

【作者】 赵素忍

【导师】 霍现俊;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分绪论、正文四章和结语共六部分。绪论部分简述了目前学界对《剪灯新话》的研究现状及本文的选题意义。第一章从作者考辨入手,廓清了学界长期以来在《剪灯新话》作者问题上存在的异议,并就瞿佑存留作品、写作态度两方面进行了探讨,否定了以文为戏说,认为瞿佑的写作态度是认真的,他是有意要在小说中寄予深沉的感慨。第二章着重从小说史发展流程的纵向角度对《剪灯新话》进行分析,探究其渊源,充分肯定它的文学价值及在中国小说史上的地位。第三章主要探讨《剪灯新话》的思想内涵和艺术特色,认为:寄寓深沉的感慨是《剪灯新话》在思想内涵上较之唐宋传奇进步的地方,以诗词入小说是剪灯新话在艺术上最大的特点,而不是缺点。第四章探讨了《剪灯新话》对后世小说、戏曲创作的深远影响,以及它对整个汉文化区的小说创作所起的启蒙与引导作用。经过探讨,本文认为从上述意义上看,《剪灯新话》是伟大的。

【Abstract】 This article is composed of six parts: the introduction, the four main chapters and the conclusion. The introduction is about the present study situations on Jian Deng Xin Hua and the value of this article. Begins with the investigation and discrimination on the writer of Jian Deng Xin Hua, Chapter 1 sweeps away the objections on the question which has been in the academic circle for a long period of time, and it makes an inquiry into the well preserved works of QuYou and his writing attitude. While negates the view point of "write a novel as a drama", it admits that QuYou was conscientious in his writing and he wanted on purpose to express his sigh of deep feeling. Chapter 2 lays emphasis on the in-depth analysis to Jian Deng Xin Hua from the angle of the novel’s history, probes into the origin of Jian Deng Xin Hua and affirms its literary value and status on the history of Chinese novel to the full. Chapter 3 is about the mental connotation and the artistic character of Jian Deng Xin Hua, which proves that expressing the sigh of deep feeling is just the advantage of Jian Deng Xin Hua by comparison with the romances of the Tang Dynasty. Chapter 4says that Jian Deng Xin Hua has made so deep influence on the following novelistic and dramatic creation and it becomes a guide of the novelistic creation in the whole Chinese cultural area.In a brief, this article regards Jian Deng Xin Hua as a great production.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】467

