

The Research of Tactics for the Quality and Technology Supervision Sector is Faced with After China’s Entrance into WTO

【作者】 王子信

【导师】 卢国斌;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 矿业工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加入世贸组织给质量技术监督系统带来了严峻的挑战,并提供了绝好的发展契机。一方面有利于促进我国检验市场的运作方式与国际惯例接轨,有利于我国检验行业全面了解国际检验市场的发展动向,有利于国内检验机构提高竞争能力,开拓国际检验市场空间;另一方面也对我国检验市场政策、格局、走向及国内检验机构和队伍产生深远影响,而受到冲击最大的则是各地方质量技术监督部门。为此,本文在分析质量技术监督管理体系和市场体系的构成及质量技术监督系统存在问题的基础上,重点研究了中外检验检测市场的不同之处及入世后对中国检验市场的机遇和挑战,提出了入世后我国地方质量技术监督管理部门和技术机构的改革及调整设想。 入世对中国检验市场的机遇和挑战,首先研究了入世对中国检验检测市场的积极影响,重点研究了入世对中国检验检测市场的挑战。入世对我国检验市场政策、市场格局、检验机构、检验委托方、检验人才队伍、检验市场的公正性及未来发展走向带来严重挑战并产生深远影响,并重点提出尽快调整我国的有着法律法规以便同.WTO接轨。 在此基础上,明确了我国地方质量技术监督管理部门和技术机构改革与调整设想,首先提出国家应从宏观上采取加强法制建设、合理布局、加大政策扶持和资金倾斜,并积极丌放检验检测市场的积极对策。其次提出了地方质量技术监督部门从微观上采取的对策,一要解放思想,深化改革,合理设置机构和人员编制;二要加大设备投入力度,加强技术保证体系建设;三要加快质量技术监督系统内部人事制度和分配制度改革,建设一支高素质、适应发展需要的检验检测人员队伍;四要面向市场大力发展委托检验和校准市场,加大服务力度,以其特有优势参与国内国际两个市场的竞争。

【Abstract】 China’s entrance into WTO has brought about a severe challenge to the quality and technology supervision sector and has provided an absolutely good turning point for its development as well. On the one hand, it helps to promote the linking of rails between the operation mode of China’s inspection market and the international normal practice, it helps China’s inspection industry to understand in all respects the development trend of the international inspection market, and it helps the domestic inspection organizations to increase their competition capacity and open up the space of international inspection market; On the other hand, it also gives far-reaching influences to the policy, the pattern, the trend of our country’s inspection market and the domestic inspection institutions and teams. However, what it gives the greatest impact to are the local quality and technolog-y supervision bureaus. For this reason, on the basis of analyzing the constitution of the quality and technology supervision management sector and market system and the problems existing in the quality and technology supervision sector, this paper focuses on the study of the differences between China’s inspection and testing market and the foreign markets and of the opportunities and challenges China’s inspection and testing market is faced with after-the entrance into’ WTO, and puts forward the idea of reforming and revising our country’s local quality and technology supervision management bureaus and the technology institutions after China’s entrance into WTO.Regarding the Opportunities, and Challenges China’s Inspection and Testing Market Is Faced with After China’s Entrance into WTO, the positive influences given to China’s inspection and testing market after China’s entrance into WTO is first studied, thestudy of the challenges China’s inspection and testing market is faced with after the trance into WTO being focused on. China’s entrance into WTO has brought severe en-challenges to our country’s inspection market policy, market patterns, inspection institutions, inspection entrustors, inspection personnel ,the impartiality of the inspection market and the trend of the futural development, and will give a far-reaching influence. Also it centers on that our country’s relevant laws and regulations should be revised as soon as possible so as to link rails of WTO.On the basis of the above mentioned, the. idea of reforming and revising our country’s local quality and technology supervision management bureaus and technical institutions is clearly defined. First of all, it is proposed that the state should macroscopical-ly adopt the active policy of enhancing the construction of legal system, reasonably laying-out, increasing the policy support and inclining funds , and actively opening up the inspection and testing market. Secondly, it is proposed that the local quality and technology supervision bureaus should microscopically take measures: (1) To free oneself old ideas and deepen the reforming, and reasonably set up the manning system of the from institutions; (2). To increase the equipment investment and enhance the construction of technical guarantee system; (3). To speed up the reforming of the system of human affa irs and the system of distribution within the quality and technology supervision sector, so as to build up a high quality team of inspection and testing personnel which conforms to the development; (4).To cater to the needs of the market and to devote major efforts to developing entrusted inspection and calibration market and to intensify services in order to take part in the competition with its own advantages in both domestic and international market.

【关键词】 WTO质量技术监督机遇挑战
【Key words】 WTOQuality and Technology SupervisionOpportunityChallenge
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204

