

The Comment on the Concept of Poetics of Nalan Xingde

【作者】 罗艳

【导师】 王佑夫;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 纳兰性德是清初著名的满族词人,在文坛上所获得的评价达到“北宋以来,一人而已”的高度。然而令人遗憾的是,研究者对纳兰性德的关注大多只集中在两个方面:一是对纳兰性德词集、年谱和手简的整理、笺校与考订;二是对其生平、诗词内容、风格及风格成因的研究。而对纳兰性德诗歌理论的研究相对薄弱,较少有系统的论述。本文对纳兰性德的诗学观作了较全面的探讨。全文分为两大部分。第一部分阐述纳兰性德的诗歌本质观,从以下几个方面入手:1、对清初诗学背景下的诗歌本质观进行探讨,为纳兰性德的诗歌本质观提供一个历史的比较平台,以突现纳兰性德的诗歌本质观特有的民族色彩。2、探讨纳兰性德诗歌本质观,以“性情”为核心范畴,分析了“性情”的内涵、源泉、特性、审美功能以及与其他创作要素之间的关系。第二部分分析了纳兰性德的诗歌创作观,主要内容包括:1、重视情致的抒写。2、倡导比兴寄托。3、主张恰当用典。4、反对因袭模仿。5、主张学古求变。纳兰性德的诗歌创作观始终贯穿一个根本宗旨,即诗歌要抒写诗人的情感与个性。

【Abstract】 Nalanxingde is a famous Man clan poet in the beginning of Qing Dynasty, he wins very high praise: there is only one person from the north of Song Dynasty to now. However it is regretful that the attentions which the researchers paid to Nalanxingde often focus on two facets: one facet is arranging, annotating and correcting Nalanxingde s poetry, life record and original handwriting, the other facet is the research on Nalanxingde’s life, the content and style of works and the cause of style. The research on Nalanxingde’s poet theory, which conducts his literary and artistic creation, is short of systematic study. In the article, the author makes an elemental discussion about the concept of poetics of Nalanxingde.The whole article can be divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the concept of poet essence, which includes the following two facets: 1) The research on the concept of poet essence on the background of poetics in the beginning of Qing Dynasty, supplies a historical and comparative platform for the concept of poet essence of Nalanxingde, in order to stress highlight on Nalanxingde s national special features about the concept of poet essence of Nalanxingde. 2) The research on the concept of poet essence of Nalanxingde, mainly focuses on the "feeling" category, including contents, features, aesthetics function of feelings and the connecting with other essential factors.In the second part, the author analyzes the concept of poet creation of Nalanxingde, which includes four facets: 1) Pay attention to expressing feelings. 2) Initiate placing feelings on works. 3) Advocate using allusion correctly. 4) Oppose following other people’s example. 5) Advocate learning to the ancients in order to seeking change. In a word, the concept of poet creation of Nalanxingde runs through a basic aim from beginning to end: a poet should express his feeling and personality through his poems.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】975

