

【作者】 裴鼎鼎

【导师】 张连武;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 意象理论是中国古代文论的一个传统范畴。王夫之是中国古典意象论集大成式的人物,意象论是王夫之诗学体系的核心,本文旨在从原始文本出发,在纵向度的史的梳理和横向度的理论阐发上,努力对王夫之意象论内涵作进一步的整理与探索。论文除引言与结语外,共分五个部分: 引言部分对王夫之的身世、学术思想背景,其意象论的地位、内涵、总体特点作概括性说明 第一部分是对中国古典意象论历史发展脉络的梳理。 第二部分是对王夫之意象论的构成要素“情”、“景”加以说明,指出情是融合了儒家传统思想和诗人个体审美情感的“情”,景是人生图景和自然画面的统一。 第三部分对意象的生成进行理论阐述。首先对情、景的内在统一关系作出分析,其次阐述意象生成的方法及条件,揭示意象兴会生成的内在规律性特征。 第四部分着重分析了意象的两种类型,即“情中景”、“景中情”。 第五部分分析了意象的三个美学特点,即意象的独创性、浑成性、多义性。 结语部分对王夫之意象论的贡献做了简要总结。

【Abstract】 "Image" is an a traditional category of ancient Chinese literature & art theory. WangFuZhi was a great master of Chinese classical imagery theory.The imagery theory was the core of the poetic system, and This thesis will discover and coordinate the connotation of the imagery theories in historical and academic eyes based on the source materials of imagery theory. This thesis is divided into 5 parts ,including prologue and tag. Prologue takes a recapitulative recite of WangFuZhi’s life of experience, the background of learning thoughts, the position and connotation of the imagery theory.Part 1 to talk about the development of Chinese classical imagery theory history .Part 2 to discribe the feelings and situations which was the important elements of the WangFuZhi’s imagery theory, and to take the point out that the artistic figure created in the author’s mind after blending the poet’s subjectice emotion and the objective things.Part 3 take a academic expatiate to the creation of imagery. First, it analyse the internal unitive relations of the feelings and situations, second, talk about the ways and conditions of the imagery creating, open out the imgery internally regulaly character of the creation of a sudden flash of inspiration.Part 4 mainly analyse the 2 style of the imgery, "feelings are in the situations" and "situations are in the feelings".Part 5 analyses the 3 aesthetic characteristic of the imagery, there are original creation and inherent characteristic and multivocal characteristic.The tag resumptively summarize the contributions that WangFuZhi had done for the imagery theory.

  • 【分类号】I0
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】352

