

About the Life Consciousness in Han Yu’s Literary Thoughts

【作者】 于恩萍

【导师】 王佑夫;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 韩愈作为中唐最富有独创性的文人之一,在他的文学创作和批评中蕴涵了富有鲜明生命意识的文学思想。本文从韩愈的文论中选取了三个主要命题,结合他的创作实践,就其文学思想的生命意识作一粗浅的考察。全文共分三部分: 1.“文以明道”。韩愈的“道”指的是儒家之道。韩愈认为,在思想领域内,振兴中唐社会的唯一途径就是复兴儒家学说。韩愈在坎坷的仕宦旅途中无法实现自己救亡图存的报国之志,于是转而走向文学创作,希望能以形式上最为自由的古文和古诗作为载体,宣扬儒道,实现复兴国家的理想。“道”的现实性、情感性和崇高性的特点使韩愈的创作具有充实的思想内容和感人的艺术力量。同时,“道”作为抽象的教条对韩愈的文章也产生了一些负面的影响,这是韩愈社会生命价值和个体生命价值的冲突在文中的表现。 2.“不平则鸣”。韩愈主要受到司马迁“发愤著书”说的影响,强调生命个体的情感在创作中的动力作用和本质特征。从感性生命第一性出发,韩愈在诗歌创作审美风格上尚“奇”,并采取以文为诗的手法,进一步拓宽了诗歌的审美形态。韩愈深刻地认识到,人的个体生命需要精心地维护,诗文对人的个体生命也具有超脱和维护作用。韩愈将诗文的这种抒情审美娱乐功能概括为“舒忧娱悲”和“以文为戏”。 3.“气盛言宜”。诗文创作是创作主体感性生命形态的自由舒展,当然,它有着这样的前提,创作主体必须具备良好的道德修养和高深的艺术积累,能够进行艺术创新,自成一家。以积极有为的生命精神来达到创作主体生命的自我完善,在作品中实现个体生命的大力张扬,充分体现了以儒家生命意识为主导,儒道并重的生命理念的特色。

【Abstract】 As one of the most creative literates in Tang Dynasty, Han Yu contained abundant literary ideas of the life consciousness thoughts in his works and comments. On the base of the studies by our predecessors, the paper sums up several groups of the theoretical categories. As Han Yu’s life consciousnesses and inditement is concerned, the paper, as a whole, can be divided into three chapters:1. "The function of literature". In Han Yu’s view, the function of literature is to convey the Tao, which refers to the Confucian philosophical and moral principles. When Han Yu realizes that he by oneself couldn’t save the middle Tang Dynasty by renewing and promoting Confucian ideas on the frustrated official travel, he reforms the style, initiates ancient Chinese prose and composes ancient poems in order to publicize Confucian ideas to solve social problems. Han Yu resumes the historical status of prose and extends its practical range to reflect every field of realistic living. And his prose has been permeated with fervor and sublime. At the same time, "logos" abstract conducted also hads some negative influence upon his articles. It is the performance that Han Yu give attention to individual life value and social life value, which clashes with each other.2. "Outcry against injustice". It is mainly affected by the Chinese idiom "Fa Fen Zhu Shu". (Make a determined effort to write books)But, Han Yu places more emphasis on the function of feels’ noumena. He insists that the affection should be resented freely. Han Yu upholds queerness. He composes poems with sentence structure of prose and queer intention. He is quite aware that individual life should be vindicated carefully. The function that literature could vindicate the individual life is generalized "expressing griever, expressing sorrow with disport" and "writing just for fun" by Han Yu.3. "Qi Sheng Yan Yi". The sensibility of life gives new life into Inditement, which is on the premise of the writer’s literary accomplishment in morality and personality, the acquisition of his literary and artistic competence through practice, the development of his personal artistic characteristics, the enlarging of his reading range, etc. aspiring enter. Writers have a high spirit of perfecting and displaying his features of ego life adequately. And it incarnates that Han Yu attaches more importance to the consciousness of Confucianism life, but he dosn’t ignore the consciousness of Taoistic life by no means.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】324

