

The Study of the Exploitation on the Pharmaceutical Plant Resouces in Xinjiang

【作者】 高雁

【导师】 惠寿年;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 植物学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以新疆地产药用植物胀果甘草(Glycyhizza inflata)的根茎作为实验材料,主要运用了植物学、植物化学、生物化学,药物化学等研究方法,研究用大孔吸附树脂提取甘草皂甙的工艺流程。大孔吸附树脂是近几年才发展起来的一种提取分离中草药有效成分的方法,在提取天然植物中活性成分皂甙、黄酮、内酯、生物碱等方面有着广泛的应用。本实验用甘草酸标准品对初选的7种大孔吸附树脂进行筛选,选取吸附量和解析率都较高的树脂,结果表明D290和D301的吸附率最大,比文献报道的D101吸附率高20%,但用浓度梯度乙醇不能对D290、D301进行洗脱,设计改变洗脱方法,结果表明PH=3、80%的酸性乙醇解析效果很好,D290的解吸率高。研究D290树脂的吸附性能和影响因素,结果表明:D290可以吸附5倍树脂床体积的甘草酸标准液而不发生泄漏,吸附15倍树脂床体积的甘草酸液达到饱和,吸附原液PH=5,吸附浓度为5mg/ml,吸附流速为4BV/h,洗脱剂为PH=3的80%的酸性乙醇时,吸附量和解吸量都是最理想的,结果经HPLC检测纯度为83.2%,达到并且高于目前国际标准。同时实验微波粗提甘草皂甙,结果表明:在低火档位加热二十分钟连续提取三次,比水煮法更加省时。大孔吸附树脂提取甘草皂甙工艺简单,产品纯度高,可为甘草酸的制备方法创造一条新的工艺路线提供依据。

【Abstract】 This paper, based on roots and stems of Glycyrrhiza inflata. in Xinjiang, attempts to extract Glycyrrhiza saponins from it by macro absorption resin. Macro absorption resin is a effective method which extract and separate useful parts in medical plants. The paper choice seven macro absorptive resins and study standard Glycyrrhiza saponins quiet absorptive and dis-absorptive experiment by use of the theories and method of many subjects, such as those of botany, plant chemistry, biology chemistry and medical chemistry. The result show the absorption of D290 and D301 is the best. It is not comform to the paper in which D101 is good. But it can not dis-absorptive by different concentration alcohol. I study dis-absorption. The result show: PH=3 80% alcohol is very good. I choice D290 at last. Though further research, the results show: D290 can absorb 5 double resin volum but it can’ t let out and it has 15 double resin volum when it is saturated. When Glycyrrhiza sopanin PH=5, conoentration=5mg/ml, flow rate=4BV/h, its absorption is the biggest. When dis-absorption is 80% PH=3 alcohol, its dis-absorption is very good. The coarse product of Glycyhhriza sopanin is according to rute form Dong A Ling who is my depart graduate student before. Then the coarse product is absorbed by D290 and make exact product. Last, the pure degree is 83.2% through the determine of HPLC. I also test to extract Glycyhrriza sopanin by microwave. The use of time is very little with this method. The extract of Glycyhrriza sopanin with macro absorb resin is very simple. The common laboratory can carry on. I propose that the extract of Glycyhrriza saponin by macro absorb resin can combine with factory so that it can enhance the significance of Glycyhrriza in Xinjiang and prosperous the economic of my district.

  • 【分类号】S567
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】456

