

Study on the Establishment of Agriculture Water Saving Society

【作者】 任春霞

【导师】 商彦蕊;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 随着人口的增加和社会经济的发展,需水与供水矛盾日益加剧,我国北方地区水资源日趋紧缺,干旱缺水已经危及到社会经济生活的各方面,对实施资源环境和社会经济的可持续发展战略形成严重制约,建立全面的节水型社会成为当务之急。 石家庄市多年平均水资源总量为26.59亿m~3,人均水资源量为309.12m~3,亩均水资源量为298.53 m~3。连年的超采地下水已经导致地下水水位的持续下降,带来一系列资源环境问题。农业作为占总用水量70%的大户,对水资源的消耗起了重要的作用。 为了弄清楚石家庄市农业灌溉对耗水的贡献和节水的潜力,本文采用作物产量与需水的相关关系,分析了在水资源高效利用情况下,石家庄市主要粮食作物冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花获得实际产量的理论需水量;推算了在现状粗放灌溉模式下的实际需水量。扣除作物生长期内有效降水,得到理论或实际灌溉用水量;再与实际可利用的农业灌溉水资源量进行对比分析,得出1984-2001年的17年间,主要农作物的理论灌溉需水量、实际灌溉用水量、超额用水量,维持目前产量趋势下的理论需水与可利用水量的差值、现实产量下实际灌溉需水和可利用水资源量的差值以及理论灌溉需水量和实际灌溉需水量之间的差值,并以此确定节水空间,从而为节水型农业建设提供理论依据。 结果表明,1984-2001年,按照节水高效试验所得的产量需水模式,石家庄市获得逐年的作物实际总产量,理论上多年平均农业总需水量为305.84亿m~3,年均16.99亿m~3;其中冬小麦的多年平均理论灌溉水量为202.29亿m~3,年均11.24亿m~3。而实际农业总用水量为522.83亿m~3,年均29.05亿m~3,用于冬小麦的灌溉水量为239.10亿m~3,年均13.28亿m~3。获得现实产量的理论农业需水量与实际农业用水量的差额为216.98亿m~3,年均12.05亿m~3。理论农业需水量与水资源可利用量的差额为年均2.46亿m~3;实际农业用水量与可利用水资源量之间的差额为9.60亿m~3。由此得出由实际农业用水转变到理论农业需水的节水空间为12.06亿m~3。就结果来看,如果多年平均地下水资源量15.75亿m~3的70%用于农业,则实际农业过度消耗的水资源量为12.21亿m~3。可见,农业是构成水资源环境恶化的主要威胁之一,也是节水潜力较大的主要产业。 为了农业水资源的可持续利用,需要实施全面的农业节水,建立节水型农业来保障目标的实施。 从工程节水看,按照石家庄市农业局节水工程项目规划,预计到2005年喷灌年可节水6703.2万m,;管灌年可节水29607.6万m3;微灌年可节约用水1731.9万m3;、渠道防渗年可节约用水1904万m3。即工程平均年可节约用水3.9亿m3。仍有将近8.31亿m3的水资源亏缺,需要通过生物节水、农艺节水、科学灌溉、科学管理、经济杠杆、提高意识等多种途径来降低用水量。如果仍实现不了,就需要减少耗水作物冬小麦的播种面积。 目前,石家庄市节水型农业建设已经有一定程度的科技保障和较为丰富的经验。政府也在逐步提供技术和资金扶持。但就农户这一最终节水的实施者来讲,由于受到农业体制、政策、水价机制、经济收入、文化水平等多种因素的制约,节水意识和行动仍然滞后于现实紧迫的需要。这就需要政府从宏观和微观农户两种尺度上同时进行调整,制定相关政策、法规,进行节水型农业建设的科学研究和社会经济驱动力研究,有的放矢。本文最后就此提出了一些对策。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of population and development of social-economy, the contradiction between water demanding and water resource supply has been sharpened. Water resource scarcity in North China becomes much more severer than ever. Drought and water scarcity have affected each aspects of human social-economy, further restrict the sustainable development of resources and environment, forming the bottleneck of social-economy. Therefore, establishing a comprehensive water saving society is an urging task for the moment.There is totally 26.59x108m3 available water on annual average, each person only possesses 309.12m3, and one Chinese mu only occupies 298.53m3 in Shijiazhuang. In the past several decades, the solving of water shortage problem depended primarily on over-pumping of underground water. The successive over-pumping of underground water has caused a series environmental problems and exerted a great pressure on the ecology. Agriculture as the biggest water user plays an important role in water consumption. It uses 70% of the total water in general.To make it clear the contribution of agriculture irrigation to the exhaustion of water resource and the potential of agriculture water saving, using agriculture economic data from 1984 to 2001, this paper analyzed the theoretical and actual water demand of the three main crops including wheat, corn and cotton under the condition of high water using efficiency according to the correlation between the unit area crop productivity and water demand. And then calculated the actual water demand quantity under the condition of coarse irrigating mode. Taking out the rainfall quantity during each crops’ growing period, we got the theoretical and actual irrigation water quantity for the achieved productivity. The next step is to make a comparison analysis between actual water use and the reasonable available water resource. Following that we can get the total theoretical water demand, actual water use, over-pumping of underground water, the balance between theoretical and actual water demand under the condition of the present productivity trend, the gap between the actual irrigating water demand under the condition of the real production and reasonable available water resource for the 17 years from 1984 to 2001, so we can determine the water saving space. This is the base for the measures we should take for the establishment of water saving agricultural society.The result shows that from 1984-2001 the theoretical water demand for the real production under the condition of high water use efficiency mode is 305.84x108 M3, converted into annual demand is 16.99x108M3. Among which wheat demanded 202.29x108 M3, that is 11.24x 108M3 yearly. While the actual irrigation used 522.83x 108M3 , of which 239.10xl08M3 was given to wheat, converted into annual demand is 13.28x108M3. Thebalance between the total theoretical irrigation demand for the real production and the actual use is 216.98xl08M3 yearly, converted into annual demand is 12.05x108 M3. The gap between theoretical water demand and water available is 2.46x108 M3 yearly. The gap between actual irrigating water and reasonable available water is 9.60xl08 M3 yearly. Therefore, we can get the extent of water saving converted to the theoretical water demand by the actual water demand is 12.06xl08M3, As a result The water over-pumped can be as much as 12.21x108M3. Agriculture is one of the most dangers to water environment.Agriculture in Shijiazhuang must save 12.21x108M3 water yearly for the sustainable development of agriculture. This must be guaranteed by comprehensive water saving measures.In the view of engineering water saving and according to the Program of Agriculture water projects made by agricultural department of Shijiazhuang, to the end of 2005 the total amount of yearly water saving can reach 3.99x108M3, including 6703.2xl04 M3 that can be saved by sprinkling -irrigation, 2.96x 108 M3 that can be saved by pipe-irrigation, 1731.9x104 M that can be saved by dripping-irrigation, 1904 x10 M that can be saved b

  • 【分类号】F323.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】367

