key words】 Dactylis glomerataL. ProductionAdaptation
  • 【分类号】S54
  • 【下载频次】50

