

【作者】 李计勇

【导师】 张大军;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 1941年到1942年间,日本为巩固和扩大占领区,在华北实施了五次以军事、政治、经济、文化等全面进攻为特征的“治安强化运动”。“治安强化运动”是日本侵华史上极其重要的一段时期,然而长期以来史学界却对其缺乏深入系统的研究,对期间日伪的经济活动更是重视不够。本文在对已出版的档案资料、报刊等爬梳的基础上,运用河北省档案馆藏的原始档案资料,吸收前人的研究成果,试图较为全面、系统地探讨“治安强化运动”期间日伪进行的经济封锁、统制经济、配给物资、掠夺华北等活动的具体状况,揭示日本帝国主义实施的“以战养战”政策的实质及其经济侵略活动的多样性和残酷性。 本文前言概述了“治安强化运动”及期间日伪经济活动的研究状况和本文主旨。正文分六个部分。 第一部分,分析日伪实施“治安强化运动”的原因,指明这既有日本“南进”政策的影响、也是在百团大战打击下日本一系列认识的转变和对其政策调整的结果,本部分还对五次“治安强化运动”的演变加以阐述,以此揭示历次“治安强化运动”及“治安强化运动”诸方面的联系、经济活动在“治安强化运动”中的地位。第二部分,考察“治安强化运动”期间日伪领导的合作社的发展及合作社进行的增产指导和掠夺农产品活动。第三部分,系统论述日伪进行的经济封锁活动,本部分从日伪经济封锁政策的演变、对根据地进行经济封锁、管制占领区物资、设立经济检查所、实行物资检查等方面加以阐述。第四部分,对日伪进行的经济统制、物资配给及控制物价活动予以阐述。第五部分,分析论述“治安强化运动”期间日伪对人民的掠夺及华北人民的负担情况。为掠夺华北,日伪除向华北人民征收繁重的苛捐杂税外,先后开展了所谓国防献金运动、强制储蓄运动和金属回收运动,本部分分别对其予以论述。第六部分,对“治安强化运动”中日伪的经济活动进行评价,分析日伪经济活动的“成果”和影响,探讨日伪实施的“治安强化运动”失败的原因。由于日本进行的是非正义的侵略战争,即使日本再在华北搞几次“治安强化运动”,也不能使治安强化于一时,更不能挽救其最终灭亡的命运,这就是历史的必然结论。

【Abstract】 From 1941 to 1942, in order to consolidate and expand the occupied area, Japan implemented five attacks in North China at characteristic " public security strengthen sport", which included all aspects as military politics economics culture, etc. It is a very important period of China in the history of Japanese invading, but for a long time there was not a deeply and systematic research on it in the historiography circle, especially on the false economic activities. On the foundation of sorting out the file material, newspaper and periodical that have published, and on the use of the original file material which hidden in Hebei File Material Embassy, and on the absorbing of the forefathers’ research, my thesis attempt to probe some concrete states of activities, such as the economic blockade, controlled economy, ration goods and material, robbing the North China in the " public security strengthen sport", and to announce Japan’s implementing " with fighting and raise the fight" in its economy invade and the variety and cruel qualities of its activity by imperialism.This text prefaces Sum up at the research states of false economic during the day of " strengthen at public securities sports" and this text purports of the economic activity. The text divides into six parts.The first part, analyze the reason why Japan implements " the public security strengthensmovement", point out that: this was not only the influences of Japan’s " south enter" policy, butalso the result of "100 regiment attack". Explain to the development of the five " public securitystrengthen sport"; and also at some originally, announce the connection between all previous "public security strengthen sport" and" its other parts, the statuses of economic activity in the "public security strengthen sport". The second part, observing the development of cooperativesociety during " public security strengthen sport" and the activities of raising the output androbbing agricultural product which carried on by the cooperative society. The third part,systematically described the false economic blockade activity that Japan carries on, It is originallydescribed from several aspects, such as the developments of policies of false economic blockade,the carrying on of economic blockade, controlling the goods and material in the occupied area,setting up economy check, implementing goods and material check. The fourth part, explain at theactivities of the false economy control, ration on goods and material and control price. The fifthpart, analyze and expound the situations of the Japanese robbing on the people of North China andthe burden of people during" public security strengthen sport". In order to rob the people of theNorth China, besides collecting the strenuous exorbitant taxes and levies to the people in NorthChina, Japanese develop so-called offering gold to national defenses movements, and metalretrieve sport and movement forced saving movement successively. The sixth part, to appraise onJapan’s false economic activity in " public security strengthen sport", and analyze on the"achievement" and influences of its economic activities, probe into the reason why " public securitystrengthen sport" failed. Because Japan carry on unjust war of aggression to China, he can’t saveits destiny of becoming extinct even if Japan make any other " public security strengthen sport " inNorth China. That is the inevitable conclusion of history.

  • 【分类号】K265
  • 【下载频次】157

