

【作者】 封文波

【导师】 阎克乐;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究旨在探讨腹式呼吸和聆听音乐对抗应激对心率、血压、手指温度的影响,以及A、B型行为方式者存在的差异。实验采用组间组内混合四因素设计(应激对抗方法、实验间期、性别、行为方式),以观看紧张性影片为急性心理应激源,使用腹式呼吸和音乐放松两种应激对抗方法进行应激前干预,记录A、B型大学生被试(采用北京大学张伯源修订的A型行为方式问卷,筛选河北师范大学本科生A型者36人,B型者36人,采用匹配分组的方式,分为音乐放松组、腹式呼吸组和对照组)在基线期-干预期-应激期-恢复期四个阶段应激对抗后的生理反应。结果发现:对于缓解应激产生的交感神经活动增强,不同应激对抗方法的作用差异显著,音乐放松的效果较好。腹式呼吸的作用也明显优于自然休息,但是掌握起来有一定难度,不得要领反而会引起紧张反应;应激反应各中介变量如A、B型方式和应激对抗方法的作用复杂,大多以交互作用表现出来,说明不同应激对抗方法适用不同类型个体;A型行为者心率在基线期高于B型者,应激期虽然仍高于B型者,但相差幅度小于基线期,说明行为方式对于应激而言,是一种微调变量,在自然休息状态或者低应激水平下作用更明显,应激水平较高时,行为方式的调节作用会显著降低;个体生理反应的性别差异随生理指标而有所不同,基线值的性别差异较大时,男女生的生理数据不宜混合在一起,基线值相差不大,可以用相对值(如变化值或变化率)进行统计处理。

【Abstract】 The purpose was to explore the effects of abdominal breathing and music relaxation on stress, and the differences because of personality. This study done front-stress intervention in use of abdominal breathing and music relaxation, with between-group and within-group fixed design. The subject’ physical stress reactivity was recorded in four phases.The result show: The effects of different stress coping method on stress were different, and music relaxation was better. The effect of abdominal breathing was higher than natural, but it was difficult to master abdominal breathing; The heart rate of type-A behavior was higher than that of type-B behavior in baseline phase. The same was in stress phase, but the difference extent was lower than baseline phase. This indicate: behavior pattern was inching variable, and had effect in natural or low stress level. The effect of behavior pattern fell significantly in higher stress level; The effects of medi-variable and stress coping method were complex, and most exhibited in mutual way.This show that different stress coping method fit different pattern individual. The gender difference of individual physical reactivity varied in different physical index.

  • 【分类号】B841
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】187

