

The Keyword Method in English Language Vocabulary Learning by Chinese Students

【作者】 邸立英

【导师】 董俊敏;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 很多研究表明,与其他学习方法相比,记忆术可以在很大程度上提高二语词汇的即时测试成绩。关键词法就是众多记忆术当中的主要一种(Brown and Perry,1991)。Ellis曾说道:关键词法的核心就是在目标词和它的译文之间创建形式和语义的一种关联。根据Allan Paivio的双重编码理论,以两种形式(视觉的及文字的)储存,信息更容易提取。关键词法就是创建了目标词和关键词的视觉关联。心理语言学家也谈到了“心理详述”(mental elaboration)的重要性,他们认为单词记忆的过程中提供的认知活动越多,单词的记忆保持得越长久(Schouten-VanParreren,1981,227-245;Ott et al.,1976,37-48)。另外,“深层处理理论”(“depth or levels of processing theory”(Craik & Lockhart,1972)显示,越是对词汇进行深度分析,越是丰富其视觉想象及联想,就越容易记忆。关键词法人为地创建了目标词与学习者已知词汇中某一相关词汇的主观联想,从而有助于单词的记忆。 文献资料显示,以往的研究主要涉及以英语(学习者的母语)关键词学习第二语言词汇为基础的实验。而且,这些实验中的关键词多是由实验者提供的,实验也是短期(不超过一周)进行的。本文描述的实验中,试图让中国学生在外语环境中通过一些英语关键词学习另外一些英语目标词(考虑到英语和汉语在音系和形态学上的重大区别),延时测验相对以前也延长至四周,目的是比较关键词法与传统死记硬背法的优劣,以及方法与时间的交互效应。 本研究采用了组间对比(Between-subjects Design)的方法。河北经贸大学172名学生被随机分到五个组:由实验者提供关键词的关键词法即时测验组;传统死记硬背法即时测验组;由实验者提供关键词的关键词法延时测验组;传统死记硬背法延时测验组;由受试者自创关键词的关键词法延时测验组。实验的变最是方法和时间,因变量是受试者的即时和延时成绩。实验结果用2×3多因素方差分析(ANOVA)进行统计学分析。 分析结果显示,时间效应显著,也就是说,即时测验成绩好于延时测验。关键词法的效应显著,两类关键词法都优于传统死记硬背法。但是,方法与时间的交互效应不明显,也就是说,关键词法与死记硬背法随时间而记忆缺失的程度类似,并无显著差别。此结果与以往文献实验结果不一致,唯一的解释就是在中长月bstrtlcl期(此实验是四周)情况卜,关键词法引起的记忆缺失少}不人于死记硬背法, 总之,关键词法及各种变体应该在外语词汇教学中:片有一)砧之地。 本论文共有五章。第一章简单回顾了外语词汇学习各种方法,并做出扎__总。然后引出关键词法:起源,两种不同版本,一些例子。第二章介绍r关键词法的心理语言学理论背景,以及相关文献回顾。第三章和第四章分别进行了实验描述及数据图表分析。第五章是结论部分,第六章是将关键一词法应用于课堂教学的一些可行性建议及具体实施策略。

【Abstract】 Research has consistently indicated that the use of mnemonic devices substantially enhances higher levels of retention in immediate recall of second language vocabulary words in comparison with other learning strategies. Keyword method is one of three types of mnemonic strategies( Brown and Perry, 1991). According to Ellis, the core of a keyword method is to create a form and semantic connection between the target word and its translation. In his dual-coding theory, Paivio acclaims that human memory is better if we encode it both visually and verbally ( Paivio, 1991a, p.5) . The distinctive feature of the keyword method is to create visual links between the target word and the keyword. The psychology of learning has revealed that a word is better retained the more cognitive activity is provided during learning (Schouten-Van Parreren, 1981, 227-245; Ott et al., 1976, 37-48). According to" depth or levels of processing theory" (Craik & Lockhart, 1972), "’the more [deeply] words are analyzed and are enriched by associations or images, the longer they will stay in the memory. The artificial associations are made by way of the keyword method between the target word and learners’ acquired vocabulary and hence consolidate the memory.As the literature review shows, the previous research on keyword method primarily involved the use of English (learner’s native language) keywords to learn the vocabulary of other languages. In addition, the keywords are usually experimenter-provided and the research is mostly conducted on short-term basis (no longer than one week). Hence, the present study attempts to conduct an experiment in which Chinese students employed English keywords to learn new English words considering the tremendous dissimilarity between their LI and English phonologically and morphologically, in which the delayed test is administered four weeks after learning the new words instead of one week, in order to test the effect of keyword method compared with rote memory method and the interaction effect of approach and time.The present study adopted Between-subjects Design in which randomly selected 172 students were assigned to five groups: Experimenter-supplied keyword method instant recall; Conventional rote memory method instant recall; Experimenter-supplied keyword method delayed recall; Conventional rote memory delayed recall; Self-generated keyword method delayed recall.A 10 English-Chinese paired blank filling test was administered immediately and four weeks after the subjects learn the same 10 new words. Finally, the results of the test were analyzed through 2x3 ANOVA statistical method with different versions of learning materials and different time recall as independent variables.From the ANOVA analysis, it was indicated that there was a significant effect of Time delay, i.e. the result of Instant Recall is better than that of Delayed Recall. And the effect of two keyword methods was also significant, that is, two keyword methods were superior to conventional method. However, an interaction effect between Approach and Time was not significant, that is, the memory loss caused by different Time delay was quite similar to each other for keyword method and conventional method. We might contribute it to that in terms of long-term memory ( four weeks in this study), the keyword method would not cause more memory loss, which was inconsistent with the previous study on short-term basis.In conclusion, the keyword method and its variants deserve a role in foreign language learning curricula.This essay mainly includes five parts. In Chapter 1, general vocabulary learning strategies were reviewed and a taxonomy was organized. Then, the keyword method was presented: its origin, its two versions, as well as some examples to illustrate it. In Chapter 2, the psycho-linguistic rationale and empirical literature review of keyword method was provided. The research description and data analysis was given in Chapter 3 and 4. Chapter 5 drew a conclusion and Chapter 6 proposed some ideas for classroom practice.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】320

