

The Study on the Influence of the Cultivated Ecological Factors on Rice Yield and Rice Quality

【作者】 金可元

【导师】 邹冬生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 稻谷是我省传统农业的主要产品,从生态经济的角度讲,也是我省现代农业生产的优势项目。然而,随着社会经济的发展,特别是人们生活水平的提高,传统水稻生产面临着重大的战略挑战。水稻生产只能从追求高产单一目标向同步追求高产、优质、高效多重目标转移,才能确保水稻生产的高效持续发展。为此,本研究于我省水稻主产区,按早、晚两个水稻生产季节,在大田栽培生态条件下,研究了不同栽培生态因素对食用稻稻谷产量和稻米品质形成的影响,以期为水稻高产优质品种的选育和高产优质高效栽培技术体系的构建提供理论支撑。现将主要研究结果摘要如下: 1、在早季相对于传统正常播期条件下,提早播种对食用稻稻谷产量形成没有明显的影响,但明显有利于稻米品质的改善,而推迟播种则明显降低稻谷产量;晚季不同播期对产量的影响呈抛物线型,即存在一个最佳播种期,但适时提早播种存在稻米品质变优的趋势。 2、在早季高温干燥气候条件中“低湿”对早稻产量和品质的影响比“高温”对早稻产量和品质的影响更大,也就是说,通过人工喷水或者进行喷灌能较大幅度提高食用早稻的产量和稻米品质。 3、不同稻田土壤类型、同种稻田土壤不同的耕层厚薄、同种稻田土壤同一耕层厚薄不同水泥温度处理下,食用稻谷产量和稻米品质不同。相对而言,厚的耕层的紫潮泥有利于早、晚两季食用稻谷产量和早季食用稻米品质的提高,厚耕层的红黄泥有利于晚季食用稻米品质的改善;降低早季后期的泥水温和保持晚季后期较高的泥水温,有利于食用稻稻米品质的调优、保优,但降低早季后期的泥水温,会导致食用早稻稻谷减产。 4、在食用水稻生产施肥中,营养水平的高低、营养元素供给种类、各种营养元素间的配置比例均能不同程度地影响早晚两季食用稻稻谷产量和稻米品质的形成。其中,早季“中高”营养供给水平、晚季“低中”营养供给水平有利于食用稻稻谷产量的提高和稻米品质的改善;无论早季或晚季,对食用稻稻谷产量和稻米品质的综合影响力,大量营养元素依次为N>K>P,中量营养元素依次为S>Ca>Mg。 5、随着移栽密度的提高,食用优质稻产量明显增加,但移栽密度对食用优质稻稻米品质的影响较为复杂,即:在本试验条件下,随着移栽密度的提高,食用优质稻的精米率、整精米率呈下降趋势,而垩白度则呈增加趋势,但直链淀粉含量和胶稠度与移栽密度之间没有明显的规律性。

【Abstract】 The rice is a chief traditional agriculture product of our province. From the point of ecological economy, it also is the advantageous project of modern agricultural production of our province too. However, along with the development of social economy and improvement of the people’s living standard, the traditional production of rice is facing the great strategic challenge. It can only be guaranteed a high-efficient, sustained development of rice production from pursuing the single goal of high yield to pursuing multiple goals of high yield, high quality, high-efficiency. For this reason, we have studied the influence of different culture ecological factors upon the rice yield and rice quality of the edible rice under the culture ecological condition of paddy field in the main rice producing regions of our province. The main results are as follows:1. At early seasons, it has no obvious influence on the form of the yield of edible rice while ahead of time in comparison with the normally traditional seed sowing time. But it is favorable to the improvement of the quality of rice obviously, and postpone seeding reduce the output of rice obviously. The influence on the output of differently sowing time in late season likes a parabola type. Namely there exists one best sowing time. But there also have a trend of excellent qualitative change of rice if the sowing time is advanced properly.2. In the climatic condition of high temperature and dry in early season, the impact of "low humidity" on the output and quality of the early rice is more serious than "high temperature". That is to say, the yield and quality of the early edible rice can be improved to a great extend through the artificial irrigation or the sprinkling irrigation.3. In different paddy field soil type, in the different topsoil thickness of same kind of paddy field soil, in the different water and soil temperature conditions of the same topsoil thickness in same kind of paddy field, the rice yield and rice quality of edible rice are different. c omparatively speaking, the purple tide mud of the thick topsoil is favorable to the improvement of the rice yield of the early edible rice and the late edible rice, and the quality of the early edible rice .The red yellow mud of the thick topsoil is favorable to the improvement of the quality of the late edible rice. To drop the temperature of the muddy water on later stage of early season andkeep the high temperature on later stage of late season can help adjust and protect excellently rice quality of edible rice.4. While applying fertilizer to the edible rice, the nutritional level, the kind of nutrient element supplied, the ratio among various kinds of nutrition elements can have effect on the form of rice yield and rice quality of the early and late edible rice to different extent. Among them, that the "secondary-high" nutritional level in early season and the secondary-low nutritional level in late season are beneficial to the improvement of rice yield and rice quality. Whether in early season or in late season, the comprehensive influence to the rice output and rice quality of the edible rice are as following: the major elements are successively N > K> P, the medium element are successively S > Ca> Mg.5. With the improvement of the transplanting density, the rice yield of edible rice increased obviously. But the influence of the transplanting density to the rice quality is more complicated. That is to say, under the condition of this experiments, the trend the willed rice rate and the head rice rate of edible rice dropped, but the chalkiness increased. There is no obvious regularity between the transplanting density with the content of the amylase or the gel consistency.

  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】197

