

Study on Substitution Effect of Soybean Husk for Wheaten Bran with Growth-Finishing Pigs

【作者】 杨建华

【导师】 张彬; 谌定邦;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业推广, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 大豆皮是现代制油工艺中的一个副产品,约占大豆重量的8%,占大豆体积的10%。在我国蕴藏量非常丰富,充分开发利用这一大体积能量饲料资源具有十分重要的意义。据报道大豆皮用于奶牛其营养价值等同于玉米,近年来,人们为了使大豆皮更广泛的应用于畜牧生产,在怀孕母猪日粮中适当添加饲喂,得出了有效的结论,并表明用它来替代麸皮饲喂怀孕母猪对其生产无任何负面影响,但是迄今为止,大豆皮是否能用于饲喂生长肥育猪还未见报道,这就妨碍了大豆皮在畜牧生产中的广泛应用。本研究在已有研究的基础上,对用大豆皮替代麸皮饲喂生长肥育猪进行了研究,并对其所含营养成份与不同生产季节造成的替代影响进行了初步分析探讨。 本研究发现,肥育猪在炎热季节不宜过多替代添加,在日增重方面除替代4%组与对照组之间差异不显著勉强可以外,其余处理组均不能收到有益效果,且饲料成本均高于对照组;温暖季节用大豆皮替代麸皮饲喂50kg左右生长肥育猪,7%与4%替代麸皮在日增重方面,与对照组差异不显著,在饲料成本方面,分别比对照组每增重1kg降低0.12元与0.06元,效果理想,可以推广;寒冷季节用大豆皮替代麸皮饲喂生长肥育猪在日增重方面均与对照组无显著差异,在料重比方面亦与对照组无显著差异,在每增重1kg饲料费方面,处理2、3、1、4组分别比对照组降低0.28元、0.18元、0.15元、0.07元,是一种值得推广的方案,不论替代麸皮多少均可收到有益效果。大豆皮的纤维含量高,但木质素含量低,因而消化率较高,尤其是对于反刍动物,大豆皮不存在淀粉类谷物抑制瘤胃纤维降解的负互作效应。但用大豆皮替代麸皮喂生长肥育猪,增加了日粮中粗纤维水平,猪体增热增加,尤其是炎热季节,加重了热应激,以致造成对日增重、饲料转化率的不利影响。

【Abstract】 Soybean capsule, weighed 8% and cubage 10% of soybean, is a sort main product of modern oil manufacture. It is important to develop this kind of resources in feedstuff manufacture. It has been found that the nutritional value of soybean capsules is the same as that of the corn when feeding cows. In recent years, conclusion is drawn which it has determinate effect that appropriate soybean capsule are added into the diet of enceinte sows, and it has no negative effect substitution of soybean husks for wheaten bran in feeding enceinte sows. Nevertheless, no report on the use of soybean husks in feeding growth-finishing pigs. It slows down the use of soybean husks in animal breeding. Based on some previous research, the study has made research on the use of soybean husks in feeding growth-finishing pigs and analyzed its nutritional components and the substitution effect in different season. The study showed:1 The substitution is hardly needed in summer except 4% substitution groups. The other project have no active effect, but the cost was higher than comparison groups. In warm season, the dailygain by substitution of soybean husk for 7% or 4% wheaten bran was the same as that of the comparison groups when feeding growth-finishing pigs weighed about 50kg, while the cost decreased six fen to twelve fen per kilogram.2 In winter, though the daily gain and the proportion of feed to weight was similar to that of comparison groups, the cost decreased twenty-eight fen, eighteen fen, fifteen fen and seven fen in experimented groups 2, 3, 1, and 4. Any project has negative effect in winter. The high cellulose content and low lignin content of the substitute lead to the high digestion coefficient, especially ruminants, as there is no negative effect which corny amylum inhibits rumen to degrade cellulose.In another hand, the substitution in feeding growth-finishing pigs increase the coarse cellulose content in pigs’ diet and the increment of fever, making the hot alarm reaction more serious, especially in summer , hence negative effect is brought out.

  • 【分类号】S828.5
  • 【下载频次】180

