

Studies on the Source-sink Relation and Cultural Regulation of Tow-line Hybrid Medium Rice

【作者】 李大恒

【导师】 屠乃美; 彭国仁;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 根据湘西山区生态环境特点,探索了两系杂交中稻源库特征、干物质积累及高产栽培调控措施。主要结果如下: 1.两系杂交组合在湘西山区作中稻栽培表现出良好的生长适应性,供试组合平均产量为9597.2kg/hm~2,比对照平均9193.5 kg/hm~2增4.39%。 2.两系杂交组合“源”具有一定的优势,库容并无明显优势,供试组合最大LAI平均为7.65,比对照平均6.57高1.08;理论库容平均为12821.7kg/hm~2,与比对照平均12902.9kg/hm~2相近;其颖花/叶面积、实粒/叶面积、粒重/叶面积的平均值均低于对照平均值。 3.两系杂交组合前中期叶片、茎鞘养分积累较多,后期向穗部转移亦比较充分,供试组合剑叶展开期平均干重为202.4g/5蔸,齐穗期茎鞘叶平均干重为202.1g/5蔸,分别比对照平均高16.72%和18.39%;茎鞘叶干物质向穗部的平均运转量为79.5g/5蔸,比对照高15.55%;平均运转率为37.80%,低于对照平均值40.18%。 4.两系杂交中稻在湘西山区的高产栽培策略为:通过栽培措施改善前中期株型,保持后期高光效株型群体,实现源库的平衡增长和生物产量与经济系数的同步提高,从而获得高产经济产量;其技术关键为:适期播种、培育壮秧、合理密植、科学施肥、间歇灌溉、综防病虫和生化调控等措施。

【Abstract】 In western Hunan, the source-sink characters and dry matter production ability and high-yielding cultivating methods have been studied. The main results are as follows:1. The two-line hybrid combinations represent good growth adaptation. The average grain yield of tested hybrid combinations is 9597.2 kg/hm2, 4.39% higher than that of control.2. The "source" of two-line hybrid combinations possesses advantages to some extent, but their sink capacity is not predominant visibly. The maximum LAI of tested combinations is 7.65 in average, 1.08 higher than that of control. Theoretical sink capacity is 12821.7 kg/hm2 in average, similar to the control. The ratio of spikelet number to leaf area, the ratio of filled grains to leaf area, the ratio of grain weight to leaf area is lower than that of the control.3. The nutrients accumulated in leaves and leaf-sheath of two-line hybrid combinations are higher during early and medium stages, and the transition of the nutrients to panicles is adequate. The average dry matter weight per hill is 40.5g at flag-leaf full developed stage, and average weight of stem, leaf and leaf sheath per hill is 40.4g, 16.72% and 18.39% higher than that of the control respectively. The transporting amount of dry matter of stem and leaf sheath to panicles is 15.9g per hill in average, 15.55% higher than that of the control. The average transport ratio is 37.8%, which is lower than that of the control.4. The strategies for high-yielding cultivation of two-line hybrid combinations in mountain areas of western Hunan include: improving plant type at early and medium stages; keeping ideal population for high solar utilization at late stage; increasing source and sink, biological output and harvest index synchronously. Key methods of high-yielding cultivation include: sowing at suitable time; raising sturdy seedlings; arranging density reasonably; fertilizing scientifically; irrigating intermittently; controlling insects and pests integratedly; adopting suitable chemical regulations.

  • 【分类号】S511.32
  • 【下载频次】35

